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They're those asshole "god hates fags" people. They're picketing the funerals because they think God is trying to kill us all just because we're trying to get same-sex marriage passed. -_- But Boston is a tough town. I'm sure they'll get a "nice" greeting!

...I'd say what I think of them, but I'd probably get banned from the forums. These people are idiots. >_<
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Westboro Baptist Church is planning to picket the funerals of those who died in the Boston Marathon Bombing... I'm not surprised. Which is a bad thing. What a despicable group of people... They should be ashamed to call themselves Christian, and it doesn't take a religious person to be able to say that. I might be an atheist, but I respect all religions. I just don't respect the crazies...
Those nutcases had better have police holding them back and keeping them away. They're like a cult, not christian at all to be so disgusting at funerals for soldiers and attack victims. Do they really think that sort of behaviour makes their god happy?

Plus, they indoctrinate their children...that's a whole new level of sick, to put terrible words in a child's mouth like that and make them think god and religion is about hell and judging people just to make yourself feel superior. They keep people in that cult by using fear of hell; that's pretty vile to tell children from an early age they will burn in hell unless they say 'god hates fags' and other terrible things.

At least one or two of the younger members had a wakeup call and left.

...I'd say what I think of them, but I'd probably get banned from the forums. These people are idiots. >_<
Say what you feel. I just let rip because those kind of cults make me so mad.
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Speak your mind, I doubt anyone would bother defending them. LOL

Say what you feel. I just let rip because those kind of cults make me so mad.

Well...if you insist. >_> I was gonna say "well, if there is a hell, I'm sure they'll be first in line" and then something else with alot of asterisks. >_>


They finally legalised gay marriage in my country! About f*cking time I say!....

Yay! ^^

Interesting fact of the day: asterisks can be used to denote words that exist but aren't documented or gramatically gramatically correct.
+ After all these years, I still think Jessica Rabbit is hot.
++ Why is it that if a guy dresses like a woman, he's a drag queen...but if a woman dresses like a man, she's just a tomboy? :/ Why can't we be drag kings?
I wish I didn't eat that garlic bread earlier...
Who the heck is Dr Wilson?! I wish my surgery would stop bringing in new quacks.
Nope, Coffee is still too hot...
I'll go and do some drawing...
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Apparently as a female I should not watch or enjoy Metalocalypse because it degrades women...WTF?! >_< That show is funny as hell....besides, it's not like the guys on the show don't get their fair share of homoerotic subtext jokes. :P
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Apparently as a female I should not watch or enjoy Metalocalypse because it degrades women...WTF?! >_< That show is funny as hell....besides, it's not like the guys on the show don't get their fair share of homoerotic subtext jokes. :P
That's like saying The Big Bang Theory degrades men.
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Jeez I'm so bored i could kill myself...mentally....
For me, killing myself mentally would be watching 'real' housewives of the....(insert place here). :lol: They're not real. Half of them have so much plastic surgery and act like desperate old women trying to be young again. It's sad to watch.

Thinking: Why are there so many shows on TV right now showing Japan as some magical land of anime and wacky inventions? >_< I'm sure this is what fuels Japanophiles and gives a false image.
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