Skyrim. At the exact moment I'm typing this, I'm right outside a room full of daugr deathlords. Do not want! *hides behind her flame atronauch*
Fable soon as mum gets home. :inlove:
It isn't out in the UK until Friday :grumpy:
I've pre-ordered a copy and I've found out that it won't be delivered until the 10th/11th... NYAH! :banghead:
I live in hope that it'll show up on the day... but I really don't think it will.
I'm pretty hooked on the Lightning Returns demo.
D: *sneaks you her controller, despite not having taken it out of the plastic yet*
=( According to mum, my copy wasn't supposed to arrive until the 5th or 6th, so...maybe yours will arrive early? ^^ *hopeful that you get it soon*
Thankies ^^
Will you be using Xbox Smartglass with it?