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Video games you would like to thank


涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 SOS団
I have played allot of games in my time, but none have held a place in my heart like NinjaGaidenBlack.

I know that there are pros on this site, and even alot of people better then me but I have a certain type of talent at games just like with my art.

NinjaGaidenBlack in it's own right is one of the hardest, most interesting games I've ever play and it has made me into the gamer I am today. To some of you this may seem stupid; me acting so serious over gaming but I take it seriously, what?

I've heard stories of people saying they never made it past Murai; the games first boss, but I've never had a problem with him from the beginning.

I climbed the ranks through NinjaGaiden black.

NinjaDog-easy mode(I've never played this mode)


Veryhard- The mode that decides, and separates the men from the boys.

MasterNinja- A quote from Itagaki: 2% of everyone that plays this mode will beat it.

^That mode is only for the best of the best, of the best.

Once I beat these challenges I felt my new power, my new skill.
And I knew that I loved NinjaGaidenBlack.

But my path had not ended, one other thing was left... Eternal Legend.

That name means something... Can't you just feel the power of it in the title?

Eternal Legend...

Once I had beat on MasterNinja... My path was complete.

The final stand-off was nothing I'll ever forget!:lol:

Four berserkers... Death walking.

Chicae- One of the twin fiends of destruction

Ishataros-The final battle. The dominatrix clad fiend that could make the devil cry.

The path of the master ninja... Exists only in legend...
The trials and tribulations that lie ahead defy description the lowly tongues of man.
Can you survive them and achieve the ultimate honor?

^A quick desciption on master ninja mode.

Basically it's DMC3's DMD times 3.

I suggest you buy this game now! But seriously, goodluck finding it, this game is rare.

Now tell us yours!^_^



DMC series - train my hand-eye coordination and timing so I did much better with piano, surgery and counting avian pulses (which is typically over 150/minute); that sarcasm I got from the series also helps fending off people that I don't even bother to know their names.

Dynasty Warrior series - good stress buster. After you have your toll from school/work/partner/etc., go and pick a leveled-up officer, choose the easy mode, then send those pawns flying away and beat over 1,000 soldiers in a minute... boy, that feels sooo good. Now back to work. =]

DDR - good lower-body workout and good training for my sense of beat (for piano).

Turn-based strategy games - the pieces are adorable, especially when they are executing a trap/plot and whatnot; many things you have to consider (terrain, troops types, morale, #, levels, etc.) and that tickles my analytic neurons.

flash games - best time-killer ever when you're in boring lectures that you have to be there (count attendance, for example?)

that's about it for now.


The devoted
should this be in the games area? oh well

I would like to thank final fantasy, for AMAZING graphics

Nintendo, for making lazy people move in the wii, and always having the most original game console deisgn, and the most original games
Also because they have been around longer than any other gaming company (other than sega)

I also would like to thank DMC for making DMC so there could be a DMCF and i could meet you guys lol

Runescape is another, many many many hours of gameplay and friends made there

i think thats it lol

Great thread rep+


Devil's Advocate
Bringer - i heard more about you than the game or you thanking the game o_O

Thank you to Super Mario Brothers! For getting me into games, making me a gaming nerd and whatever else.

Thanks to Legend of Time for getting me into RPGs.

Thanks to Zelda and Halo for consuming a good factor of my life.

Thanks to DMC, FzeroX, A snow boarding game I cant remember the name of, for getting me into rock mysic.

Thanks to DMC for enticing me into the PS2 world and showing me a world so brilliant I'm still addicted


TimeLord Detective
I'm not a demanding gamer. I've never completed a game 100% and I probably won't be doing it in the years to come.
When I play the game I just want to have fun with it. If I like the game, its story, its gameplay, its characters I may end up playing it on Easy mode quite a few times. (With time gaps between the times). I go to normal when I feel like Easy is nothing and from Normal to hard when I feel the same way. So what I look for in a game is an environment and some characters that even though it may lack a great scenario or some appealing stuff that tend to be liked by MANY people (gamers) it is perfect for me to go into it. Few games have let me grasp this emotion. Games that I've played and probably will play again (as long as they are functioning properly and I've time:p).

The first Devil May Cry (oh, what a surprise:p). It may not have the best graphics, the deepest story or the most fascinating gameplay a gamer may look for but it certainly has what I want. It is because I like it so much that I'm able to play Dante Must Die modes in its sequels and not because I'm some great gamer:lol:
It has my favorite game character in it. (Guess who:p)
The whole story is an medieval-like island mostly inside a castle - which I love. And its music and design are the ones that can keep my interest up, time and time again.

Primal. Another great game for me. It allows you to see 4 different realms, 4 different cultures, 4 different kinds of creatures and many other things. Its setting is one that I love as well. From the ruins enveloped in snow, to the magnificent technology under the sea. And from the darks ages grim and harsh way of living to the golden statues of the gods. The main characters and the vilains of the game are not canon fodder. You get to know them, understand them better and finnaly get to a showdown with them. I love it as well. And I suck at it:p But I still enjoy it.

Onimusha: Warlords. Probably one of the shortest (time-wise) games I've ever played. If you are good enough and know what to do you can clear up the game in less than 3 hours. Yet those 3 hours are appealing to me every time. Japanese setting this time (my second favorite) and my 2nd favorite game character as the main one. (Note: I usually don't like main characters so that says a few things^^).
The OST again is one thing that makes the game so great for me. It is really "part" of the game. When I hear those japanese sounds in any other movie/anime I immediately think of that game. Most people prefer its sequels since they are greater in length and may have more original stories. In this one you are trying to save the kidnapped princess. It sounds lame I know. But there something in it that makes me love it^^

Silent Hill 2. Puzzles, psychological horror and a twisted town full of weirdos (including the main characters). Not much to say about it, but I enjoy playing this game more than any horror movie. The bad thing is that I've played it so much that I pretty much can tell what and when will something appear out of where but still..:lol:

There may be some others but right know I'm kinda hungry to think, so if I think of anything I'll return for more:p


^ Onimusha FTW!!!

Devil May Cry- Dark story, awesome characters and the great gameplay that help improve my gaming overall.

Street Fighter- Best fighting game ever. Thanks Capcom ^^.

Rival Schools- Thanks for allowing me to beat the crap out of other students at different high schools.

Fear Effect- The story blew my mind with it's bad @ssery. So many suspensful moments, twist and turns. While the gameplay was a little shallow the interaction and the puzzle solving was awesome.

Dead or Alive- Thank you Team Ninja for allowing me to play such a magnificent piece of work. Super fast combat and a counter system to keep you on your toes. Multi leveled arena, interaction and destructible environments FTW. Finally a 3D fighting game lets you link all kinds of moves together. While other games like Tekken(eeeeeeeewwwwww) and Virtual Fighter stayed stiff. They are probably the stiffest fighting games I've ever played.

Final Fantasy- Thanks for allowing me too immerse my self in a universe that has the best story and character development I've ever seen. I've never lost so many hours before in life one game. Except DMC^^. 1-12 are awesome except 7 and 11. 7 is way to over hyped even though Advent Children and Crisis Core rocked and 11 just sucked.

Naruto Narutimate Hero- Thank you for allowing me to experience wacky, but yet awesome ninja gameplay. Being able to do Jutsus that were on an epic scale of a Kamehameha was just to sweet.


New Member
I would like to thank the FF and DMC story as they have always stayed close to my heart and they teached me alot about how to pick your friends and who to trust more as well as being a very amazing game series!

Black Angel

Semper Fidelis
I want to thank .Hack, and final fantasy for having a great story.

Prince of Persia, and Devil may cry for awsome gameplay.

And I want to thank Call of Duty 4 for being the BEST shooter I have ever played!


Aya Brea
Dance Dance Relvolution- A great stress reliever and exercise as well.

Everything Nintendo- For making me feel like a kid even when I'm going to be 20 years old soon.

Final Fantasy- For having such a great tale in stories within the series. It's use of mythology whether it be Nordic, Muslim, Islamic, Pagan (and so on). Also it's music!

I can't think much of anything else now.


Your breasts are illegal!!
OMG Bringer!
Your picture is screwing up the layout of DMC forum.

But let me share a game with you guys that has changed my life forever...... this game is called.....

Final Fantasy VII

This is single handedly the best game I've ever played in my entire life. I was never immersed into any game like FFVII. It captivated me to the very end. I was so into FFVII that when I'm not playing it, I'll talk about Cloud or Sephiroth like they were real. FFVII, favorite game ever! BEST FF GAME EVER! BEST GAME EVER!


Your breasts are illegal!!
Dark Drakan;124156 said:
Ive put it in spoiler tags to prevent the page stretching.

thx u
I would rep you but I dont think you can rep staffs.

But Kingdom Hearts series was almost to the epic scale that FFVII was to me as well. Square Enix are beasts though!
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