Jet Set Radio HD
Metal Gear Solid 2 & 3
Devil May Cry (2001) I WILL finish this game on DMD mode.
Metal Gear Solid 2 & 3
Devil May Cry (2001) I WILL finish this game on DMD mode.
Devil May Cry (2001) I WILL finish this game on DMD mode.
God bless you, sister.
Nelo 3 kicks my ass all the time, I'm going for a perfect S run so I have to keep restarting the level over and over.
Zone of the EndersI played 2nd Runner first and I just had to play the first one
LOL but honestly a never felt that ZOE2 had terrible voice acting maybe because i was raised on Resident Evil xD but when I played ZOE2 i beat it in one sitting it was so good and i didn't even realize itI love ZOE2, right down to the awful translation and horrible voice acting. That game has some of the most amazing boss fights in existance, and all from a combat system it effectively pioneered.
ZOE feels more like an insubstantial prologue, but what do you expect from a freebie they gave away with the MGS2 demo?
Ni No Kuni, although I think the missus may have hijacked my playthrough while I was sleeping.
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance. Currently playing Revengeance difficulty.