*can imagine it*... I'm now thankful then that mine are on my upper jaw...
CT: Ooh one of Tilly's whiskers...
Security team... great, i dread to think what questions they'll ask.
I wish mine were on my upper jaw. ._. So far it's just one on my lower jaw.
What happened to her whiskers? =(
Ow, my brain hurts, but good gods I'm bored.
At least it'll be easier for you to brush it. Mine are so awkward. the positions i have to put the brush in is unbelievable. My gums hurt through all of the poking.
She's had a few fall out, which is normal. She got offended when I put them in a tin for a keepsake, i think she was hoping to chew them
I know how you feel.
True, but it still hurts like a you-know-what to brush. >_< *hopes your gums feel better soon*
Aww. :3 My mum did that when our dog lost her baby teeth.
Tea. Nao.
+ Oh, so that's why the page wasn't "X"ing out...I was clicking Vergil's crotch and not the back button. :| Dang, that's a new level of awkward. :blush: *hides*
TBH, I'm only a fan of the really early series.
Wow, too much info SRS! Hope they calm down soon though.
*one of the reasons I won't eat turkey, they're just as evil cooked as they are alive*.
CT: apart from being able to get the DmC demo, was there really a point in getting a Gold Subscription.... uh... no.
Wow, they allow those types of games on LIVE?!
Hehe. Aww, I wish I'd gotten into the series so we could chat about it. =(
LOL XD TMI! Like VB said, I hope you feel better soon. XD
Too much infomation or not enough?! Evil LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Falls off chair laughing evily*
I'm a Godzilla fan and I've gotten back into watching the Godzilla movies. God how I missed that rubber suit!
For those wondering the Super Sentai / Power Rangers, Kamen Rider love WILL return! Give it about a hour or so!![]()
Super Sentai and Kamen Rider FOREVER!!!
Dammit! Now I wanna watch through Kamen Rider W! DX
I need to watch KRW but I'm dragging to finish KRDecade, CURSE YOU DECADE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also gotta catch up on my Go-Busters and KRWiszard too.....
I also wanna watch a Godzilla DVD, I'm vexed!!!!
Hot Jebus, I've found mah brethren!! -bro fist!!-
Oh god, KRDecade...CURSE YOOOUUUUU!!!! -shakes fist!!!- >8[
Hoorah~ Go-Busters~ <3 and KRWizard oh sweet Jebus, yyeeeesss~
I am slightly saddened that KRRyuki was somehow better when we dubbed/remade it over here in the U.S
...when 4Kids did SOMETHING RIGHT!!!
Finally somebody who understands me!!! I've never seen KR Dragon Knight (I can't find it) which reminds me I have KR Ryuki sitting on my cyber selve. I should finish that..
:lol: MAJOR ROFL! :lol:
I know. Thanks but I doubt they will... they're always gonna be a pain in the butt to brush :lol:
I hope yours break through soon.
:3 I've only got one of Tilly's 'baby' teeth. She was play fighting with dad when it came out :3
:blush: *coughs* This is the second time I've accidentally done that. Maybe I need to pay attention better....
You're welcome. Hehe, teeth...who ever thought teeth would be a pain?
Aww. X3 *thinks that's adorable* We lost all of Sugar's baby teeth in the move, but she lost most of hers when she was playing, too. *wonders how Tilly reacted to losing her tooth*
Next time I get to that part of the game, I'm gonna just sit here and do weird expressions to see how he reacts....