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Hang on... it's gone.... i'll still be checking up on the account though to see if it returns...
Perhaps I'm going to have to start watermarking my stamps too... shouldn't have to... but... hey-ho. :(

CT: Only a couple of hours until our new TV arrives! Vergil on a 32ins tv... whoot!

Oh! I hope they took it down for good. =(
=( I know that feeling. I'm considering watermarking all my stuff just incase, but I don't want to.
Woot for Vergil, though?

Thanks, Gran. You officially killed all the fun of getting my first debit card. :/ At least my Fable: The Journey guide looks pretty and has DLC in it. <3
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Oh! I hope they took it down for good. =(
=( I know that feeling. I'm considering watermarking all my stuff just incase, but I don't want to.
Woot for Vergil, though?

Thanks, Gran. You officially killed all the fun of getting my first debit card. :/ At least my Fable: The Journey guide looks pretty and has DLC in it. <3

Same here.
You could alway make a little watermark in paint or whatever and paste it.
YUP! :)

I thought a debit card was something to do with paying money into your bank then you buy stuff with it on your card (at least that what it is in the uk.)

CT:Our new TV links up to youtube :3, watched the trailer that got me into DMC :P It was like WOOOOOOW!
I think i wanna be sick... again
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Same here.
You could alway make a little watermark in paint or whatever and paste it.
YUP! :)

I thought a debit card was something to do with paying money into your bank then you buy stuff with it on your card (at least that what it is in the uk.)

CT:Our new TV links up to youtube :3, watched the trailer that got me into DMC :P It was like WOOOOOOW!
I think i wanna be sick... again

I think I will...maybe. >_>
Erm...I dunno what it does, to be honest. I just know it lets me buy things using the money in my checking account. :S
Your tv sounds awesome, by the way.
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Not sure how I feel about seeing porn in someone's signature...well, maybe it's not porn, but it may as well be. I mean, it kinda speaks for itself. Really...distracting...and stuff...

Whatever. Not my type anyway. -goes back to DmC demo-
I think I will...maybe. >_>
Erm...I dunno what it does, to be honest. I just know it lets me buy things using the money in my checking account. :S
Your tv sounds awesome, by the way.

Deviant art always have the watermark option, but it's HUUUUGE! So it's just easier to make a samller version.
That sounds exactly the same as the debit cards in the UK.
It is :3... just one downside, you have to unplug it from the mains because it doesn't have an 'off' button. :P (talk about wasting energy)

CT: I've got a bad feeling about that order.
Deviant art always have the watermark option, but it's HUUUUGE! So it's just easier to make a samller version.
That sounds exactly the same as the debit cards in the UK.
It is :3... just one downside, you have to unplug it from the mains because it doesn't have an 'off' button. :P (talk about wasting energy)

It is! D: And it's not very pretty, either....
o_o Oh. I guess it is the same, then.
:/ That's kinda weird...but at least it's an awesome tv. ^^
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today the country shudders under the wake of cataclysmic devastation, torn by war with a terrifying and brutal enemy, the likes of which we have never seen, and this morning i woke to the sounds of thundering crashes which i thought could only be an earthquake, but as i looked outside i saw their battleships looming over the city, each one wider than forbs feild, and each leaving nothing but burning disfigured wreckage in it's wake, former friends and neighbours now lie in storm drains, limbs twisted in ways i can't begin to describe, this struggle for the very survival of mankind, this struggle that has reached across the shores of our homeland, this struggle ladies and gentlemen, may now be forever lost.
I really need to post a reply to LordofDarkness in my RP thread...but I'm lacking the creative juices at the moment...gah, frikkin' hell. I need to do that soon! Also, why are there so many lame people that inhabit PSN? Or XBox Live for that matter? It's like everybody thinks it's okay to start spouting out dumb stuff from their mouths just because their behind a tv and likely living somewhere that's an incredibly far distance...-sigh-...sometimes I hate the internet...oh well.

In other news, I really, REALLY need to start drawing again. Otherwise I'm not gonna get all that fan art done...grr!! So much to do!! -flail-
Also, why are there so many lame people that inhabit PSN? Or XBox Live for that matter? It's like everybody thinks it's okay to start spouting out dumb stuff from their mouths just because their behind a tv and likely living somewhere that's an incredibly far distance...-sigh-...sometimes I hate the internet...oh well.

I wonder that frequently. /==

Ow...my wrist hurts. I wish I didn't love crochetting so much. :S
Looks like i'll be staying away from Facebook for the entire month. I'll miss the cat memes though.
December depresses me so much... this Year especially. Let's cut the middle man, pass me a gun, and I'll kill myself now.
Star Trek... in HD awwwwwwwwesome :3
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The world is supposed to end on the 21st. That is our last day of school before the holidays, and apparently the shortest day of the year. If the world does end, they couldn't have really picked a worse day. Screw you Satan >:I
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