I am recording footage.
Lol! Bit of an overshare there, Maxman....
LOL, I was just jocking around there Ms. Rebel Dynasty
You can call me Max btw, :3
or Maxy, :3
Sitting outside the kids room, munching pizza and drinking coke, listening to this kid clear his throat every 5 minutes and
... im fairly sure I can hear him whispering. Which is ****ing creepy considering my kids are fast asleep.
Oh....and he was begging to have my kid in bed next to him. I said no and he said "but I trust myself".
I'm sorry. WHAT did you just say? *kid goes shy and refuses to repeat it*
What 6 year old boy says things like that at a sleepover? Really. Wtf.
lol sorry Veebs.:jawdrop: W...T...F...?!
(I've read about some stuff like that in one of mum's 'magazines'...)
*is speechless... forgot what I came into thread for...*
Working on NaNo. Bribed one of my friends with cyber-mochi (the rice cakes, you know?) to give me words and word counts so I can catch up. Not sure why writing during the first week of NaNo is sooooooo slow. Might be Marcus's fault. Yeah, that's it. I'll blame it on him. :thumbsup: