The ranting thinking thread

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My mind really won't let this drop!

I despise you so much work. I swear, where I work is like the centre of Hell itself. So many annoying and immature costumers. Staff members that run around like headless chickens, doing **** all work. Supervisors getting the lower down members to do everything, essentially their own job for them. Yeah, whilst they sit back and earn an extra pound more than you (Which before anyone says, "It's just an extra pound") I worked it out against the hours I do a week and multiplied it by four, and it really does make all the difference. Don't believe me? I'd be happy to show figures to anyone who doesn't believe that.

And seriously, why are so many Staff members running around like headless chickens? I just won't let it drop. Why the hell are there so many off this week? My parents are both off, Jim is off tonight, Damien is off until Sunday, Julie is getting over personal things, I'm having the weekend off, Ross just quit. Seriously, why the hell is this all happening in the same week? Because nothing ever gets planned. What's a business without a plan? Not a very good business. If nothing ever gets planned, the business doesn't run as smoothly. I'm no ****ing expert or genius on these matters, but at least I have good ol' common sense. I just wish my fellow employees had the same thing as well as me.

But my main problem still goes back to one single thing. Holiday time! How comes I've apparently taken half my holiday time off? And I'm entitled to a week and a half off still, which I won't be allowed anyway. And someone who gets less holiday entitlement than me, has been having days and weeks off whenever they want? When their holiday entitlement is less than mine anyway, since they haven't been there as long, then surely like I said they owe the Company hours. Apparently they will take away the extra holiday he's had off, if it turns out he wasn't entitled to it (Which he wasn't) So yeah, supposedly they will deduct that from his pay. You know, since they overpaid him one month and said they'd pay him less the next month (Which they never did, they paid him his usual amount) I highly doubt they're going to do anything about this either. What happened when I got £700 one month, meaning I was overpaid? They took it off my next pay. I usually get £600, but I got £400 that month. If you do the maths, they overpaid me £100, and then they underpaid me £200. They owe me £100. Who cares? Nobody...
Why does everything take so long to make?! I swear it's like my days are shrinking and shrinking and soon they will barely exist at all.
Stop being so bloody selfish. Does anyone know what its called when someone is leading a double life?
I mean, it's like you're embarassed with the life you've got... and guess what, that p***es me off. Not only are you being a self-righteous so-and-so, but you're being an ass to my mum, and i don't like it. F***ing hell, what did she do to deserve a total p**ck like you.

Sorry for the strong words.
I can't stand ignorance... if you're gonna be ignorant, for crying out loud, don't do it in front of me...
it makes you a certain 4 letter word that i really can't type without getting into trouble.
First my neighbour tells me she has a restraining order against her boyfriend and that he was trying to get into our shared part of the apartment (hall) and now someone tells me bailiffs are trying to get in too (for who I don't know). This is just great. So I might bump into someone that expects to be able to just walk into one of the apartments and take things from it?
I could wrap my fingers around your scrawny little throat, rip off your testicles and feed them to next door's dogs!!!!
You are so evil....
Wow. Just ****ing wow. I was going to make you a stuffed animal of your favorite animal BY HAND for your birthday and you tell me I'm ****ing dumb for doing that, that I'm not "artistic" enough, and that you want me to just give you twenty bucks? I'm sorry I was trying to do something nice for you; remind me not to try ever again. I actually AM artistic, just in a different way than you, so kindly STFU. Yeah, no. That twenty dollars my mom gives me every week? It's all for my lunch and the cookies I buy every day and share with YOU. Please learn to appreciate your friends instead of taking them for granted. I'm sure we'd all like that.

Oh, and you're not marrying your boyfriend; it's so annoying how you saw you two are going to be together for ever. You've only been dating for three months, that's no where close to forever. Your fifteen, a freshmen, and in high school. Get real.
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I just cannot believe how dim some people can be.
I believe there are other beings out there too, so I don't know if that vid was real or tampered with or not. The point is there is a massive tsunami causing destruction below and everyone is watching a little white thing flick across the screen because really, WTF is that?
I believe in God. That doesn't mean when a major catastrophe like this hits I go looking for angels floating in the sky or looking for God's pattern/finger/face/hand in the clouds.
The point is there is a f*cking tsunami killing thousands of people live on TV and everyone is more interested in the little f*cking white thing streaking across the screen. F*cking WAKE UP, people!
The ignorance. The stupidity. There are no words.

What a load of crap! OF COURSE you're going to love it! You admit to being a huge fan of the series so OF COURSE you're gonna eat up every little bit of it and love it despite a HUGE GLARING FLAW.

Mindless idiots...
Dear life.

I just wanted to go over a few things with you since I've recently turned twenty. Thanks for taking me to this period in time where I'm no longer a little child or a raging hormonal teenager any more. Seriously appreciate that you're sending me to the old man period as fast as you possibly can. I'd like it if you'd slow down just a little, or my next rant here may take place when I'm fifty.

Anyway, I've got a few things to ponder and a few bones to pick with you. You've been really nice to me at times, and I really thank you for that. But there have been some times where I've genuinely felt you've hurt me on purpose. Mainly when I'm portraying my good guy image, and rightly so. I wouldn't want to be a bad guy, that'd just live up to my name on this Forum *Hides behind deadly ninjas*

You probably already know what these issues I have are, but please let me inform you anyway. Firstly, have you ever heard of planning things? It's a little thing people do when they want something to go right and not get screwed up. Oh life, how could you forget this simple fact? When I plan for something to go right, you're meant to make it go right. How is this not a simple act to follow? Seriously, the process is easy. I'll take you through it in baby steps, if you'd like? I think on a scenario that is generally speaking, a bad one. I plan ways as to how I can improve the situation, so it's not a bad one. These plans are what you're meant to look at and say, "Yes Sir, I'll make sure they go right for you". However I've got the feeling life that you just read my plans, and with a snigger you simply screw them up into a little ball and throw them over your shoulder into the nearest bin. If you read them at all. Maybe my needs and demands are too hard to be met with your respect and kindness, and therefore you simply ignore any simple task that I ask you to do? Maybe now you'll hear me out, and next time you'll listen to my requests. Or then again, you probably won't.

Finally I move on to appreciation. This is another area you have decided to ignore for me. Seems like I have to work pretty hard to get any appreciation off of anyone in life, and I fail to see why that is. Are you just ignoring me here too, because these needs and demands are just too great for you? I need appreciation when I do something good. How comes you have this awful habit of throwing this sort of problem in my face? If I were to save a child from a burning building, you would find some way of making me look like the villain. Why is that so? Why do you think it so great to make me seem like the bad guy, when I'm clearly just trying my best to help everyone and get a little tiny bit of appreciation from it that hardly ever seems to arrive? Bare in mind for the future, that good deeds should be met with appreciation.

Thanks for wasting your time,
Yours in hope as always,
If I can't get into this volunteer program at the Humaine Society I will be so fkn ****ed off, this is one time chance that if I can do it I may be able to send an application into a college...
FORGET IT?! How am i supposed to forget it... for crying out loud, you're my mother, f*** sake,my life is bad enough why did you have to tell me...