The ranting thinking thread

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If things keeps going like this I am going to get old before I ever try ''it'' It is not a good thought. Anxious feelings and rushing instincts. Being untouched for 24 years. Some people don't understand how I lasted this long. Yeah, I am not lasting much longer and it would be totally wrong since I am not getting old before I get something. I have been extremely stubborn. The old ways is not common anymore. The new ways I never liked and never going to try. I grew up and the world got younger? Now I have to punish my alter ego so I don't get those maskuline instincts. They are totally a no no. I hope I survive til then...
Don't force yourself. Do what you think is right for you. Don't feel you are strange just because society says you should do something. Only do it when you are ready.
I know people who wait till they are 30, so 24 is not old (neither is 30^_^).

Now my rant. I was watching TV when this commercial came up for something called muzzy. Apparently it is supposed to teach children an extra language. But, the commercial was terrible. It made out that parents were failures if they did not buy the product and that their child would be a failure too.>_< Worst of it was that the target age was for 3-5 year olds.
I'm all for children learning, but forcing them to at 3 years old is too much, let alone the fact it turns being a parent into a competition. It's not supposed to be like that and ruins the experience for parent and child; especially when there is the image of having the 'perfect' child. It's just detrimental to all involved. Not evey child will be a genius or change the world, but that's okay. A child is a child and should be loved regardless. ^_^ Have expectations, but ones that are realisic for the chilfd. Besides, would you want miserable unhappy children as a result of high expectations or children who are happy with themselves and do their best.

Seems like almost every parent is competing their children against other parents children even during the baby phase. It's terrible and does make me wonder why some adults become parents if they turn what is supposed to be a happy experience into a game of 'keep up with the Joneses'.

A child is not a toy or a possession or something to show off about. Yes, be proud of your child, encourage it, but don't put pressure on it and expect your child to be a genius. And if a child is gifted, then also encourage them and support them, but don't push them. I've seen gifted children pushed so much that they had a total breakdown and began to hate and resent the parents and then want to withdraw from society because the parents have alienated them from their peers because they were seen as inferior and involved them in too many extra classes so they had no time to b themselves and relax. I know every parent wants their child to succeed, but this should not be at the cost of a child's mental or physical health.

And this was all brought about by a commercial....
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GUH!! Really people! My family and boyfriend sure know are to be huge inconsiderate @$$holes! First my nephew overrides my boyfriends save files in skyrim. Said boyfriend freaks out and yells at him making him cry. Now whole family wants to know what's going on making me feel like utter Sh**. Way to go. Muffled ear, bad sinuses and now I feel like jumping out a window or burring myself in sand. I don't know. Thanks guys there goes my awesome day. *facepalms into pillow.*
Dear VeeBee
Why do you have so many stupid ideas?!
Yeah, sure they seem good at the time, but they end up so complicated... you're a ****
I don't get it. Where'd the eggs come from? And the bunny? Bunnies don't lay eggs? Where is the connection? And wtf does eggs and bunnies have to do with Easter anyway? How does that show the real spirit and meaning of Easter? WTF is wrong with people?

The bunny has been around since medieval times. They used to have images of it in church as they belived back then that a rabbit could have offsping by itself, so they likened it to Mary. It wasn't till the 1600 that bunnies became associated with carrying easter eggs for children, and that idea came from Germany. No idea why though.

Not sure about eggs. New life I guess. There's also an article that says it represents Jesus breaking free from the tomb (the egg is like the boulder. It breaks and new life comes out.)

But these days, easter is made into buying choclate eggs, peeps and other things instead of Jesus. It's just another way to make money in thes world.
The bunny has been around since medieval times. They used to have images of it in church as they belived back then that a rabbit could have offsping by itself, so they likened it to Mary. It wasn't till the 1600 that bunnies became associated with carrying easter eggs for children, and that idea came from Germany. No idea why though.

Not sure about eggs. New life I guess. There's also an article that says it represents Jesus breaking free from the tomb (the egg is like the boulder. It breaks and new life comes out.)

But these days, easter is made into buying choclate eggs, peeps and other things instead of Jesus. It's just another way to make money in thes world.
I didn't know that about the bunny thing - I just thought it was to do with the whole "it's spring! start making babies!" thing that most animals have going on around this time of year. But then if your timezone means it isn't spring then I guess it would make no sense at all.

From what I've read, there is no hard and fast rule concerning eggs themselves - some say it's about new life and some say it represents the stone in front of Jesus' tomb that was rolled away. Or in this case, nommed away.

We don't go mad for chocolate at Easter in our house - mostly because I'm fat - but because it's the most important date in the Christian calendar, imo, and I'm trying to teach the children what it's really meant to be about rather than them making themselves sick. It's SO not going to work :P

Current Rant: I'm an idiot. I forgot to put the sledges away last night, thinking it wouldn't snow any more. I've never been more wrong...they are both bright red and I can't even see them to rescue them. And they are my mode of transportation to get to church this morning...oops
My chem test was horrible OTL I have no hope in passing that test *forever a failure in life*

This is all you need to know about Chemistry:

Snow, why are you here when it is nearly April?! I hate falling over on the ice, and I hate it when I have to wait in the snow for a train that has been delayed because of the snow.>_< It's just not my day today....
Finally semi hiatus from crunchyroll. That site has made me worn out. Time to look up some females in the sun. In real life. Spring is almost here. I can feel it! Why is the female word better than the girl word? Just pronounce it in a passionate way I guess. The good characteristics of females. <3

Hatsune Miku made me feel this way. I Blame her. Now I am a total anime freak.

Miku: ''Don't blame me Striferu!''

Striferu: ''Sorry Miku-san!''

Striferu: ''It's fine!''

Miku: ''See ya later then!''

Striferu: ''Yeah, I promise''

Miku: ''<3''
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So everyone felt safe and secured when that thing was uncovered in my sisters room. and all of you freaked out when you didn't find it and freaked out more when i told you that i hid it in a safe place and when i brought it to you you freaked out more when you saw that i warped it with a piece of cloth. **** you all
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Just started watching Revolution and had a total fangirl FREAKOUT when Dan showed up as the bad guy. AAAAAHHHH!!!
Somebody needs to get that voice clip of him and make a Vergil skit with Kat. That would be sooooo funny. Especially when he goes WAIT YOUR TURN!

Hubby wasn't impressed with my reaction but meh.
Dan looks hotter on TV than in photos. True story.
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(Sorry, I can't edit posts from my 360)
Is your internet slow... well hackers have attacked a 'spam filtering' site which has affected Internet speeds across the world... I just don't get what these people get out of this kind of thing... sure, I do stuff for lulz... but I don't do it at other people's expense...