Let's drop this argument over which is better..
and talk about the superior game here It's all a matter of opinion, both sides are at wrong here. And honestly, DmC and DMC deserve their rightful places in the series.
Yeah but the thing is those guys (or haters, whatever..) says ''No may gwad, DmC is terrible, **** you Tameem, you ruin it, Darksiders is better, worst DMC game eva, combat is no good, music is wub wub, bosses are boring, controls are awful, story is worse,the game will expose, reviewers gonna bomb, ****storm coming, its not gonna sell over 1 million, they are insulting fans with the wig thing, why Vergil kills baby demons, omg so many sex scenes, oh go play god of war they are both terrible, no may gwad..''
I always liked Devil May Cry games. Never hated 3 or 4. But the haters makes you to hate them cause they are praising them like a god.You cant touch those games, cant argue, they are superior. To me DMC3 Dante cutscenes are too Anime and choosing style from the menu is terrible and DMC4 is short, not interesting, easy, nothing special and boring.The funny thing, i always thought those 2 games are great. I have never thought/realized that negatives till i see the rage of DmC (the most meaningless rage of the existence).