WOW *Picks jaw up from floor*... I just hope people don't think it's Nite and Dante (Vergil's hair is wet... ya know, like in DMC3, it's gonna be a bit embarrassing if they do :/ ).
WOW *Picks jaw up from floor*... I just hope people don't think it's Nite and Dante (Vergil's hair is wet... ya know, like in DMC3, it's gonna be a bit embarrassing if they do :/ ).
Wow, a guy at Walmart remembered me just cuz I wear corsets.... ._. Weird.
I was just having a massive debate about corsets with my friend >_<Wow, a guy at Walmart remembered me just cuz I wear corsets.... ._. Weird.
Time to shop somewhere else... :blink:...?
I was just having a massive debate about corsets with my friend >_<
o_o Debate? *wonders what you guys said*
It basically boiled down to giving him a history lesson on why women wore corsets way back and why there's no need for them today (and my personal preference) vs his stance that it makes girls look sleazy. Not a real 'debate' as such. He's got posters of girls in bikinis. :/
I don't see corsets as sleazy. They're perfectly normal cothing for me. I also have abig collection of them and think they're stylish.I like wearing them when I'm out with my goth friends.:blink: Oi. Tbh...I don't understand why people say corsets are sleazy. Outside of fetish-y circumstances, they aren't sleazy, imo...well, for the most part. @_@ *thinks bikinis are more revealing than corsets* (Then again, I'm totally biased because I hate wearing swimsuits but love corsets.... >_>)
:blink: Oi. Tbh...I don't understand why people say corsets are sleazy. Outside of fetish-y circumstances, they aren't sleazy, imo...well, for the most part. @_@ *thinks bikinis are more revealing than corsets* (Then again, I'm totally biased because I hate wearing swimsuits but love corsets.... >_>)
OMG I want one soooooooooooooooo bad! Especially when you can pair them up with a cute pair of jeans or jazz it up for the workplace, I mean wear it over the shirt. XD. I gotta start saving up to get one.:blink: Oi. Tbh...I don't understand why people say corsets are sleazy. Outside of fetish-y circumstances, they aren't sleazy, imo...well, for the most part. @_@ *thinks bikinis are more revealing than corsets* (Then again, I'm totally biased because I hate wearing swimsuits but love corsets.... >_>)
Those shows give a bad image of teenage mothers who actually try to raise the baby, and encourage teenagers to go out and have babies so that they too can aspire to be on a trashy TV show which glorifies the consequences of contraceptive failure.>_< Besides, I heard these girls got paid a lot of money to be on this show, so it's not like they will be struggling for money like most teenage mothers are.Thinking:
I don't what they are trying to do with Teen Moms. Is MTV saying that if you are13-16 and get pregnant then you have a chance on the show or are theysupposed to beshowing the hardships, cuz' it seems glorified to me.
OMG I want one soooooooooooooooo bad! Especially when you can pair them up with a cute pair of jeans or jazz it up for the workplace, I mean wear it over the shirt. XD. I gotta start saving up to get one.
Those shows give a bad image of teenage mothers who actually try to raise the baby, and encourage teenagers to go out and have babies so that they too can aspire to be on a trashy TV show which glorifies the consequences of contraceptive failure.>_< Besides, I heard these girls got paid a lot of money to be on this show, so it's not like they will be struggling for money like most teenage mothers are.
And as for that Farrah girl who was on that show, I feel so sorry for her daughter. What sort of a mother gets breast implants and then makes a porno video?! I really hope the child does not grow up and find that footage.