I’m so frustrated right now! Just want to rant at some random person….or blog it. But, I don’t have a blog…. Not sure what to do. :| Oh, still waiting on Vergil's Downfall....it will be sweet when I play it, yes. :devil:
I feel like people want to slap me when they hear I was a bully. C'mon, peeps, it was high school and it ran for a streak of two months, I was depressed, my life was falling apart and my main target happened to be one of my old, long time friends. We made up afterward and we're on good terms now, and I've never been proud or boasted about being a bully. Stop mentally slapping me! D:
I feel like people want to slap me when they hear I was a bully. C'mon, peeps, it was high school and it ran for a streak of two months, I was depressed, my life was falling apart and my main target happened to be one of my old, long time friends. We made up afterward and we're on good terms now, and I've never been proud or boasted about being a bully. Stop mentally slapping me! D:
I never thought it was bad. I was a bit of a bully in elementary school, but it was because of the crowd I ran in. Kids do stuff when they're frustrated with life and in a bad place. :/
App letter has been sent, but, for the second day in a row, my day has been cr*p. Maybe it's a curse. >_<
I just want to say, for me, that's your past. Here and now, you are my most awesomest friends. :3
Right back atcha VeebsHAHA! Thanks to a few sleepless nights, I've finally finished my Gaming soccer team :3
I chose the 4 most evil guys i could think of to be officials
I just want to say, for me, that's your past. Here and now, you are my most awesomest friends. :3
For some reason, in my head, when I read the name "Angelo" it is pronounced [an-jello] when I know that it really is pronounced [angel-oh]... dunno why.