AzureNight13 Azure Night Goddess.... Or Wesker's daughter Premium Apr 11, 2008 2,401 383 8,180 35 Insanity Twitter AzureNight13 May 17, 2010 #2,041 *dances* I'm going to try to sleep in tomorrow
Romero Well-known Member Premium Elite Premium Supporter 2014 Feb 9, 2010 232 18 1,985 Norway May 17, 2010 #2,042 I'm thinking I should get my ass off this chair and make some food. And I'm thinking this is a runaway thread. 244 new posts in three and a half day. People think too much...
I'm thinking I should get my ass off this chair and make some food. And I'm thinking this is a runaway thread. 244 new posts in three and a half day. People think too much...
CloudStryker Surviving May 16, 2010 250 3 660 32 Scotland May 17, 2010 #2,043 I agree, need more food. If only i could eat the cookies my laptop aquires.
Ashelia_Crystl You don't want to know ;) Nov 6, 2008 782 2 1,175 32 In a tree throwing rocks at old people May 17, 2010 #2,044 I'm thinking... Maybe I should eat the giant milkybar bars I have in my bag.
Dark_Victory Underworld Angel Dec 31, 2008 923 8 1,345 Desert May 17, 2010 #2,045 One: I think my nose and my ears have been secretly plotting my demise. Two: If it takes this much energy just to sit upright, there's no way in hell I'm standing up and moving about.
One: I think my nose and my ears have been secretly plotting my demise. Two: If it takes this much energy just to sit upright, there's no way in hell I'm standing up and moving about.
CloudStryker Surviving May 16, 2010 250 3 660 32 Scotland May 17, 2010 #2,046 ^Has the right attitude. I need a decent sig.
Meg Well-known Member Moderator Aug 21, 2009 7,483 5,374 16,175 May 17, 2010 #2,047 Olive Garden is such a wonderful place. ^_^
Ronan oakheart Premium Mar 1, 2010 1,304 253 3,015 May 17, 2010 #2,048 Why did I sign up for Spanish II? Oh why did I do such a thing? ...-sniffle- Why?
Dante's Stalker "Outrun this!" Premium Supporter 2014 Apr 3, 2008 7,452 8,648 19,665 Probably in bed May 17, 2010 #2,049 I'm hungry *rooaaarrrr* ^That's my tummy.
S SecretSoul Well-known Member May 13, 2010 6 0 530 New york May 17, 2010 #2,050 1. im hungry 2.I want to go shopping but to lazy to get up. haha.
Meg Well-known Member Moderator Aug 21, 2009 7,483 5,374 16,175 May 17, 2010 #2,051 I hate it when I go on Google because I have to look something up, but then I completely forget what I needed to look up! AGH.
I hate it when I go on Google because I have to look something up, but then I completely forget what I needed to look up! AGH.
Dante's Stalker "Outrun this!" Premium Supporter 2014 Apr 3, 2008 7,452 8,648 19,665 Probably in bed May 18, 2010 #2,052 I gotta go get ready I'm trying to think what VB is thinking...I'm too curious for my own good... can't wait for the ebil...muhahahahaha >
I gotta go get ready I'm trying to think what VB is thinking...I'm too curious for my own good... can't wait for the ebil...muhahahahaha >
Meg Well-known Member Moderator Aug 21, 2009 7,483 5,374 16,175 May 18, 2010 #2,053 Its amazing how quickly debates end when petty arguments don't break out...
The crazy demon Metal Gear Vindicare. Jun 16, 2009 3,051 163 7,440 28 Holy Terra May 18, 2010 #2,054 What Th-? I have make today only like 5 post, i need some serius RP revival now.
Dante's Stalker "Outrun this!" Premium Supporter 2014 Apr 3, 2008 7,452 8,648 19,665 Probably in bed May 18, 2010 #2,055 ^Aye! LOL.....XDDDDDDDDD
P Pantera Queen Well-known Member Jul 29, 2008 1,432 6 2,945 Hueco Mundo May 18, 2010 #2,056 Oh noes! I can't let my brother get pass me in FF13>_<
Ronan oakheart Premium Mar 1, 2010 1,304 253 3,015 May 18, 2010 #2,057 -attacks Clair- Because I can CT: I don't understand why people make fun of meh. Don't they know that I'll just laugh at them?
-attacks Clair- Because I can CT: I don't understand why people make fun of meh. Don't they know that I'll just laugh at them?
Dante's Stalker "Outrun this!" Premium Supporter 2014 Apr 3, 2008 7,452 8,648 19,665 Probably in bed May 18, 2010 #2,058 *is attacked*
Ronan oakheart Premium Mar 1, 2010 1,304 253 3,015 May 18, 2010 #2,059 And the destroying of Clair's a success! Don't mind me. I'm in a good mood ^_^
Daring Dylan This is all we got now. Feb 27, 2010 2,225 205 3,065 29 Behind you May 18, 2010 #2,060 So self-sacrificing for those you- I ****ING LOVE THIS SONG SO ****ING HARD!