What are you doing?Either at home,work or somewhere.

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Taking a short break from Fable Anniversary to reply to PMs on FFN since mum is reading my fics for the first time! :O (Well, not all of them for the first time; she beta read like...four, but still. Yayz!) Anywhozzles. Trying to clear up my inbox so I don't have a million unopened emails to open. x_x
Rendering a picture of Nude Harley Quinn. And STILL waiting for Victoria 6 (and some other stuff) to download.
Thing is, Nude Harley is going to need some work... and I need to do a virus check.
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About to play more KoA:Reckoning, eating the box of chocolates that my husband bought me for V day, about to scoff a steak dinner he is cooking for me as well and lol'ing at the irate neighbours who no longer have anywhere to park (i.e. the front of our house)
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At work trying to force down the morning protein shake, still full from breakfast earlier and its proving difficult. Think ive had nearly 3 pints of milk today already with big bowl of porridge, coffee and now this shake. :vomit::laugh:
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Trying to not let the sound of the kids fighting drive me back to drink :laugh:

But seriously, it's proper getting on my nerves now...
Eating galaxy caramel chocolate bar.
I've just finished drawing a picture of two cats for mum (showing my appreciation).
Also planning a naked Dante render...
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Playing P4G again... **SPOILERS**

Watching the part where Nanako "dies".

It's still making me tear up, even when I know she's not going to (provided I make the right dialogue choices in about 5 minutes).


Writing and, finally, getting around to the DN: Relight movie. Maybe this time I'll actually watch the whole thing before people decide I should be elsewhere....
No, don't do it! It's a "LAST TIME ON DN HURR DURR BURR" kind of movie. I hate recaps. I only watch them if they're absolutely necessary. You'll get maybe one or two extra scenes, but that's it.
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No, don't do it! It's a "LAST TIME ON DN HURR DURR BURR" kind of movie. I hate recaps. I only watch them if they're absolutely necessary. You'll get maybe one or two extra scenes, but that's it.

Well...I got halfway through the first one and...haven't been too bothered to watch the rest. It's still in my com's diskdrive, so I'll probably end up finishing it eventually, but.... :/ It's all rather ho-hum. They left out all the important parts. T-T *kinda has to watch the movies since they were a present, but is really let down**was hoping the extra scenes would make it worthwhile* One thing I really, really want to know, though: wtf was L doing in the movie theatre as Light was walking in? It may just be my pervy mind, but it almost looked like he was pulling up his pants.... :bored:

Currently doing:
Writing. Wondering what would have happened if Mikami's computer was run on voice controls while he was having his "delete" orgies. Also sipping tea and trying to decide if I should post more one shots or play more violin. Maybe I'll eat pie instead....
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Just read up to the current chapter of a DMC fanfiction; the writer is quite good, but they need to tone down the use of adverbs (they tend to use too many in a single sentence) and they have some run-on sentence issues.

Aside from that, interesting premise so far. Since the story is still on-going, I'll jut have to check out some of their other work, until they update.
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you should check out stylish crusades it is a massive dmc fanfic story. As for what i am doing i am just finished my work in the garage so i am gona have tea and watch the repeat of topgear on dave ja vu
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Waiting for Abney & Teal to finish so I can put Josh to bed