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Reuben Langdon , and I gulped down a breath of fresh air.

Whoa okay. Wtf were we doing then, auto text predictor? Tell me, oh great oracle of random words.

It was easy to get into the equation.

...don't riddle me this and that. Just tell me straight up. I can handle it.

The only thing that is the best way to get a chance to win the game.

Omg I think I like this oracle.
Wait.... talking to my tablet doesn't mean I'm doing something evil, does it?
Okay ummmm...how about.... will I meet Reuben irl sometime soon (preferably with him coming here:banghead: as I hate flying).?

If so , you will find out more about the new version of the New York City and the best way to get a chance to win the game is to be a good time for a while.

...but I'm married! D:

The other thing that you can get sparda out if you are not the intended recipient of this message...

:eek: OMG Vergil is that you hacking my tablet?!

I'm so sorry to bother you, but I read the book.

OMG WHAT BOOK?! WHAT IS THIS MADNESS?! Am I seriously talking to Vergil here?

If you are not the intended recipient of this message in error, please visit this site and I will be able to make sure that you are not an easy way to go to the bottom of the World.

Okay... this is kinda freaky but if you are Vergil, you suck, man.

He was taller than I'd thought, and at the end of the corridor.

Wait. What? Lol this is intesnsely amusing ( and probably not good for my psychosis)... I'm just gonna stop now before. ?.. hey wait, can I talk to Dante too?


Um.... hellooooo, Dante, you der?

I have a good idea to do it for you.

Wtf, okay, Bring eet...later, when I'm writing, I gotta fish out a turd from my tub now because mister let her rip.
I have a rule, I don't accept requests unless I know who people are (and if someone sends a request who's from the forum, I'd like for them to tell me who they are *forum name* ).
It's something I came up with when I had two people gave me an 'ear bashing' for ranting about how my dad was being a complete twonk... I thought, "Fudge you, you don't know what we've got to put up with and it's my fudging fb wall, so I'll write whatever the fudge I want to." (Mind you, that explains why I only have about 40 friends...lol)

CT: I have a question to ask the writers of the forum.
Have you ever written a story in 'bits' (not in order... i.e. as it 'springs to mind'), then put it all in order when you've got most of it and, then filled in the gaps. (If that doesn't make sense, then I'll try and explain it a bit better).

I love 'italic' fonts.
I'm so sick of this acid reflux... the damn thing woke me up at 5.30am. I know I have a busy week next week, but if my 'insides' didn't work against me so much, I wouldn't be having so many damn appointments (and so much stress). :banghead:
I have nothing but chunks of random sections - I actually really struggle to write in order, mostly because I really undisciplined as a writer and horrendously out of practice. When I was younger I could only write a story in order but now things are far more haphazard.

Also, ask if you can be put on Lansoprazole - it is very effective at sorting out acid reflux and is compatible with most other meds. Doesn't conflict with my antidepressants or hayfever meds. See if you can try it - one pill an hour before breakfast and even on day one it works. I haven't touched antacids for almost a month now.
Game of Thrones tonight- excited!:D Going to have a watching party again, whic probably means I'll have to watch it again tomorrow because the guys like to shout at the TV. :laugh:
Ted Timmins left Lionhead?! :'(

+ So...given the lack of eggs, I guess we'll only be having one batch of scones after all. :facepalm:
++ Apparently my mind is disdaining writing peace after all the drama I've been writing lately. Personally, I think that part of my mind needs to shut up and deal with it. :meh:
Oh holy crap, since when was the .hack quadrilogy so difficult?! "Go to this dungeon solo" Okay, sure, it's a level 8 area but I'm level 12, no biggie, go to try and clear out the field enemies and I get ambushed by some boss-level enemy with 770 HP and attacks that do 80 some a hit when I've only got 245 HP to my name. Time to go back to town and buy some stat-increasing items... Never thought I'd have to do that.
Hmmm...I wonder if I have enough to start working on Chapter summaries, yet? I could...it's not like I can't add more to them if more ideas crop up.

Also giving thought to whether I can/should do the plotting out of chronological order, just in case events from a later chapter prove to be more demanding (as in, the thought won't stop nagging at the back of my head until I write it) than earlier ones. Hmm...it doesn't help that I'm getting mixed signals from Gwen and the boys...:cautious:
I just don't understand some of these things on TV. They're like a modern day freak show to shock the audience and sensationalise people who are different; be it obese, too skinny, some kind of physical disability or mental illness. There's a fine line between educating, and a lot of these shows cross that line into exploitation.
Morgellons....forensic science...quantum physics...string theory...ze 12 dimensions of creation... astronomy and Revelations... it's sunny out today, hurray... if I drink 4 litres of water in one sitting, will I drown myself? Or would I just become painfully bloated, in which case, would I float easier in the sea then or sink like a rock?...wish Hotel 626 was still online....**** dude, I thought that was someone screaming for a second but it's just-....... what angry birds? I don't have angry birds on my phone? SETH WHAT AR YER DOIN?
This wind is crazy yo.
Maybe when I finish the story I can get back to my art? I like that idea.
Kids these days with their effin earphones. HELLO, there's a TRAIN coming your way. Stupid.
@Rebel Dynasty @Loopy @Dante's Stalker @Shadow & @Angel
Thank you for your opinions. I think I'll keep to working on my story that way (it will probably need a lot of work anyway).

@Angel I'm already on something called Omeprazole, apparently (from what I've read on the net ) Lansoprazole and Omeprazole are pretty much the same (except Lansoprazole works faster).
I've got an appointment with the Doctor on Tuesday, so I'll ask him about it (not that I want to go, especially after what he told my dad about me). :shifty:

CT: Hello! Persona 4 Arena... when am I actually going to get to mash some buttons?
I know I have quite a few things to reply to, but I'm going to have to leave it until tomorrow... *ish tired*
:poop: (pooped...lol)
Trying to stay awake for Game of Thrones so that I can wake eveyone else up for it. It always seems to be me on waking up duty, but I am the one who doesn't sleep much, so that's fair enough. :tongue:
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Should I feel bad for not getting super excited that today is our 3 year wedding anniversary?
I mean.... I'm babysitting today so I can't do lunch, and dinner is going to be late because I tend to have a cuppa tea with the kids' mum before heading into the city to pick up hubby.
3 years is nothing though so whatever.

I should be writing right now.

Ohhhhh....man *hyperventilates* WANT THIS PILLOW NAO!!!!