The ranting thinking thread

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Look, dude, just....tch. Hmm.

When I asked 'are you serious?' it was actually a rhetorical question. No, of course I don't think you'd joke about your silly socks being too big. I don't know why it's an issue for you, considering I'M the one who has to locate the receipt and I'M the one who has to drive allllllll the way to that mall to exchange them. I'M the one who has to do the dirty work. You don't hear me complaining or dishing out sarcasm because of it. So what gives you the right to tell me off?
That's a dick move.
It also ruined my entire day. After I tried so hard all morning to meditate myself into a good ****ing mindset, there you go killing my entire day with a few words. You're grumpy. I get it. I'm grumpy, too. Hell, I'm depressed. I'm still trying my ass off not to let that influence anyone else in our household. How about you pull up those (too big) socks and do the bloody same?

So, really it doesn't flatter me in any way whatsoever when you text me what other people think of my brilliant birthday parties and organisational skills. I don't give a **** what people think of me. I do, for some stupid reason, give a whole lot of **** what YOU think of me. And apparently it's nothing good, just going on your half of the conversation. I'm so sorry I do things differently from you. Not everyone can be a perfectionist.

You know what?
I'm done.
I'm so ****ing done with this.
I've been trying to get help and get better. FOR YOU. Because YOU want me to. I made it clear to the therapists and doctors. I made it clear to you. I'm only here because YOU asked me to get help.
But what's the point. You're just doing everything my dad always did. You're belittling me. You make me feel there's something wrong with me. You make me feel unworthy, and stupid, that NOTHING I DO IS EVER GOOD ENOUGH.

I've been down this ****ing path one time too many, with you and with my family.
I want out of this ****ing world.
I want out of this f***ing world.
Hey, hey... don't, alright? Please, just think for a second here.

Look, how about if I show you something I've just written, like two seconds ago? Would that make you feel better?

On one condition: You don't do anything and you think this though.

Sorry, but I don't want anything to happen to you ok?
Look, dude, just....tch. Hmm.

When I asked 'are you serious?' it was actually a rhetorical question. No, of course I don't think you'd joke about your silly socks being too big. I don't know why it's an issue for you, considering I'M the one who has to locate the receipt and I'M the one who has to drive allllllll the way to that mall to exchange them. I'M the one who has to do the dirty work. You don't hear me complaining or dishing out sarcasm because of it. So what gives you the right to tell me off?
That's a dick move.
It also ruined my entire day. After I tried so hard all morning to meditate myself into a good ****ing mindset, there you go killing my entire day with a few words. You're grumpy. I get it. I'm grumpy, too. Hell, I'm depressed. I'm still trying my ass off not to let that influence anyone else in our household. How about you pull up those (too big) socks and do the bloody same?

So, really it doesn't flatter me in any way whatsoever when you text me what other people think of my brilliant birthday parties and organisational skills. I don't give a **** what people think of me. I do, for some stupid reason, give a whole lot of **** what YOU think of me. And apparently it's nothing good, just going on your half of the conversation. I'm so sorry I do things differently from you. Not everyone can be a perfectionist.

You know what?
I'm done.
I'm so ****ing done with this.
I've been trying to get help and get better. FOR YOU. Because YOU want me to. I made it clear to the therapists and doctors. I made it clear to you. I'm only here because YOU asked me to get help.
But what's the point. You're just doing everything my dad always did. You're belittling me. You make me feel there's something wrong with me. You make me feel unworthy, and stupid, that NOTHING I DO IS EVER GOOD ENOUGH.

I've been down this ****ing path one time too many, with you and with my family.
I want out of this ****ing world.

I've been feeling like this about my grandparents lately. Like nothing I do matters or holds any weight with them because I'll always be a disappointment since I'm not in college and I don't have a job and I haven't married some rich man and because I want to write and that's not a "real" job that's liable to payout in their opinions. And, tbh, there are times I really wish I wasn't here anymore. Not like die kind of not being here, but like...pack my bags, empty my bank account, and just run off somewhere in the middle of the night to a place where no one would find me. I seriously feel like, if a portal opened up to another world right in front of me, I'd go and not look back because why the hell should I have to put up with d*ckish family members who can't even own up to their own faults when I'm young, can admit that I'm more flawed than a broken dish, and I have ambitions of my own? But it won't solve anything. Honestly, it won't. All it will do is cause suffering on both ends of the spectrum.

So please don't try an leave, okay? You have people who love and care and worry about you and we would all be sad to see you go. If you need to rant or talk, we're all here to listen or give you advice or just talk about nonsensical things until you're cheered up, okay? =( *huglz lots*


How the f*ck do you tell someone who recently lost a pet that animals aren't as important as people? How? I mean, wtf? *bangs head on wall repeatedly*
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Look, dude, just....tch. Hmm.

When I asked 'are you serious?' it was actually a rhetorical question. No, of course I don't think you'd joke about your silly socks being too big. I don't know why it's an issue for you, considering I'M the one who has to locate the receipt and I'M the one who has to drive allllllll the way to that mall to exchange them. I'M the one who has to do the dirty work. You don't hear me complaining or dishing out sarcasm because of it. So what gives you the right to tell me off?
That's a dick move.
It also ruined my entire day. After I tried so hard all morning to meditate myself into a good ****ing mindset, there you go killing my entire day with a few words. You're grumpy. I get it. I'm grumpy, too. Hell, I'm depressed. I'm still trying my ass off not to let that influence anyone else in our household. How about you pull up those (too big) socks and do the bloody same?

So, really it doesn't flatter me in any way whatsoever when you text me what other people think of my brilliant birthday parties and organisational skills. I don't give a **** what people think of me. I do, for some stupid reason, give a whole lot of **** what YOU think of me. And apparently it's nothing good, just going on your half of the conversation. I'm so sorry I do things differently from you. Not everyone can be a perfectionist.

You know what?
I'm done.
I'm so ****ing done with this.
I've been trying to get help and get better. FOR YOU. Because YOU want me to. I made it clear to the therapists and doctors. I made it clear to you. I'm only here because YOU asked me to get help.
But what's the point. You're just doing everything my dad always did. You're belittling me. You make me feel there's something wrong with me. You make me feel unworthy, and stupid, that NOTHING I DO IS EVER GOOD ENOUGH.

I've been down this ****ing path one time too many, with you and with my family.
I want out of this ****ing world.

You are not alone Dante's Stalker. you have us to talk to and if you fell like you want to release your anger somewhere you have me.
@Dante's Stalker *Huggles* Shadow, Frost, and KRSkull are right--if you need us, we're here. You need to vent, you drop us a line, okay? I'm really sorry for what you're going through--just know that you're stronger than even you realize. Here, FB, or anywhere--you need a shoulder, I've got two. I know none of us can really do much, but I hope we can at least be of some help. :( Distance be damned, I count you amongst my friends.

@Shadow Likewise, you need someone to talk to, Rebel will gladly step up to the plate. ^^ You know, I get that feeling...about if a portal to another world were to open up, wanting to step through it without a second-thought. I felt that way all the time, growing up. Hell, sometimes I still do. Maybe this is what really compels us to write--we yearn for that other world so much, we have to create it. I know I'd be depressed out of my skull, otherwise. Also, whoever said that to you (about animals not being as important) is a dumbass; I've had someone say the same, when one of my budgies died (if they had said it about my dog, I would've had some very bloody knuckles). What they fail to realize is, these "pets" have been a part of our lives for quite awhile, and in a lot of cases (I'm sure your current case is much the same as mine was back then) the animal family members tend to be far better than the human ones. Losing them is awful, because they were such a source of comfort, of joy...and thus, their absence is felt. It's like having all the colour drained out of your surroundings.

*Huggles all around*
Sometimes you just gotta be selfish and please yourself a little more rather than other people... =/

Nobody understands anybody else in the world, not fully, not completely - and they never will because they'll never be inside your head. Hard lesson for me since I don't want it to be that way, but that's how it is. Even I get tired of bruising my skull against a brick wall sometimes.
You know, I just saw the video Game Theory: Are Gamers Killing Video Games?, and I think this guy might have a point. We don't particularly care about innovation, we care about good gameplay. I think that's what he missed in the video: games can be as innovative as their developers want them to be, but above all, they need to be GOOD. The word 'innovative', to me, mainly conjures up images of decent games. However, they're games that never really pushed boundaries when it comes to the most important aspects: story, gameplay, graphics, and soundtrack.
People take CoD as a prime example of 'lack of innovation', but is that really the issue? Maybe the issue is simply that CoD stories are all very much alike. Hell, even the soundtrack and the graphics are very similar from installment to installment - as in, not very good. The soundtracks are mass-produced and go down in quality, just like most games. Maybe what people really want is for those games to get back on track in terms of the essentials. Innovation is good, but you can't let it get in the way of the game's vital organs, so to speak. In any case, it's very odd to see developers lament the lack of innovation, only to develop similar games time after time.
I'm trying to get over my current fear of premature death. I don't know why, but lately I've just felt like I'm not going to live much longer. Probably because I'm at that point in my life where I haven't done much yet. It's been like this for a few weeks at least, and if it's not this, it's something else like hypochondria (which is an ongoing thing for me).

I just want to live a fulfilling life and die an old man. This anxiety can screw off.
@Dante's Stalker *You know, I get that feeling...about if a portal to another world were to open up, wanting to step through it without a second-thought. I felt that way all the time, growing up. Hell, sometimes I still do. Maybe this is what really compels us to write--we yearn for that other world so much, we have to create it. I know I'd be depressed out of my skull, otherwise.

*Huggles all around*

Probably because I'm at that point in my life where I haven't done much yet.

I just want to live a fulfilling life and die an old man. This anxiety can screw off.

I know what you guys mean. Life is a zero-sum game and our interests, fantasies, and original stories are our only escape from this absolute nightmare.

That... or Paradise.

I understand, Dante's Stalker.

All too well.
@Frostmourne + @KRSkull + @Shadow + @Rebel Dynasty
Sorry to freak you guys out, I didn't expect a response. I'm really really sorry :frown:
Thank you for your support and hugs.

Like Rebel said, you don't have to apologize. =) *happy you're alright**more huglz*


Was looking around at FFN/AFF/FP fics reviews for kicks and came across a lot of the usual flames (ie: "you suck", "go die", "stop writing", etc.) that I just ignored, but found some others that gave me pause. Like...the ones saying a fic is too detailed or uses too big of words. Especially if the fic is using relatively normal language. I mean, seriously? The heck? *shakes her head* The ones telling people to stop using words other than "said" for dialogue or complaining about regional dialogue differences are stupid, too. Like...really? You have nothing better to do? Ugh. I have to say, though, the most creative one of all was on a smut story. The reviewer was complaining about smutty stories in general always giving women multiple orgasms. ...erm...yeah. Mind is somewhere between "well, some women are lucky to get one, so what's the big deal?" and "wait...what? ._." I just...I don't even....I give up. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
(Sorry if that was too mature of a thing to comment about here. I'm just...baffled, really. ._. Very baffled.)
My closest brother has a girlfriend which also means that our brother and sisters are getting over-protective and looking her up online. When it was our brother, we knew it was just to make sure everything was okay and he wasn't digging for anything. He told us all what he had found (nothing) and was okay afterward. One of my sisters is looking her up online and actually searching for anything negative.

We had invited his girlfriend to our small family reunion so she could meet everyone. Our mom made sure to tell my sisters to be nice, friendly, make her feel welcome. Their response, "Oh sure. You don't need to worry. We'll talk to her and get to know her." The reunion comes and my sisters go into a corner and talk among themselves. It was my brothers that made an effort to get to know her and joke around with her a little. I was the only girl in the family that actually made her feel welcome. The only in-law, a sister-in-law, that was even there talked to her a little and even made sure to get her in the family pictures.

I understand that the family is protective, but she's going to push our brother to the point that he will never speak to her again.

This also makes me glad I'm single. If I ever have a boyfriend my sisters are not to know until we either break-up or get married. Even then I'm not so sure.