I wonder if FFN is back up and running? 's killer when the writing bug bites and you can't get to your work.
I'm soooooooo tiiiiiiiired. This depression needs to take a flying leap out my life now. If I'm not sleeping for 12 hours on end, then I'm not sleeping at all. It's doing my head in

Can't believe this is the last week of babysitting. I'ma miss my other babies, 'specially my twins.
Ice cream and butter chicken = major regrets. I'm going to suffer this week.
these muffin bake bars aren't helping either....
now the question is, am I going to finish this fanfic, or start prepping for Nano, or try and clock DMC4? I have to start from scratch on DH mode because Callum saved over my game. Should be a breeze if I can sit down and do it today, and I've got no other commitments so....
funny this: the other night my kid and I got into this epic pillow fight. He's got friggin good aim. Our pillows kept clashing mid-air XD
And then when I dodged out of the room to go retrieve some of my ammo, when I got back he was perching on top of the couch a la DMC style. I laughed so hard I couldn't get up off the floor.
My kid is cool.