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Escape Plan. What a wicked good film that was - totally wasn't expecting to love it that much.

Jake read a book by himself - sure, it's probably just remembered but he only saw it for the first time today and if his memory is that good, it's almost photographic.
Escape Plan. What a wicked good film that was - totally wasn't expecting to love it that much.

Jake read a book by himself - sure, it's probably just remembered but he only saw it for the first time today and if his memory is that good, it's almost photographic.
Try him out again and see if he can pull it off more than once. I have to admit, I find the subject of photographic, and the more advanced eidetic memory thing quite fascinating. Usually children sort of grow out of it, or retain a speciality for words and numbers VS pictures. I think there's also a tenuous link between autism and certain types of photographic memory. I say that because my friend's son seems to be displaying some kind of memory abilities that a pretty impressive.

He has recently developed a thing for reeling off the names of directors and the all films they made. We have no idea how he got into this, but it's pretty cool. He used to do it with only Disney films and rattle off lists of voice actors matched to the characters. I guess directors and their films is his new obsession. He tends to have phases of things, then he totally loses interest and goes onto something new. So, while he doesn't have conversations, he will go non stop, literally shouting out directors and their films.

I wish there was some kind of practical application for what he does because he could use it to maybe find a job when he's much older, that is, if he can develop his social interaction a lot more. It certainly would be a huge load off my friend's mind knowing he could do that and get a job. Sometimes his future worries her so badly.
But I guess it's a waiting game, heaped with a lot of realism over the situation. Yes, he has a good memory for that kind of thing, but that doesn't compensate for his lack of social skills, freakouts, and almost non verbal, except for memorised facts.
My friend doesn't want to jump the gun and cling to something like that, saying that her child is special and gifted, when he may never be able to express himself fully, participate in regular society and do things normal people do.

This article on photographic memory is quite interesting. I've heard about this lady before. She's the one who made the hug box because she couldn't stand human contact, and she's pretty gifted, savant level gifted:

Apparently, she has a more dominate right hemisphere, which accounts for her exceptional abilities, but her left side is weak, and she has an enlarged amygdala which accounts for her lack of social ability, and empathy, and hatred of human contact. But, I don't think you'd know she was autistic, considering how well this lady handles interviews on her specialist subject.

Only thing is, I don't agree with is the whole 'idiot savant' idea. It's a bit of an insulting way to put it, plus it's giving a sense of false hope that all children with some kind of developmental delay or neurological disorder will have exceptional ability of some sort, like eidetic memory, to compensate. That just doesn't happen all the time. When it doubt, MRI scan.

Also thinking: who ate some of my Ben and Jerry's last night and didn't tell me? I don't mind sharing, but there is such a thing as asking, and a little something called house rules and boundaries. There will be consequences.:tongue: Heck, I'll just buy some more and let whoever ate it finish it off. Chances are, they ate directly from the tub, and I don't want their germs.
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Thinking: Why the heck do these women get involved with inmates and start relationships with prisoners who have committed rape and murder and all sorts of other disgusting crimes? O_o I just don't understand what they could be thinking that they want to even have contact with a man like that, let alone marry them if they ever are released.
Well, that explains why I couldn't get on that site...they changed their name.

At least I figured out how to get there so that I could realize they changed their name. ^^;
I think they wanted to change it so it reflects all styles of comic now, rather than just manga... that is if you're talking about IB/MM. ^_^
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I think they wanted to change it so it reflects all styles of comic now, rather than just manga... that is if you're talking about IB/MM. ^_^

Lol, yup! Indeed, I was. XD I figured you'd know, since it's your fault I have you to thank for getting me on there to begin with. ;) (But seriously, there's a lot of good stuff on there! Holy crap, I'm an addict, lol).
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Lol, yup! Indeed, I was. XD I figured you'd know, since it's your fault I have you to thank for getting me on there to begin with. ;) (But seriously, there's a lot of good stuff on there! Holy crap, I'm an addict, lol).
There are some good writers and artists on there, for sure. They just upgraded it to make it much easier to navigate and store their work to read later as well. When they update, it should spam your email that they added pages ;)
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There are some good writers and artists on there, for sure. They just upgraded it to make it much easier to navigate and store their work to read later as well. When they update, it should spam your email that they added pages ;)

Lol, I welcome it. All I get are notifications in my inbox, anyway. XD Pfft, what are personal emails?
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Note to self: don't let hubby play RPG again. He does not understand that it's not Battlefield.
I love how he kept stealing stuff even though he was being surrounded and beat by guards xD

Ahhh man. Wish I was actually feeling well. Sucks that this had to pull me under again just before his birthday :(

I want to go finish reading chapter 22. After I've had a shower and got the cake in the oven. Which means I need to get Seth down for a nap first.
I wish I had money. Then I could move away from here. It's not that I dislike being mum's caregiver, but...I just have this feeling that, if I don't leave soon, the next one to end up in a mental health place will be me all because of Gran. >_< *at her wit's end*

+ NaNo? Please hurry up and start. Please. x_x
++ I wish mandalas didn't turn into blobs when you shrink them down tiny. Would make this character chart easier.
I'm too laid back, the apocalypse could be happening outside and I would still be here, smiling and singing along to TF2 remixes.
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Thinking: wake up, add some more, go back to sleep...wake up, add some more, go back to sleep, carry that on for a bit...wake up next morning and wonder why....I'm beyond it right now and my desk is covered in drool. Time to pass out on a bed me thinks.

Also thinking: thank goodness it is my day off tomorrow. I can finally get my hair sorted. It's needed doing for 2 weeks now.
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Thank you Loopy! If someone hadn't posted I might have cracked a whip! (Not at anything in particular but rather for the sake of being able to do it!)

God.....I've MISSED this place! I shall visit my second home more often because, being here again makes me happy.

Plus I have so much to share! (Not just spandex related stuff) but my novel, my items, and my madness!!!!

2014 is the year of S-R-S! XD
I have a feeling I'm going to be my NaNo cabin's cheerleader for two weeks, then I'm gonna say "to hell with it" and mope about how far behind on words I am. >_> Mwahahaha!

Chick is still around! :rolleyes:


Ya... shes a handful nowadays. (Yes, that's her breaking through the Earth. She was waking up for breakfast!)
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Chick is still around! :rolleyes:


Ya... shes a handful nowadays. (Yes, that's her breaking through the Earth. She was waking up for breakfast!)

Whoo-hoo! *glad Chick is still around* Aww, I'm sure she didn't mean to break the Earth, it was pretty broken to begin with.... >_>

I have just come to the startling conclusion that, when mum has her glasses on, she looks like Ronald Knox. Does that make my mother a Reaper? :eek: What does that make me, then?! :nailbiting: Seriously, though; I think it's a combination of her glasses and the fact that her hair is currently a bit long and one colour at its tips and another at it's roots...she does a pretty mean imitation of Ronald, though. XD