I am currently sitting here, relaxing. Waiting for breakfast to finish cooking and considering whether I should try out the new Shadow of Mordor DLC or if I should attempt to write.
Trying to make a bootable usb flash drive for windows 7, Waiting for dinner to arrive, staring at a needle and imagining a tiny person using it as a sword to fight monsters and save the world.
Just woke up after having a 3 hours sleep, making a cup of coffee, putting my belt on, still trying to make a bootable usb flash drive for windows 7, and surfing the forum
Drinking coffee, and trying to decide whether to write, read, or finish up the dishes first. Also thinking I need to go into kiddo's room and do an overhaul on it...but I really, really don't want to. :thumbsdown: (If it weren't for the fact that half of her socks are missing, I wouldn't bother; kids' rooms are supposed to be messy!)
Drinking coffee, waiting for Monster Tower 2 to finish update so i can play it. Just noticing that Minecraft is the digital form of Lego, and watching James May making a garden using plasticine.
I'll return to my college that's in another state. Later i'll catch on with some friends and the girl i've been meeting recently, to say a goodbye and them get on the bus to endure a 7 hour ride.
Meant to be doing food shopping but cant be bothered so its Black Sails, Agent Carter and Secrets and Lies binge I think before Better Call Saul later.
Drinking coffee, eating cheese sandwich, Just add the hard disk that belongs to my macbook to my desktop and now i am trying to figure out how to make it work. I mean the Disk managment shows that its healthy and working proparly. but i can't boot it in.
Just got a little more than half of my writing quota done, so I'm taking a break to eat something, maybe watch TWD (if my computer decides to play nice) and if not, probably put on a movie for background noise.
Also, coffee; there is almost always coffee involved. :tongue:
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