looking at mine FB profile from time to time, well cooking dinner and later maybe playing some games.
looking at mine FB profile from time to time, well cooking dinner and later maybe playing some games.
Lucozade sport is filled with artificial sweeteners, not really good for your health, most prominent problem prolonged use can cause is glucose intolerance which leads into diabetes.I hate cofee and rarely ever drink tea , prefer lucozade sport and volvic water myself
Everyone drinking coffee eh?
working on my NaNo word count with my right hand and chopping wood in Skyrim with my left. It's not really some multi-tasking, more of hopping-back-and-forth-when-I-remember-what-I'm-supposed-to-be-doing tasking.
Looking out of the window and wondering how yesterday could have been so hot and sunny and today is windy, cold and raining.
And all my washing is outside.