Swap you. It's freezing here and I wouldn't mind a bit of sun.
Take it for as long as you want.
Swap you. It's freezing here and I wouldn't mind a bit of sun.
Yah, he runs the charity I work for, but I only have to legally do a face-to-face once a year for the records. We get along ok now - mostly just banter, no real conversation - and he's mellowed some since my boys were born because he always wanted sons and got daughters instead...but I find it kind of hard to let go of things like my sister (2 years older than me) sitting in a pub with me and dad when I was 15 and stating she's dad's favourite and he just nods in agreement. And I'm right there. Stupid stuff like not being allowed to take part in conversations those two have or walking slightly behind them both so I don't bother them. It's little but grinds you down eventually...
And my dad doesn't do confrontation, hence the letter. I didn't talk to him for a year after that and it took a long time for me to pick up the phone or write. But surprise, surprise, I did it first, not him. There have been times he's definitely been there for me and I think most of that stems from guilt. But we're both still alive so you never know - we might recover some semblance of the relationship we ought to have had. I dunno, really...
I've never asked for a thing from my father - I actually cannot make myself do it. My sister has tapped him for cash left, right and centre, but I've never demanded or even asked to borrow a penny. And yet somehow I ended up being seen as the selfish money-grabbing sibling...my sister has gotten cars, flats and loan repayments off him - even holidays to Disneyland in Paris. I've not even asked for the cost of a postage stamp. Go figure.Gah, I know the favouritism thing. Since there was never much proper contact with my mother because she and my dad hate each other, I know my real dad saw a lot more of my second youngest half brother at the time. I remember when I was quite young he would make the effort to get me a birthday present or a Christmas present, but a few times he actually asked for the presents back the next year so he could give it to a different kid. Lol. Of course my brother always had the latest bike or game console, I had to wait till I was old enough to get a job to get my own.
He never gave me much money (and no child maintenance) either... the only time he did he gave me £100 in a saving account, and when he found out I spent it, he hit the roof. Probably not a good idea to give a kid who hardly ever got pocket money £100, if they're not supposed to ever use it...
I wasn't so bothered about it at the time, but now I'm actually really angry about it, when it's most irrelevant. Not so much the stuff I never got that other siblings did, but I remember some of the things he said... make me realize what a hypocrite he was. Like, one time he went off on one when we were kids about how much he HATES liars. Like, lying is the worst sin ever to him, liars are disgusting people, etc. And for 2 years after he said he was actually saving up pocket money for me and my brother in an account book. I didn't ask about it for years, or ask for this 'money' he was going to give me. Then when I eventually did ask about how much there must be in the book after all this time, he just laughed and said "you don't visit me enough so you're not getting it." Even though I was only about 12 or 13 at the time, I think that was the turning point where I just realized fully, this guy is a d*ck.
Were you the oldest? Because the 'reason' I hear a lot was "you're the oldest, we didn't know what we were doing back then" or "I was poor back then". But I know there's only four years between me and my brother, and I know he was getting everything he wanted at the time... I think in reality he just liked his other kids more, and I was the one that lived with the woman that he hated/hates him, so it was an awkward situation... and that's always great for a kid's development :/. (But also, he split up with the 2 other people he had kids with... I think he's just an insufferable man ^_^)I've never asked for a thing from my father - I actually cannot make myself do it. My sister has tapped him for cash left, right and centre, but I've never demanded or even asked to borrow a penny. And yet somehow I ended up being seen as the selfish money-grabbing sibling...my sister has gotten cars, flats and loan repayments off him - even holidays to Disneyland in Paris. I've not even asked for the cost of a postage stamp. Go figure.
He's tried to make more of an effort since I began producing sons, but at 55, he's just not got enough motivation in him to change how he sees the world. Still cannot help himself but criticise me and how I do things - yet he'll tell other people nice things about me. If it's that shameful to admit I'm not as bad as he thinks, why not at least put it in an email or something? The only correspondence we've ever exchanged about things that matter have been ones where he tells me what a disappointment I am and how he wishes I was more like my sister. Parents are...weird.
Oh, and he got out of paying maintenance to my mother too - she's effectively owed 8 years' worth of money. It was his selfishness that made me homeless for a while...if he had coughed up, we could have afforded to keep our home and we wouldn't have had it sold from under us just so he could have more money. But naturally, that's all my fault somehow...
I was the youngest - my family have never been huggy-huggy close anyway, but I can count on one hand the number of times throughout my childhood and right up until now where my dad has shown any form of affection towards me. I remember falling into a patch of nettles face-first when I was about 7...I was screaming my head off, my dad came running, asked what happened and then told me off for wasting his time when it was nothing. But to a seven year old a face full of stinging nettles isn't nothing, you know? I think I just exasperated him on a stellar level because I was painfully shy, very clingy and quite an emotional child. My dad does not do emotions. I remember when I lost my twins and he asked how I was in a routine phone conversation; I burst into tears down the phone and he just kind of went, "um...ah..yes. Well speak to you soon" and hung up. I get that those sorts of things can be uncomfortable but hells bells, he's supposed to be my dad and they were his future grandchildren, you know? Confuses the hell out of me how someone can be so selfish as to brush aside another person's upset because it inconveniences them...Were you the oldest?
I was the youngest - my family have never been huggy-huggy close anyway, but I can count on one hand the number of times throughout my childhood and right up until now where my dad has shown any form of affection towards me. I remember falling into a patch of nettles face-first when I was about 7...I was screaming my head off, my dad came running, asked what happened and then told me off for wasting his time when it was nothing. But to a seven year old a face full of stinging nettles isn't nothing, you know? I think I just exasperated him on a stellar level because I was painfully shy, very clingy and quite an emotional child. My dad does not do emotions. I remember when I lost my twins and he asked how I was in a routine phone conversation; I burst into tears down the phone and he just kind of went, "um...ah..yes. Well speak to you soon" and hung up. I get that those sorts of things can be uncomfortable but hells bells, he's supposed to be my dad and they were his future grandchildren, you know? Confuses the hell out of me how someone can be so selfish as to brush aside another person's upset because it inconveniences them...
His dad apparently was EXACTLY the same but on a grander scale and my dad despised him until the day he died. Interesting, isn't it? Makes me all the more determined not to be that way with my kids.
My mum was telling me about the waterpark last night. MAN I wish we had something like that over herePrinting out my waterpark tickets, .