Could you do a pic of an angel/angels? Your interpretation ^_^I hate to sound desperate but, please do, I need something to do ^^ PLEASE!
(I mean desperate for something to do.)
Could you do a pic of an angel/angels? Your interpretation ^_^I hate to sound desperate but, please do, I need something to do ^^ PLEASE!
(I mean desperate for something to do.)
I'm bored and I have nothing to do... dammit, I wish my paypal was set up.
Could I request an artwork?
Could you do a pic of an angel/angels? Your interpretation ^_^
:O Can I request one too? *puppy dog eyes*
Today is guna be a crap day, I can just feel it.
I know it's just a movie, but could America be even more insensitive to its own people? Back in the day, they cut a scene with a chopper stuck in a web between the twin towers out of the newest Spiderman, out of respect.
Now they're blowing up, flying planes left right and centre into every tall building and the White House in Olympus has Fallen?
You know, at least they waited nearly a hundred years before they made a movie about Titanic. It's been little over a decade since 9/11 and now they're punting this **** out?
Of course you can ^^
School draws ever closer... and I'm running out of time to revise, and I still can't be bothered.
I'm going to play Minecraft now:3 Ah, the joys of procrastination.
HahaNo! REVISE. I know you probably get it all the time but trust me, it'll be worth it in the end.
Big hint: Do not use Minecraft physics if you have to sit a physics paper too.
Thinking about my character in the story i am working on.
No. No, they actually don't drive me nuts or make me mad.
That's all me. I don't know how to control myself and that reflects on how I deal with the kids.
Self-analysis: Dr.Phil will blush.
I love my kids. They're so friggin awesome.
They went a little overboard with the Riddler trophies in Batman Arkham City.