Keaton;179656 said:You should playthrough on Impossible, all the enemies remain the same (quantities and location), its just they're tougher to takedown
The achievements were actually really fun to grind for too
How are you enjoying it?
I agree, its actually something I've always fancied doing ^__^
Although TBH they say meeting people from the internet is a bad idea lol
I'm having a great time with it, one of my better investments to date, I'll be writing up a full review after I've finished it to give a full retrospective on the game, I may post it here if you fancy reading my thoughts on it.
I'm gonna be going through on Impossible, if only for the One Gun achievement too, still, I wish they'd let you choose which gun rather than forcing the Plasma Cutter on you...
I do fancy the idea of meeting the UK members, and to be honest I'm not worried, I've met up with several people I've met online and it's gone fine, it's all scare tactics anyway, one of my best friends I met over an online game, we meet up on a regular basis now. ^_^