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3 Days from now it will be 10 months since I joined this place.
Boy, time flies doesn't it? I remember dropping my chilli dog just to make an account and try to make people laugh...and I remember a certain member (not here now) criticizing me for it, trying to make people laugh...can you imagine that being a law? To NOT make people laugh?
Anyways, I remember posting gifs here and there, people laughed and quite frankly I enjoyed it...making others laugh.
Right now, I kind of lost my touch at making others laugh, even though I still try...I ran out of ideas.
Shoop da woop
Why am I watching this show, it sucks
*Does a shoulder stand*
I should make something of myself... *Plays minecraft*
*Drops ice cream on my shirt* ._. ... I WAS COMFORTABLE AND NOW I MUST MOVE
*Scrolling on Facebook* I hate everyone.
*Watches vines and giggles to self*
*Replies to the thread "Last Post is The Winner"*
*Tries to beatbox and learn the cup song*

...Don't judge me...
Stilts keeps getting into the crocheting. I hope anyone anticipating a crocheted gift isn't allergic to cats. Then again, I need to finish these things. @_@ Just sit my butt down in front of a movie and crochet til my arms fall off.

Before I was born (and in the first few years of my existence), my parents had a cat called Tiggy. She used to attack balls of wool when Granny was knitting... the worst thing about is was when Tiggy had fleas and they got into the wool :lol: Granny was not pleased :3

CT: My TV was due for delivery today... the bloomin' thing hasn't turned up, and neither has the paperwork that I'm still waiting for... someone is now taking the mickey! *angry face...slams head against desk*...
At least Tilly has stopped scratching...
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CT: So many story ideas in my head!!!! NO!! DANTE YOU STAY THERE!!!! >:(
Dante::shifty::troll: *Runs off like a lunatic*
me: And there goes my DMC idea...
And why are the smilies not working! >.<
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I just found a book on Amazon called 'It hurts when I poop'. Who the heck writes this kind of stuff?!:blink:
Lit the first fire of the year tonight and almost set off all the fire alarms in the house and covered the street in smoke. :lol:Need to get a chimney sweep to come over soon. I'm surprised the firemen didn't come over again. XD Probably scared everyone half to death, poor people.

+ STILTS! Get your friggen paws away from the fireplace! I know the coals are pretty, but seriously! D: Momma's scared for you!
++ =D It's Walter! *spazzes*
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So I finished watching all of Big O. This is one of those series where one must have constant spolier filled notes beside them. I enjoyed the show but I need more info because the ending was vague. Vague I tell you!
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