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Was Devil May Cry 4 all that bad?


That Guy Who Hates Fox McCloud
If there was such thing as a DMC that was both lacking and endlessly fulfilling, it would be DMC4. For every awesome thing it did, it did another three things with lukewarm execution. It's even more flawed than DmC, despite what people would have you believe. At least DmC did almost everything it set out to do, while 4 only did a third of what it was supposed to do. The levels, the story, the content, even the gameplay in certain spots seem half-finished, like they're all smaller pieces of a much larger, more ambitious project.

The end result is an imperfect, inconsistent game...
but a fan's perception of the game solely depends on whether or not its numerous flaws are enough to sway you away from enjoying it. The numerous flaws only mildly irked me---and I absolutely love the game.

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
I played the game once and thought the core combat was fun and challenging so I would give it a 7-8 out of 10.

I agree with Chancey on the lazy level design which made the backtracking bad because none of the stages/fights were tailored to Dante. Plus the switch from Nero to Dante was stupid and they should have separate campaigns which would helped the flow of the game.

Most of the hate/uneasiness towards the game comes from the overall direction the story with introducing this new lead and thats where it falters for most people and me included. It had the potential to be something awesome but wouldacouldashouldas aren't as strong as a good first impression.

So its a good game but your dissapointed because it could have been so much better, especially if you believe the rumors of what they wanted to do with the story, and how it was rushed. So although i liked the game I'm not really feling Capcom right now so Im not rushing to get either remake till i see how much they fixed it.


Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
I think how much flawed DMC4 can be judged on merit of upcoming rereleases. Amount of changes in DmC proved that practically everything new in it, needed re-tweaking and optimizations. Now we see, if DMC4 gets same amount of changes, or only bonuses on top.


General gamer
Generally my main compliants for the game are: Nero needing at least one more weapon/ DB being like gauntlets with tapping circle to beat people, Dante needs more missions because he is awesome and more costumes are required.

Having played through the game recently on DMD mode I'm more inclined to respect it... It has great combat design and with more weapons for Nero it would be damn near perfect. Also the environments are more open than DmC making 4 feel grander to me. As someone who likes DmC and DMC4 I must admit that DMC4 has less improvements to make to be an amazing game.


Well-known Member
To me, yep! Though it isn't the worst HnS game I ever played, as the gameplay and boss battles were the only things that saved DMC4. Everything else sucked, the plot, the backtracking, its dated atmosphere, the characters(though I liked the villains), the designs were a bit too much, and some of the enemies were REUSED FROM THE FIRST GAME!! If that's not uncreative, then I dunno what the term "uncreative" means.


Well-known Member
I felt like the return of the Assaults was more of a love letter and reintegration of themes from the first. After all, they do behave differently, adding to the overall variety in enemy tactics. Also, the variations such as Blitz and Frost were welcome and really tied together the thematic elements. I liked the interplay between Agnus' demons and the 'natural' demons from Hell.

So yes, I think uncreative may not have been the word you were looking for. Since their inclusion was well executed, I'd say it was more of a callback than a lack of creativity.


The mind is stronger than any muscle in your body.
I hope that in the Special Edition they include a revamped version Nelo Angelo's Devil Trigger for Vergil as a costume...then DMC4 SE which not only be awesome, but other costumes such as Spardas DMC1 outfit and Devil trigger, Nero's full body DT and other upgrades, Dante's Ascended DT from the Concept Art and other stuff thrown in there too...wich will balance DmC Definitive Editions DLC's.

Then both games will be great to play.


Well-known Member
I felt like the return of the Assaults was more of a love letter and reintegration of themes from the first. After all, they do behave differently, adding to the overall variety in enemy tactics. Also, the variations such as Blitz and Frost were welcome and really tied together the thematic elements. I liked the interplay between Agnus' demons and the 'natural' demons from Hell.

So yes, I think uncreative may not have been the word you were looking for. Since their inclusion was well executed, I'd say it was more of a callback than a lack of creativity.
I liked how enemies was reminder of DMC1. With mephistos and assaults and frosts :)

Wow...just wow. But hey, to each of their own. I just find it a bit strange that some people wouldn't mind rehashed enemies, but I do understand the different behaviors.

Well it makes sense they would be around since DMC4 is set just after DMC1 and the anime

If a sequel has a story, there are some things that need to be left out. Now, I honestly don't mind some demons returning from the previous game with improved behaviors, it's the fact that they used demons from a game that was from a PREVIOUS GENERATION! That's lack of creativity.


General gamer
Better returned enemies than poorly made ones.
That's true, but I wouldn't say that the frost and assault are super well designed either. Perhaps I think this because the frosts are jerks though! I would have rather seen more enemies like Blitz or something though, for the sake of creativity and also I feel the Frost and Assault don't mesh as well with the tone of 4. I just think they work better in that horror tone DMC 1 had.


Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
That's true, but I wouldn't say that the frost and assault are super well designed either. Perhaps I think this because the frosts are jerks though! I would have rather seen more enemies like Blitz or something though, for the sake of creativity and also I feel the Frost and Assault don't mesh as well with the tone of 4. I just think they work better in that horror tone DMC 1 had.
Well I always seen Blitzes as variation to Assaults. And additionally they are much better that attempts on normal grunts in DmC, DMC2 or DMC3. They are not really horror looking so they fit the game imo.


The mind is stronger than any muscle in your body.
That's true, but I wouldn't say that the frost and assault are super well designed either. Perhaps I think this because the frosts are jerks though! I would have rather seen more enemies like Blitz or something though, for the sake of creativity and also I feel the Frost and Assault don't mesh as well with the tone of 4. I just think they work better in that horror tone DMC 1 had.

My friend may I recommend you take a look at a thread I made some time a go http://devilmaycry.org/threads/a-lot-of-content-just-not-a-lot-of-time.19830/

Watch the video because there were a lot of better designed enemies that we're supposed to have been put in the game, but didn't make it because of time constraints.

Let me know what you think OK....
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