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This is awful. Just awful. LOOK AT WHAT THEY DID TO DONATELLO!





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This is awful. Just awful. LOOK AT WHAT THEY DID TO DONATELLO!
What. The. Hell.
Seriously? No, SERIOUSLY? With today's tech and ****, THIS is what we get?
I get that Donatello is supposed to be the 'geeky' one, but holy crap. Bay can take his turtles and suck 'em. I DO NOT WANT!
I'm dreading this movie (therefore will never watch it) I don't even want to think about what they've done with Mikey. :'(:'(:'(
Or Master Splinter. Is he even IN this movie? :(

@Frostmourne wait for Karma, she's a'comin :sneaky:

+Totally forgot what I was thinking now.:grumpy:
Friday after work: Play ACIV: Black Flag MP mode
Saturday morning: Watch The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Saturday night: Play Final Fantasy X HD
Sunday morning: Play ACIV: Black Flag MP mode
Sunday noon: Play WWE 2K14
Sunday night: Play Saints Row IV
Monday - Friday: Back to work

I have such a busy yet screwed up schedule in life. :hungover:
Oh my god, seriously! Stop fighting me. Seriously. Seriously. Stop. Like...right now. I don't have the patience for this. You are a character in a story, let me write you. No. Stop that. Stop acting like a brat. I'm serious. Yes, I know about the stuffed bunny. And yes, I'm going to tell everyone if you don't stop this childishness. Now. STFU and let me write you. :shifty:
This merits the question: how and why? :laugh:
I was watching a sea documentary on a whale and her calf swimming to colder waters to feed, and a pod of killer whales attacked the calf for an hour trying to kill it and drown it. They didn't go after the mom cuz, well who would (she's a giant)...and it was so sad to watch them succeed. You see the mom defending her baby and it just tugged at my heart strings. I know it's nature and all, but the baby...:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(
I was watching a sea documentary on a whale and her calf swimming to colder waters to feed, and a pod of killer whales attacked the calf for an hour trying to kill it and drown it. They didn't go after the mom cuz, well who would (she's a giant)...and it was so sad to watch them succeed. You see the mom defending her baby and it just tugged at my heart strings. I know it's nature and all, but the baby...:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(

Aye, nature can be very harsh, indeed. I had the misfortune of watching a mother duck kill one of her babies...when I returned it to her, no less. I like orcas (I like most animals, in fact), but I definitely understand the feels. :( It's sad when you actually see it happening.
I was watching a sea documentary on a whale and her calf swimming to colder waters to feed, and a pod of killer whales attacked the calf for an hour trying to kill it and drown it. They didn't go after the mom cuz, well who would (she's a giant)...and it was so sad to watch them succeed. You see the mom defending her baby and it just tugged at my heart strings. I know it's nature and all, but the baby...:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(:'(
lolololololol and then you get the ignorant teenagers who leap off the waterfront walkway here in Welly where Orcas are notorious for visiting frequently. ONE DAY, it will make the headline news that one of those kids got attacked by a killer whale. Never say never, right?
I want to try raise my kids not to be so stupid. Like. Just DON'T jump in the ****ing water, kids. You can't see killer whales until they're on you in deep water. :facepalm:

+Um, no, we want to live and work in the UK, not for a UK a company in Australia. There's no effin way I'm moving to Aus. No, nope, nopity, nope. Not even for the good weather. I'd rather be stuck indoors in a snowstorm in UK than go for a walk outdoors and get effin attacked by a snake/spider/kangaroo. I've had enough of wildlife back in SA, thank you very much.
Killer whales have no interest in attacking humans, unless they're caged or otherwise in great danger. Maybe if you happened to jump right on top of an orca it would attack, but otherwise... no. Just wanted to point that out.
You trust nature way too easily.

No offense, but in today's job market, I'm not sure you can afford to be picky... but if you can, more power to ya.
True, but yes we are in a position where we can pick and choose.
True, but yes we are in a position where we can pick and choose.
I say this because I was just talking to someone who was being picky -- and who also wasn't willing to move --

-- well, it's partially because they had just moved, but still -- food and roof, ya know?


It's just that I'm sitting here thinking: Just go for a job already, even if you have to move. That's what your sibling did. You should too. Wow.
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