The ranting thinking thread

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Yesterday I had a good night, even though my bf starting texting/calling wondering where I went even though I told him: I went go karting and then bowling. What I can't hang out with friend past one too? So, it's okay for you but when I do the same thing you get a little jealous and snobbish. Gez I can't seem to catch a break.:/
I would imaging that it was pretty difficult hiding Reaver... did you hide the Dragonstomper first?
I just want to know if Stilts actually listened to you when you told him to stop what he was doing... Only, Tilly doesn't do authority...(or listens to it.)

:P Nope...simply bribed him with the promise of good tea and cheap wine. ^^ And the fact that some of my muses are really very easy. >_> Then hid the Dragonstomper. I suspect he'll worm his way out soon enough and crush all my fangirl dreams. T-T (Also, free-range Vergil makes me think of chickens for some reason....)
LOL Not really. XP He looked at me, mewed all innocently, then went back to causing mayhem. *had to pick him up and pull him out of the room* Aww, Tilly. :3
Okay, lately i am loosing my mind on wat's happening in games and life. Gaming getting all technical than jus having fun controls. I wanted technical gaming and with DMC 3, I got it. When i shared internet space with DMC 3 Fans, they were fun and were not all technical like me.

But sh!tty DMC 4 changed everything. With all the technical cancels like side star-rave and reverse star rave......I mean WTF....I play games through rent goddamnit.......I can spend only 3 hours per day on a game. And i have been playing other games like RE. Though i played RE 4, I got my a$$ handed in mercenaries before i could SS most stages in RE 5. I come back to DMC 4, And all sh!t has gone loose with all technicality like side star rave and reverse star rave. I mean wats the point of it when the damage inflicted is same as star-rave. It would take hours to get accustomed with D-pad controls. Its not impossible but who the hell has the time to sit down for hours playing one game for life......WTF...........Screw your technicality. I will play DMC 4 as DMC 3 with 75% technicality with dante. Yeah, the devs have given technicality to Dante but at the end of the day, I play DMC cuz i fantasized demons since i watched inu yasha. If being a demon is all about being technical, I am not your audience and i don't have time to get technical in your game.I used to like DMC 4 but sh1ts got too damn technical for a video-game.I am not a casual gamer either. I play fairly good but am not very technical but play with line-of-sight mechanics, ya know, as far as the eye can see and my fingers can play. F*ck you losers.
Damn Eye of Dante app... y u not working?! :mad:

I bought a new phone just for that app (very expensive too), just to find out it wasn't compatible... I'm still pretty peeved that it doesn't work.

Aw man! I should never have convinced hubby to get onto FB! Now I can't put naked Dante in my header D:
Or maybe I can?.........nope, no, I can't do that, UGH FUDGING CRISPY BISCUITS!

Aww, I would love to have seen that...

What's the point in playing the first cutscene of a game only not to load before I've had the chance to play it... stupid cash generator... why don't you check your discs before you buy them from people.
Oh I love how restrictions and regions are doing perfectly due to our own mistakes of sharing everything on internet for free. Now I am willing to buy Sword Art Online both the music and the anime. Problem is no matter how much I pay I would still get nothing. Damn it. There goes another anime I can't get...
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Sigh I feel like I'm between a rock and a wall. I don't know what to do anymore or who to turn to. Right now I in a very delicate situation where my boyfriend's friend has very strong feeling for me, but doesn't want to mess up are friendship. The other thing is I may have feeling for him too. :( you see my predicament? I love my boyfriend, but it seems he doesn't really appreciate what I do for him. I know he had to deal with a lot crap for me; however, I had to deal twice as much to the point I even doubted myself worth. No one should make the one they lovefl feel that way and that how he made me feel at times. Like crap and a thing to have. And my boyfriend is emotionally unstable which puts a lot of strain on me as well. Gezz life just love throwing these lovely little cruv balls my way. Lord give me strength cause I'm sure going to need it....and a hell of a lot of help.
You know what...I'm just gonna go with Dante ages slower than a human. It would super-suck if he has all these cool powers and he can't do much b/c his lifespan is running out. Then again, Mr. Reuben Langdon said that he's 2000 years old already...?
You know what, just forget it. For me, Dante/(gotta get Nero and Vergil in there somehow) ages more slowly and he "acts" a certain age. Boom, Bam, Thank You Ma'am. Ya know Capcom, you could make something (turn DMC into a long novel, actually rebooting the series instead of your crappy flip-flopping...maybe get rid of your CEO/go out of business:devil:) out of fixing up the series so that it makes sense. I love DMC, but I sure do have my quips about it.

And on a side note, you have a ton of shelved games that you can dust off and bring them up to speed (while still RETAINING what made them great in the first place) so that fans will stop calling you your other moniker so much(Crapcom). I mean Resident Evil: ORC was a clusterf**k, then you added that clunky clusterf**k gameplay to RE 6 (seriously, Leon, Jake, the Bloodshots, that modified Regenerator, and your Mercenaries [not them other modes] saved the game for me) DmC...You know, I think I wouldn't ignore it as much if I know what it is. If it's replacing the original series, then count me out of your future projects indefinitely, but if you keep both series and have it as an alternate universe, sans Tammem's arrogant direction and whatever that gameplay was supposed to be, you could probably bridge the fanbase back together. Mega Man (sigh). Your Darkstalkers tanked, Dragon's Dogma is well-received, but I think you didn't reach your 1.5 mil set yet, Remember Me is seen by some people as a do-over of Deus Ex, and Lost Planet 3 is looking like you want to cash in on that COD market...again. guys were one of my favorite companies and now you guys seem...lost. And don't give me that 'running-out-of-ideas' crap. There is probably an almost infinite number of inspirational sources that you could look at for ideas; get the right people to do that for you.

Like are you guys really only about sales? You would rather sell out and copy done-over sh*t than stick to what made you guys favorable, while still adding new elements/changes THAT WORK? If you guys start putting out good sh*t, people will start coming back to you.

And when is it OK to clown people for liking the original series of anything (movies, games, tv shows)?
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It seems so many people want a VIDEO GAME CHARACTER to comform to their tastes. Oh no, no more weird clothes or looks, no weird weapons or voices. Everything about them has to conform to the now, the new, the modern. I guess having a wild imagination or following your own path is outdated as well then. No more fantasy, no more dreams, no more super heroes in wacky costumes, just straight-up, blunt reality.

So, if every game is all about death, the world's gonna end, war, survival...what's the point of playing a game? It's enough of that going around now as it is.
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What the hell is wrong with people, having a party about Margaret Thatcher's death?? I don't care how much you hate her, she had good intentions and nobody deserves that level of disrespect. Not even you.
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Okay, lately i am loosing my mind on wat's happening in games and life. Gaming getting all technical than jus having fun controls. I wanted technical gaming and with DMC 3, I got it. When i shared internet space with DMC 3 Fans, they were fun and were not all technical like me.

But sh!tty DMC 4 changed everything. With all the technical cancels like side star-rave and reverse star rave......I mean WTF....I play games through rent goddamnit.......I can spend only 3 hours per day on a game. And i have been playing other games like RE. Though i played RE 4, I got my a$$ handed in mercenaries before i could SS most stages in RE 5. I come back to DMC 4, And all sh!t has gone loose with all technicality like side star rave and reverse star rave. I mean wats the point of it when the damage inflicted is same as star-rave. It would take hours to get accustomed with D-pad controls. Its not impossible but who the hell has the time to sit down for hours playing one game for life......WTF...........Screw your technicality. I will play DMC 4 as DMC 3 with 75% technicality with dante. Yeah, the devs have given technicality to Dante but at the end of the day, I play DMC cuz i fantasized demons since i watched inu yasha. If being a demon is all about being technical, I am not your audience and i don't have time to get technical in your game.I used to like DMC 4 but sh1ts got too damn technical for a video-game.I am not a casual gamer either. I play fairly good but am not very technical but play with line-of-sight mechanics, ya know, as far as the eye can see and my fingers can play. F*ck you losers.

Hear hear... You would not believe the amount of "hardcore" gamers who think I'm a casual because I refuse to use such techniques.