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God, those bombings...why do people have to hurt each other? Why do we have to kill each other and glorify death? And ffs why does the media have to show the footage over and over again? It's bordering on disrespectful.
Agree. It's bad enough to see it once, but must be worse for friends and family who know victims having to see the explosion lots of times.

Sometimes I wonder what kind of world we bring children into when these horrible things happen. But humans have always been like this. Can't have peace for very long. Thre's always a war, or a bomb, or a robbery, or a shooting....
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Do not be concerned with cause and effect because the window of opportunity is now closed. My arm is extended in judgment against the nations of the world, and no one can stop what I have already set in motion. I have begun to release my wrath says Adonai, the Almighty One.

Know this, my people, they who scoff at my Torah and mock my name shall be brought low. They who think lofty thoughts and prosper by their own strength shall be brought to their knees. Their financial storehouses will be empty and good for nothing, for I will make the silver and gold they trust in as worthless as clay, ground to powder and blown away like dust in the wind. They will know that I am God who gives and who takes away.

Yes, my people, you will see a shaking of all you hold dear. All that is familiar will become strange and unfamiliar. You will no longer trust in the system of this world. Your governments will become your enemy as they struggle to maintain power. Don't be deceived by their offer of false security and empty promises for a better tomorrow. They are nothing more than delusions. I am the one who blesses and withholds blessings.

There will be great oppression. As people begin to see these things coming upon the Earth, chaos will erupt. There will be great fear and trembling as the world system crumbles before their eyes. The time of my judgment has come. I am the Righteous judge.

Know the times and the seasons, says Adonai, for many will be deceived when they close their ears to my warnings. Separate yourselves from the world and cling to me. Prepare yourselves my people. This is not a time to build, but a time to pare down. Let go of the things that enslave you. Do not busy yourselves with many things for this, in itself, is a great deception and many will fall because of it.

Seek my face as never before. Repent of evil. Turn from it and turn to me. Come before me with clean hands and pure hearts. You will have safety in my presence says the Lord. I am your protection and your provision. My arms will shelter you, but only if you stay in them. Be still before me. Wait quietly and listen for my voice. Remain in my Word and hide it in your inner most being. My words are life to you. Be ready to comfort those in need. Watch the signs that are given and heed my warnings. Fear not, my people, for I am with you always, even to the end of the Earth. I am Adonai, Elohim, and I am coming soon.

That interview was long...whew, thank Jashin I got it done!...

CT: Now my leg wants to be funny and starts playing up *sigh* I always get the short end of the stick...
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This whole Boston thing reeks of government conspiracy and a false flag attack...

Yeah, I said it. :mad:

Most of you have heard of "Loose Change", so I don't need to get into the specifics.


Go ahead, citizens. Give up your rights in the name of "national security."

I however, have one thing to say to those who think they can take away my inalienable right to self-defense...

Whew. The interviews were taxing me mentally and physically, for some reasons... Only one more interview left.

My laptop didn't like answering them either :lol: I don't think I've had to use my brain like that since school.

One week later and still no direct debit set up on my paypal/bank account... what are these dudes playing at?!
Every time I use that Crest Pro Health with the matching mouth wash, it feels like I've been sucking on a lemon for thrity minutes:ermm:. Is that supposed to happen? lol. Like my mouth is so soft and mushy feeling. Good grief.
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Brain: "You know how celebrities call their fanbases by different names? If I ever get published and have fans...I think I'll call them "minions". Just so I can say "I have minions" and not be laughed at. >_>"
.... *headwalls*

I want to be a minion :3

Damn you Paypal... some people need their accounts to work.
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