"Twerking" is added to the dictionary:|
Why it's so obvious. I was twerking on something a minute ago.
"Twerking" is added to the dictionary:|
Why it's so obvious. I was twerking on something a minute ago.
Why do i always get these crazy awesome ideas when i am taking a ****in the toilet.
Why do i always get these crazy awesome ideas when i am taking a ****in the toilet.
Why it's so obvious. I was twerking on something a minute ago.
I thought it was 'northern'.
"I'm going t'werking" (to Woking)
lol... sorry
Yeeeeeh go L! Go boy go! I can't wait to watch the next episode *L fangirl*:w00t:
Is...is this my fault? ._. *wonders if we're thinking of the same L*
Dang it, ma! Why'd you have to put a horror movie on?! I won't be able to sleep for a month.... *can write it but can't watch it**cowers and jumps at every small sound*
I can't review your fic if I don't know who's who and what's going on, right?
What movie were you watching?
Whoo-hoo! =D He's like...awesome, right? *thinks we should fangirl about it soon*
Hehe, true.
Erm...The Lady In Black...I think. Has Daniel Radcliffe in it. x_x Gods I hate scary ghost movies.
That was a pretty good movie. It sucks when you watch it the second time around though![]()
DENIED!!!!!"You should probably get some rest," Dante said, idling in the doorway. "Shout if you need me."
"What if I can't?" I asked.
"Then bang on the wall."
I could hear the springs squeak in the other room when Vergil got onto the bed. "What if I can't?"
"We're right next door, Cora, there's nothing to be afraid of."
"Can't I stay in your room?" I asked hopefully.
"There are only two beds."
"Well can't someone stay in my room then?" I pleaded.
"...with one bed?" Dante asked, arching his eyebrows at me incredulously.
"I just don't want to be alone, okay?" I snapped.
"We're right here..."
"Says the invincible half-breed who didn't just get his arm broken into smithereens!" I yelled at him. I took a breath to calm myself.
Dante stared at me, surprised, and shook his head. "No, Cora."
"Dante, please-"
He lifted his hand to cut me off and shook his finger at me. "No." He closed the door before I could protest.