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No, you guys aren't dull and boring at all.

I'm just going thru a bad patch at the moment.
Nothing i do makes me happy. Like i said... bad patch.
I'm not good at explaining how i feel.
Yeah, maybe your just tired of peoples ignorance around you.
I mean, i think believing in something like christianity or any other religion is totally absurd and stupid. I hate why they think that something, ONE thing surpasses all and created all... Why should we believe in such nonsense without even slightest proof? Ohh, sorry i think i wandered off a little.

Or maybe you do like logos on your clothes, that's too bad. :(

Free navigation huh? Yeah ofc, that is what a GPS is for stupids! Or does it cost to use a already expensive to buy GPS?

Or maybe you just having a rough time accepting something, maybe it is something you wanna do but something emotional hinders you.

OOOORRrrrr MMMAAAYyyBBbbBbBBeee you've just fallen into a pit of sorrow, misery, pain and despair?

Just so you know, self pity won't help, nor will the opposite.
I think I am quite like Vergil, I really don't like to talk about how i feel (plus, i like the idea of standing on a roof with Yamato).

I haven't been feeling right in days.
Yamato? Wasn't that a japanese battleship? How the hell would you like to stand on a roof with a friggin battleship?!

Haha... Battleship stands right below battleship in my sentences, man that is awesome!

One question though, why did you think of quitting the forum when your actual emotions is the problem and not the forum?
Or are you still pulling our legs?

Or maybe it was an impulsive thought?

Man, i'm so full of ideas when it comes to this. Dunno why but this thread makes me wanna say everything and makes it so much easier to find out possibilities.
I'm not pulling arms, legs or any other body parts... it's something i've been thinkng about for a few days.
But how does it connect with the forum?
I know, we have been mocking you all the time making you the laughingstock in the forum and you can't stand it anymore. So instead of standing up to yourself you take the cowards way and leave with a small message saying your thinking about leaving hoping for someone to care but thinking that everyone will be like "Okay, who cares..." .
Just speculating, you've caught my interest on this subject.
I dunno, maybe noone, maybe everyone, maybe even I mocked VB subtle in a way i didn't know.
Maybe potatoes grows on trees (man that would be awesome!), maybe i do infact love potatoes (HATE THEM! but i love the word), or maybe i'm not fully serious right now.

Ohh, sorry... Scrubs is on, gotta go!
Whuh... Why? It's not right to keep all your emotions bottled up like you are... If you don't tell anyone, you could actually get physically ill. It's happened to me before. I just want to know what's wrong, and I'll help you in any way I can. I can't stand to see someone sad when I know I can help them. It's not in my nature. But for me to help you, you have to help me. What ails you, VB?
clairavance;205294 said:

What about it?
what your a believer?
Your smiley shows me that you dislike the post...
Damn, did i mock you?
Sorry... No i'm not sorry. I feel sorry for you to believe in such nonsense then.

The ignorance is stupid and stops mankinds progress forward, it is primitive to sit down and say things are something when you don't know and not trying to find an actual answer.

@DreadnoughtDT: Keeping emotions bottled man not always be a solution, especially not to people like us here on the internet. You know you shouldn't share too much information to anyone about yourself, emotional things is something not even friends or family know of, why should we, actual complete strangers hear them?

Thanks to Romero I know how to show who i'm talking to, you have my gratitude!
Have you got absolute proof a God of some kind doesn't exist?

'Cause if you have, get your book out there and your face on TV. It'll be worth a buck or two million.

Otherwise, it might be better to respect the right of other people to believe what they wish, without calling them 'ignorant'.
aka958;205312 said:
What about it?
what your a believer?
Your smiley shows me that you dislike the post...
Damn, did i mock you?
Sorry... No i'm not sorry. I feel sorry for you to believe in such nonsense then.

The ignorance is stupid and stops mankinds progress forward, it is primitive to sit down and say things are something when you don't know and not trying to find an actual answer.

@DreadnoughtDT: Keeping emotions bottled man not always be a solution, especially not to people like us here on the internet. You know you shouldn't share too much information to anyone about yourself, emotional things is something not even friends or family know of, why should we, actual complete strangers hear them?

Thanks to Romero I know how to show who i'm talking to, you have my gratitude!

Ok It's one thing to not believe in religion, but it's a whole different ball game to shoot someone down because of what they believe in. I don't believe in God and I'm no Christian. But I don't go around saying that people are "ignorant" just because they do Belive in God.
They are, they do not seek any answer, they only come up with something and stop searching. I have no proof that no god exists, but i have no proof that it does exist. Why believe in something with absolute no proof?
Also logic makes it the theory of a god just stupid.
They can believe what they wish but still why do they come up to my doorsteep and tries to fill me up with their believes? Ohh god created everything, Jesus is a savior, BLAH BLAH BLAAHAHAHHHH! HHHAAATTTEEEE IT!
Want to hear more? They killed hundreds of thousands of people for not believing what they did, god has more blood on his hands than Hitler does!

I don't shoot them down for their beliefs, i shoot them down for their stupidity to not face the truth.