About it how to swap weapons, since they are stored into the D-pad, maybe you just activate them simply pressing the button of desired weapon and there you go, and if all the forms have weapons strictly to them, then maybe the weapons you've stored to be used will change depending on it in which form Dante is at the very minute you go touching the D-pad? And when you change between forms, if you used ax in demon form, then went for angel form, and then returned to demon form back again, you would instantly hold the ax which you left activated the moment when you switched modes... maybe something like that? Of course, they may tweak it around a lot and make it something completely else, too.
are you saying switching the ax out for "x" weapon? instead of switching out rebellion?
I think the weapon that are stored should have their own abilities in angel/demon form. Maybe not as dramatic as completely new weapons but just added attacks and abilities. Like if you had tonfa's and in your human form you'd have attack, jump, shoot, (whatever O is) and when you were in demon form you'd add a fire element with a different attack and if you were in angel form you'd add ice with a different set of attacks
well im sure im not the only one who wants DmC to have a glove/boot type weapon like beowulf and gilgamesh :]
ehhh, definitely not a block button i always feel games are way too easy when there is a block button, but yeah i think somehow royal guard should make an appearance, perhaps instead of it being a style or form it would bea weapon with royal guard abilities, and im with ya wallenb i never used royalguard cause i could never understand it, therefore i was garbage with it loldo u think royal guard should make an appearance? I never understood it and hardly used it. But when i see an expert playing with RG its seems invincible. but it still lacks style. if it is added, it should be a standard block button but i dunno if i'd want a block button in dmc
unfortunately i sold my ps2 because i thought all ps3s one day would be able to play ps2 gamesboy was i wrong