What game is that?
Thats MMO game for PC The Secret World, whole modern day MMO with conspiracy and horror in theme and yes in type of missions there also ones reminding Deus Ex too in term of gameplay
Not heard of it to be honest but looked familiar for some reason.
Maybe a short side scroller like Trine, sure, but I don't see why bigger companies don't put that much attention and effort into their own titles. Makes no sense to me.Because they don't sell.
I don't see why bigger companies don't put that much attention and effort into their own titles. Makes no sense to me.
Maybe these uniforms, well i got it not so long ago and it can trigger familiarity of sorts if something like that been in other game
It had me at "Explore the deep shaft" :laugh:, I haven't played any MMO other than Guild Wars 2 though haven't played that in years or since it went free to play.
That moment when your team wins cause of your well placed single pixel accurate shot. Cabot's Railgun is awesome.
Don't steal my role. Your support is ME, with the super op HANK, and his other version BLITZ SGT. HANK.
Remember it.
I know I'm a Trapper main and you're the Support. But you weren't there and I'm liking Cabot a lot. I dare say I prefer him over Hank, even. But they're different anyway. Hank is a defensive Support whereas Cabot is an offensive one.
Btw, Hank is not OP anymore. They nerfed him quite a lot. He doesn't shield a crap ton like before. Still a solid pick, good against any Monster, but not as godlike as he was.
Dragon Age 2, doing that thing where I start a second playthrough even though I'm 80% into the first.
When I finish to download it ( I believe today or tomorrow) I will play it.
Just keep in mind that it is very diffrent from Origins!