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Kingdoms of Amalur. Which I think I shall be playing until my fingers drop off :D
The Elder Scrolls Online Beta. and i am addicted to it
Did you take an arrow to the knee yet?

As for me... Well, Bayonetta and trying to 100% Super Mario (& Luigi) 3D Land, I guess. Missed out on the Collector's Edition of Bravely Default just as I missed out on the artbooks for Dragon's Crown. Damn it, I could of had the awesome mini-album and artbook, and it had to be sold out the day after I chose to to pre-order it. Now, I'm debating whether to get Lightning Returns or just wait.
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Just finished MGS Peace Walker for the first time and I got to say I judged that game way too soon, the game was f**king amazing, at first I didn't like it due to the drawn cutscenes, but once I got over them I loved the game, the boss battles, the base building, the music and all were awesome. My 2nd favorite game in the franchise :)

Beginning another playthrough of Snake Eater :)
Playing Lords of Shadow 1 and Mirror of Fate HD again to get ready for LoS2.
I also finished The Amazing Spiderman movie tie in (the first one), which was pretty decent for a movie game I have to say.
I also have Remember Me sitting on my desk, should start that sometime in the in Semester break...
Still Fable Anniversary. Mother. Friggen. Card. Pairs. Not. Giving. Me. My. Friggen. Hero. Doll! RAWR!!! :mad:

I was just wondering...I was playing it last night and the 360 seemed to have trouble reading the disc (the picture and sound went all 'glitchy'). Are you having or had the same problem?
(I've also heard that some people have found it unplayable because it keeps freezing).
I was just wondering...I was playing it last night and the 360 seemed to have trouble reading the disc (the picture and sound went all 'glitchy'). Are you having or had the same problem?
(I've also heard that some people have found it unplayable because it keeps freezing).

It's frozen a couple times, but it's not been really glitch or anything like that. Mainly it freezes when I've been travelling between areas a lot.
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  • Professor Layton and The Azran Legacy (3DS)
  • Mighty Switch Force: Hyperdrive Edition (Wii U)
Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc (Vita) comes out this week and I've got it pre-ordered, so hopefully I'll be playing that soon!

EDIT: Woah, what's up with the crazy bullet points!?
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Ryse Son of Rome and its actually not bad, with a couple more execution animations and more varied enemies it could have been rather impressive. Only played for about an hour but have enjoyed it so far, with a little more depth and some tweaks to the combat I think they could craft a great Spartacus game from the engine.
It's frozen a couple times, but it's not been really glitch or anything like that. Mainly it freezes when I've been travelling between areas a lot.

It went bonkers just as I was leaving the guild when the Guild Master was speaking... It was so bad, I thought the 360 was going to 'die'.

Star Wars The Force Unleashed II & Afro Samurai... tomorrow Lightning Returns! *fingers crossed*
According to Ted they are working on fixes at the moment and listening closely to feedback to fix any issues people are having.

Hmm, well, that's a good thing. Lionhead does seem really quick to fix issues with their games (though I may just be biased). It's jut weird to me that the first Fable seems to be buggy no matter what system it's on....
Hmm, well, that's a good thing. Lionhead does seem really quick to fix issues with their games (though I may just be biased). It's jut weird to me that the first Fable seems to be buggy no matter what system it's on....

Spoke to him a while ago and he said the following.

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Just played a bit of The Witcher 2. I could actually feel myself age from how boring that game was.