You know what...I'm just gonna go with Dante ages slower than a human. It would super-suck if he has all these cool powers and he can't do much b/c his lifespan is running out. Then again, Mr. Reuben Langdon said that he's 2000 years old already...?
You know what, just forget it. For me, Dante/(gotta get Nero and Vergil in there somehow) ages more slowly and he "acts" a certain age. Boom, Bam, Thank You Ma'am. Ya know Capcom, you could make something (turn DMC into a long novel, actually rebooting the series instead of your crappy flip-flopping...maybe get rid of your CEO/go out of business:devil

out of fixing up the series so that it makes sense. I love DMC, but I sure do have my quips about it.
And on a side note, you have a ton of shelved games that you can dust off and bring them up to speed (while still RETAINING what made them great in the first place) so that fans will stop calling you your other moniker so much(Crapcom). I mean
Resident Evil: ORC was a clusterf**k, then you added that clunky clusterf**k gameplay to
RE 6 (seriously, Leon, Jake, the Bloodshots, that modified Regenerator, and your Mercenaries [not them other modes] saved the game for me)
DmC...You know, I think I wouldn't ignore it as much if I know what it is. If it's replacing the original series, then count me out of your future projects indefinitely, but if you keep both series and have it as an alternate universe, sans Tammem's arrogant direction and whatever that gameplay was supposed to be, you could probably bridge the fanbase back together. Mega Man (sigh). Your
Darkstalkers tanked,
Dragon's Dogma is well-received, but I think you didn't reach your 1.5 mil set yet,
Remember Me is seen by some people as a do-over of Deus Ex
, and Lost Planet 3 is looking like you want to cash in on that COD market...again. guys were one of my favorite companies and now you guys seem...lost. And don't give me that 'running-out-of-ideas' crap. There is probably an almost infinite number of inspirational sources that you could look at for ideas; get the right people to do that for you.
Like are you guys really only about sales? You would rather sell out and copy done-over sh*t than stick to what made you guys favorable, while still adding new elements/changes THAT WORK? If you guys start putting out good sh*t, people will start coming back to you.
And when is it OK to clown people for liking the original series of anything (movies, games, tv shows)?