I also take issue with this. Making an all women version just so you can say it's for equality is the same as having a token black guy to not have an all white cast, or to aggressively change the nationalities, religions and sexual orientations of existing superheroes to not seem racist or sexist. It's cheap, unnatural to the foundations of the idea, and rather insulting, if you ask me. If there is a concept that is all white males, leave it, create a new concept, and don't, for the love of god, just add color or vaginas to it simply because you don't want people to think you're a bigot, do it because you feel that is the route the character should following and because you want to have a character that is as such, be them brown, white, green, gay, or gangster.I'm getting sick of this incessant need to make all-female versions of something unnecessarily. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. And don't bother trying to be "equal" because it's just stupid.
Sounds like something out of a comedy film. lolI'm sick of of hearing people screaming in the hallway of this place. Just a few minutes ago I heard a woman screaming in the hallway of the building I'm in. She was screaming for the people to leave her alone. Now that is $&")%# up because I didn't hear anyone else in the hallway. Also I'm sick of people leaving their &%$#@+- trash in the stairway of the apartment building. It's just &%$#@*' disgusting. No wonder I call this place the &%"!&%" projects!
I guess. I mean there are a lot of people here in this building. Sometimes I do hear people say something funny in the hallway. But most of the time not so much. A lot of the time there are people yelling at each other or at the people down the hallway, and I'm sick of hearing it day in, and day out.Sounds like something out of a comedy film. lol
I guess. I mean there are a lot of people here in this building. Sometimes I do hear people say something funny in the hallway. But most of the time not so much. A lot of the time there are people yelling at each other or at the people down the hallway, and I'm sick of hearing it day in, and day out.
I am sick of being treated like a tool or an object and not as living person.
Me too man. It's such bullshit and giving me extreme cabin fever.i'm sick of this cold weather