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Twilight movie


Wesker's #1 fan!
Alright, this thread is for people WHO HAVE SEEN THE MOVIE, or don't mind spoilers. So I don't wanna see anyone whining about spoilers revealed here even though like 95% (If not more)of the people seeing the movie have read the book already know what's gonna happen.

I repeat if you don't want spoilers, RUN AWAY NOW.

Well, I enjoyed it ^^ although I saw it by myself like a loser. >_> I was soppose to wait for my friend's sister, but it turned out she couldn't go, so I just caught an earlier show.

I also want to point out that oddly im not that much of a fan of the series. You see, the thing is...I have a like/hate thing for it. I take an interest in Edward and his family, but everything else I can't stand. But anyways, that's not what this is about. On with the discussion and review.

Was I the only one that spazed out when Calisle was around? DAMN he's so good looking, his skin is soooooooo light. *drool* They definately hit him dead on from the books, his looks and personality is even more than what I expected it to be.

I loved Rosalie too, the part where she broke the salad bowl I found halarious. I found many parts of the movie pretty funny actually. "I had an adrenaline rush, you should google it." XD

I found alot of it to be rushed though. Which is kinda understandable when you have to turn a 500 page book into a 2.5 hour movie, but they way they did it was kinda sloppy in my opinion. Here's one example: Laraunt was in the Cullens house, he had a nice talk with them in the book, and carefully explained James. In the movie he's all like, "Im sorry, bythewayjamesisabsolutelyletal." Like WTF that didn't even fit in there, it's like they were trying to force it into the dialog without making the scene too long.

As I said before, something like that is understandable, but the way they did it was exacuted poorly. (In my opinion.)

But overall, I enjoyed it. And the make-up artist need to be given gold medals, cuz the make-up was awsome. (Aside from being able to see that Robert had contacts XD, but that's not really make-up.)

Discuss and give your reviews. and remember to play nice everyone.


Unloved Someone
Oh don't feel like a loser I went by myself too because my cousin ditched to hang out with some guy she just met... but hey... I had plans to see it and that was that :lol:

I did find it rather rushed too, but the execution did get the point across, so I suppose there's no use crying over spilt milk now is there?

The humorous relief in a number of the scenes brought a little more light into the story and really actually made the Cullens seem a little more human.

I was a little upset not all of the tracks from the soundtrack were in the movie. Like "Decode"..... is it just me or did it not show up at all? :lol:

The sexual tension between Kristen and Rob was outstanding... they played the roles just as though they really WERE Edward and Bella from the book, which made the movie... well.... Twilight!

If I had to score it on a 1 to 10 scale I'd give it a 9! The overall impact wasn't as intense as the book was, but it's definitely up there. ^_^

Did I mention I absolutely LOVED the scene in the Bio lab when Edward looks like he's about to vomit trying to control his hunger! :lol: The whole scene when Bella meets the family was hilarious as well. Who woulda thought a book that was so intense would be given such humor in a movie?


涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 SOS団
I saw and I just got back with my fresh pair of eyes.

Also I had to get a new brain after my last melted whiling watching this...:lol:

I mean it had me the entire time with it's epic plot twists and turns!
And OMFG the acting was top-notch!
And Edward's hair really hit the spot!

Now excuse I have to get a new nose. The last one just grew so long in those last five sentences it hit jupiter and broke on mars.

Go read my MSN head line, and my review of this movie.


Wesker's #1 fan!
Oh don't feel like a loser I went by myself too
Now I don't feel so bad. :lol:
I did find it rather rushed too, but the execution did get the point across, so I suppose there's no use crying over spilt milk now is there?
True, that's what I meant. It's understandable, but at the same time I felt that they could have done a better job on it while still being good with time.

The humorous relief in a number of the scenes brought a little more light into the story and really actually made the Cullens seem a little more human.
Actually, I thought that even in the book, the Cullens were pretty humanish (For vampires)to began with.

I was a little upset not all of the tracks from the soundtrack were in the movie. Like "Decode"..... is it just me or did it not show up at all? :lol:
I haven't bought the soundtrack yet. So I don't know all of the songs. But I do love that song that was playing when Carlisle was telling Edward to stop sucking Bella's blood. Man how does he keep so calm?

The sexual tension between Kristen and Rob was outstanding... they played the roles just as though they really WERE Edward and Bella from the book, which made the movie... well.... Twilight!
Oh no, kidding, the first kiss in the bedroom scene was the shiz! Bella didn't have any pants on either. :3 Ya know I think one of the reasons they did a good job is because I think they might have a thing for each other in real life. I suspected this while watching their interviews together. I think I even remember them saying they spent the night together practicing the kiss scene or something like that.

Did I mention I absolutely LOVED the scene in the Bio lab when Edward looks like he's about to vomit trying to control his hunger! :lol: The whole scene when Bella meets the family was hilarious as well. Who woulda thought a book that was so intense would be given such humor in a movie?
I know right? When you read it in the book, it feels like it's so serious and intense, but actually seeing a big teenager act like that in real life is so funny. (In a good way.) There were many parts like that actually. Parts that weren't meant to be funny in the book, but was in the movie.


Unloved Someone
The song playing when Edward's sucking Bella's blood is called "Let Me Sign" Pattinson sings it... What can't he do!? :lol:

I know what you mean about the teenager thing. I always thought of the scene in the bio lab as really serious u know... like... his reaction not so... well... obvious and open at first like that. But then again in the movie they made her walk through the fan which put her scent all over the place... Was there a fan in the book??? I don't remember. But oh man I can't wait to go see it again :lol: My mom wants to go after watching some of it online and her fiance doesn't wanna go with her because he's got this phobia about anything vampire related :lol:


Wesker's #1 fan!
OMG Robert sings the song???!!! Now I really love it and want it! And no, there was no fan in the book from what I remember. As a matter of fact, it was a desk she at next to Edward in, not a lab table, because he was gripping the edges. She had walked in and sat down, he never reacted till she sat down not right when she walked in the room.

I might go see it again, this time with my sister's friend like I was soppose to.


Unloved Someone
Yeah see that's what I thought! But the fan thing made it funnier XD

Now I'm bouncing around because I want it out on DVD so i can watch it a million more times :lol:


Wesker's #1 fan!
I thought the teacher was just kidding when he said that the one's who finish first gets the golden onion, then later I see Bella walking around with it. Lol! What the heck to you do with a golden onion? XD

I want that song but someone on youtube just told me that it's not even on the damn cd soundtrack. >_> HAX!


The Vampiric Vixen
Wow! Not even on the soundtrack... man... I don't want the sound track now...'TT_TT'


Unloved Someone
I have the soundtrack and it's on it... So that person on YouTube must be full of crap :lol: You can always get the torrent from Limewire the has it. The torrent my friends used came with all sorts of bonus material.


Bring on the ruckus
I wanna watch IT!!! although the girlfriend's busy, and i'm holding out cause i wanna watch it with her...^_^

maaannnn....i am in LOVE!!!haha...the bliss...^_^


The devoted

the movie came out over here yesterday and i saw it today, with my girlfriend and a bunch of people i have never met before...


the movie was really hyped up by most of my friends, and i had high expectations for it, i thought that it was a good movie. Good, not great.
The story was good, and the charecters were well chosen.

one of the best things about the film though was the grphics for the vampires. I have this thing for Vampries being AWESOME in films and Tv, and they were the 2nd best grapphics i have ever seen (very clsoe to 1st) following buffy the vampire slayers

again, sorry to bump this, but i think that the british should be able to get a say in this XD


Fearfully and wonderfully made
'Fraid I haven't read the book, nor watched the flick. But I have heard the official song of the same name by Paramore - that was a little cracker.

Wish I could contribute more... ^_^

Hopefully I'll get to see the flick soon.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
devilmaycry;148645 said:
'Fraid I haven't read the book, nor watched the flick. But I have heard the official song of the same name by Paramore - that was a little cracker.

Wish I could contribute more... ^_^

Hopefully I'll get to see the flick soon.

Movies not bad actually watched it the other day to see what fuss was about. Wouldnt say it was great but its not bad. I actually quite like Paramore too, a guilty pleasure band of mine i have to say. That and i think the lead singer is hot. :lol:


Well-known Member
^Lol'ed :D

Saw this with my (avid-fan-of-a) girlfriend, and although I have read the 'broken' Midnight Sun (Edwards Perspective), I could never get through Twilight (which is from the female's perspective). I was slightly annoyed that they modifed quite alot, removed the famous meadow scene, added a little too much cheese (catching the apple in the cafeteria) and the fact that the 'speed-running' looked laughable (also they remove Carlie's origins)...BUT it was good and I would watch it again.

I know the whole series inside out because of my Girlfriends enjoyment with it, she even went to the UK Premiere to catch a glimpse of the actors lol (she was stood behind whatshisname Zane).

I would like to see it again, undoubtedly she will drag me to the cinema to catch it before it hits DVD lol :D


Anti - Little D
well at least this thread is better than your SAW 5 thread virgilissexy :lol:
the movie looks alrite but as i havent read the books and have no intension to watch the movie i will voice my reason why i thi nk the film is only " alrite "

the make up is annoying just pure white :)
i dont like the guy who plays the vampire :lol:


Well-known Member
i saw the movie just the other day an di want to know HOW HARD IS IT TO STAY ON THE DAMN STORY LINE OF THE BOOK!!!!!!.... now sinc ei got that off my back i liked the movie as long as i dont compare it too the book but then again seeing Jasper made up for everything.


Shall we dance?
I haven't watched Twilight. But i've heard hype and seen enough trailers to say how terriley annoying this film looks. It totally tarnishes the image of vampires. What Vampire can walk in broad daylight and fall in love? It more like an excuse to make a stupid teen American love drama.
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