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Im wondering if i need a new controller because i had a this weird moment when i was trying to navigate the ps3 menus where the controller was unresponsive and start bugging out on me and my file for ac3 got corrupted cause i loaded a segment with haytham and that was buggy and unresponsive too :facepalm:
Im wondering if i need a new controller because i had a this weird moment when i was trying to navigate the ps3 menus where the controller was unresponsive and start bugging out on me and my file for ac3 got corrupted cause i loaded a segment with haytham and that was buggy and unresponsive too :facepalm:
Maybe it's haunted? :tongue:

Thinking: Today I mastered eating with one hand and holding a baby in the other at a buffet, while stopping said baby from lunging out of my grasp to try and eat my ice cream. :tongue: He really wanted some, but he's too young.
I should be writing....
BUT I suck at fight scenes
BUT I'm still half asleep
BUT I'm not inspired atm
BUT I'm hungry
BUT I want a mocha
BUT I need new pants....this bugs me too much, NEED to go shopping for my fat ass today
BUT I really want to watch this horror first
Etc etc etc


CT: Finally! My first Antagonist...and my god, is she ever going to be a b*tch. The things my plot bunnies have planned (that I had better jot down, before I forget...dammit, I just closed the document). :facepalm:
Next time, I'm not taking a friend's recommendation on a good TV show to watch. Now I'm thinking about all the subtle and totally ignominious ways to die. One guy died drowning in his cat's food bowl...brutal. :hungover:
I really want to watch Flash Gordon just to see how terrible it is XD *listens to Flash Gordon theme tune on repeat*
Thinking: Facebook, why are you so shallow?

I check my facebook for the first time in a month, and I'm spammed with this:

I don't even know all of these people!:laugh: Some of them don't even live in the same country as me; and I think some of them were people I might have vaguely talked to on a night out.

Which brings my grand total to:

Just proves how shallow faceook is when people add me after barely getting to know me, or adding me because they never met me, but like how I look. :laugh:

The best part of facebook is when guys send me messages wanting to meet up even though they've never met me. :rolleyes:So I check these guys profiles and it seems like they're with someone, or married with kids, or don't even live in the same country. They also don't seem to understand the facebooks status of 'in a relationship'.:tongue:

Yet another reason why I don't use that thing anymore. Shallow and superficial and it's also morphed into some sort of site for people who want to cheat.
CT: I'm going to pull out a pad and pen and write down all my ideas. Then I shall see what to do from there. thanks brain for come up with these wonderful ideas with no way to start or finish. :D Attack of the plot bunnies!!!!!!!!!!!!
On another note been playing Assassin's Creed III. And having fun. Love the series. X3
Oh, Reeves; why did you come to me so much more readily than your superior did? I'd better be careful; I like you as much as Phenex and Forneus...they won't be too pleased with that. O_O

There is not enough coffee in the world, today. I feel like I'm running off of manic energy, here.
I'm chuffed that I finally found my 'Dante gloves', and it didn't cost nearly as much as I thought.
Which makes me think Dante is a cheapskate.
Anywho.....if you wear leather pants, and you've got leather car seats, make sure you turn the volume up on the radio. Otherwise you'll be squeaking every time you need to change from gas to brake. Lolololol what an awkward squeaky drive....

Officially starting my liquid/vegan diet today. Good thing we had biltong and droewors before this weekend.

I have a rule, I don't accept requests unless I know who people are (and if someone sends a request who's from the forum, I'd like for them to tell me who they are *forum name* ).
It's something I came up with when I had two people gave me an 'ear bashing' for ranting about how my dad was being a complete twonk... I thought, "Fudge you, you don't know what we've got to put up with and it's my fudging fb wall, so I'll write whatever the fudge I want to." (Mind you, that explains why I only have about 40 friends...lol)

CT: I have a question to ask the writers of the forum.
Have you ever written a story in 'bits' (not in order... i.e. as it 'springs to mind'), then put it all in order when you've got most of it and, then filled in the gaps. (If that doesn't make sense, then I'll try and explain it a bit better).

I love 'italic' fonts.
I'm so sick of this acid reflux... the damn thing woke me up at 5.30am. I know I have a busy week next week, but if my 'insides' didn't work against me so much, I wouldn't be having so many damn appointments (and so much stress). :banghead:
CT: I have a question to ask the writers of the forum.
Have you ever written a story in 'bits' (not in order... i.e. as it 'springs to mind'), then put it all in order when you've got most of it and, then filled in the gaps. (If that doesn't make sense, then I'll try and explain it a bit better).

I love 'italic' fonts.
I'm so sick of this acid reflux... the damn thing woke me up at 5.30am. I know I have a busy week next week, but if my 'insides' didn't work against me so much, I wouldn't be having so many damn appointments (and so much stress). :banghead:

I personally haven't, but I know of writers who do. I'm one of those people that needs to write things in chronological order, otherwise I'm liable to create inconsistencies. ^^; That isn't to say I don't come up with stuff out of order-I have tons of that going on, right now, stuff that will happen later on in my story-but as far as actually writing it out goes? Not so far. I honestly should give it a try, one of these days.

Sorry to hear you're under so much stress, lately. *Hugs* I'll keep my fingers crossed that things start calming down for you.
I have a rule, I don't accept requests unless I know who people are (and if someone sends a request who's from the forum, I'd like for them to tell me who they are *forum name* ).
It's something I came up with when I had two people gave me an 'ear bashing' for ranting about how my dad was being a complete twonk... I thought, "Fudge you, you don't know what we've got to put up with and it's my fudging fb wall, so I'll write whatever the fudge I want to." (Mind you, that explains why I only have about 40 friends...lol)
Yikes, someone did that to you just because you posted about having a bad time? I haven't had anything like that, just people trying to ask me out and flirt. So I block them once I realise they're like that. It's creepy.

CT: I have a question to ask the writers of the forum.
Have you ever written a story in 'bits' (not in order... i.e. as it 'springs to mind'), then put it all in order when you've got most of it and, then filled in the gaps. (If that doesn't make sense, then I'll try and explain it a bit better).
Do you mean that you have solid ideas for different sections of the story, so you want to get them out in full and then bridge them with other story sections later?
I'd say there's no harm in that. If you've got a good idea and it's fresh in your head, get it out before it goes and then bridge it with another part of the story later.
CT: I have a question to ask the writers of the forum.
Have you ever written a story in 'bits' (not in order... i.e. as it 'springs to mind'), then put it all in order when you've got most of it and, then filled in the gaps. (If that doesn't make sense, then I'll try and explain it a bit better).

...is there any other way of writing? O_o
I do that all the time, although it creates a bit more work during the second draft to straighten out inconsistencies. The scenes I'm not sure how to link up to the previous set of events often wins a time-break from me. Or. Whatever you call them again. Paragraph break? Nya! And people think I'm a guru bwahahaha. It lets me jump from one scene to another without having to say how we got there. We're there. DEAL.:woot:

It's also very time consuming to write scene by scene non-chronologically. Hence major delays in updates.
But it's a lot more fun and gives you more space and time to develop the story in your head before you put it in words. And you don't feel like a rigid soldier forced to march one way. Gives you plenty of creative space to ....be creative. If there's anything I've learned of writing, it's that you can't force creativity.
CT: I have a question to ask the writers of the forum.
Have you ever written a story in 'bits' (not in order... i.e. as it 'springs to mind'), then put it all in order when you've got most of it and, then filled in the gaps. (If that doesn't make sense, then I'll try and explain it a bit better).

I used to, but then I noticed my list of "fics complete" was much shorter that my "fics in progress" list for stories I did that on. Now I just suffer through writing chronologically to help me get the fic done. =)
(Interesting side note, as of this year my over all list of fics/ideas that need to be complete/written are: 63. My fics completed are: 13. And people wonder why I'm doing so much during NaNo. x_x)

So...instead of a short break...I slept eight hours. On the plus side, I don't feel like I'm about to die from my sinuses being evil b*stards.
+ And now to edit and be quick about it.