The ranting thinking thread

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You can't force me to watch an episode

And everytime I see a Snooki and Jwow commercial I just want to throw my TV away. It's like society bans shows with blood, dark stories, and real meaning, but yet this bullshit is on TV still, rotting the minds of young teens like me? AND what's worse some of the teens at my school actually follow this trend and go out and think they can do this crap every night! UGH! I just ****es me off that such good television is thrown away for garbage like this! My own cousin says that one "Twilight" movie is better then all the Harry Potter movies combined. WHAT? That just made me loose any movie suggesting from her. I just hate that all the greatest shows and all the more interesting television series are being either over shadowed or are canceled and we're forced to have to deal with...this
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Some people need to make up there minds. you either want my opinion or not. you can't ask me for my opinion and then start to attack me with your mouth and say that you don't like it.
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Oh, what's that? You want to be grounded for the rest of the summer holidays? Sure, no problem. Lay some more of that attitude on me - coz I can lock the front door and you ain't getting out EVER if you carry on like this.

Also, say bye bye to your mobile phone and ipod. Ima sell them for a more even-tempered child, k?
Oh, what's that? You want to be grounded for the rest of the summer holidays? Sure, no problem. Lay some more of that attitude on me - coz I can lock the front door and you ain't getting out EVER if you carry on like this.

Also, say bye bye to your mobile phone and ipod. Ima sell them for a more even-tempered child, k?

Will you lock the windows too?
I bet you're a tough mommy. But that's a good thing. At least it shows you care.

I suppose when kids look back on how tough their parents were on them, they realise it's because their parents care(d). At least, that's how i assume it is.

Oh, so you've had me ordering my birthday presents, and i suppose you want me to wrap them too... i tell you what, i'll do it ON my birthday and I can have fun unwrapping them at the same time!
Will you lock the windows too?
I bet you're a tough mommy. But that's a good thing. At least it shows you care.
Lawl - she's in SUCH a mardy mood right now. After stropping off to a sleepover at her friend's house last night, she's come home tired, hungry and hot to be presented with a list of jobs to do which have been put off since Saturday and somehow it's all my fault.

Whilst I'm just chilling out at the computer, playing games, eating junk and drinking nice cold smoothies. Because my household chores are done. Suck it up, sweetie. You should have done it all when I asked you in the first place.

And the best bit? She actually tries to come out with "but Jake and Josh don't have to tidy up!" Like, really? You are expecting a BABY and a toddler with special needs to clean up your crap? For serious? I have a million things that matter to you which I can confiscate, my dear, so carry on with all this and enjoy sleeping in the garden on a piece of cardboard...
I hated chores as a kid (like most kids I guess) but I would never, ever throw a strop about them. I guess I understood somehow that they had to be done and if it was my turn then it was just my turn. That and the thing I feared most in the whole world was my mother's "look of disapproval". She never had to shout at me or even touch me because that was bad enough.

Their standards were pretty high too. Like, even now if I'm washing up I'll spend ages on it making dishes sure dishes are super-clean. If I see any anywhere else that have any bits left on them I'm like, automatically grossed out. My parents made me do them all again if I didn't wash everything properly, and they'd say "do you want to have this plate next time?" (if it had any little bits left on it. They always explained everything in reasonable terms so I didn't have a leg to stand on with argument, really. XD

I honestly had infinite respect for my mother because I knew she told me to do things for a reason, and if she was angry there was a good reason why. Not like my real dad who was just... a bit of an arse. I remember me and my brother accidentally dented this box in his back room while trying to get some action figures down from a shelf (that he said we could) when we were kids, and he just flew into a rage over it for no reason. He said he wanted to sell the phone that was in the box, but can you really fly into a fury when your two kids put a small hole in it purely by accident because it's stored inside an old chair that collapsed on it, when they didn't even know it was there? It just seemed childish of him.

Never respected him, but still did as told. My mother and my step-dad though I just adored, so I would do anything they asked really.
I rarely shout at Jessica - it works better when I stay all chirpy and calm. Because then she looks unreasonable and over the top by raging when I'm smiling and being ever-so-slightly patronising...
I think it does vary what you need to do with different children to get the right response... but I do think in general that kids get used to a lot of shouting if they're surrounded by it and eventually they ignore it. If I were a parent I think I'd do the same and only shout when something was really up. I think my younger sister was very argumentative and my mother would have to yell at her sometimes, and they'd have a big slanging match and then my sister would have a huge cry and then it would all be over. With me, I'd feel like there was some massive rift if I upset my mother... and I'd go and brood for days if we did fall out; I felt as bad as if I've fallen out with a best friend. But I know my sister didn't feel like she was on the that sort of level or something, so she used to have a good rail at my parents and there were lots of dramatics. Neither of my parents ever needed to whack us physically, though. It's weird, but, all the friends I knew who did have parents that did that didn't seem to care about getting hit as much as I cared about 'disappointing' my parents. I think it desensitizes kids in the end to smack them a lot... but then I know I was a different sort of kid to most of them, so I could never say which is the best way to bring kids up - they're all so different.

Wow, yes, I remember visiting my real dad and getting a small smack once for something - when I'd never been smacked ever in my life at home and it was like - an immense insult to my person or something. He obviously brought his kids up differently to my mother and my step-dad. I don't think I ever quite trusted him after that, because I could never reconcile it properly in my brain, which had been brought up so differently.
@Lexy - Smacking and shouting with Jake, for example, does nothing. Raising the eyebrow to Jessica, even at the age of 11 now, reduces her to tears pretty swiftly. Josh just thinks everything is hilarious all the time so goodness knows what we're going to do with him - probably make him watch a sad film or something?

My dad did the smacking in our house and he didn't have to do it very often because when he did, it hurt enough to stick in our minds to never warrant that sort of action again. Jessica these days responds more to being denied things she likes or being stopped from going out - although I do still enjoy counting slowly to 3 just to watch her jump half a mile in the air and race out of the room...:devil:
I don't get it Mom why do you ask me to bring a taxi when both of my brothers have cars. and at the end of the month you yell at me and blame me for spending all your money.
Why yes, it turns out I do have a door, thank you. In case you're unsure as to what door I mean specifically, it'll be the one hitting you in the face after I've told you for the umpteenth time I do not want nor need new doors and windows.
my dad hit me once... don't remember it though. I am a little petrified of him though (and i think he's a little bit scared of me.)
Although he never taught me how to ride a bike... that i really remember. He taught someone else's kid how to ride a damn bike though.... (sorry)

Angel: Sad film = Bambi... although that scared me a little so maybe not. (Or there's the Lion King).
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People who create compter viruses need to get stuck on the bottom of a lake. Or have their tech stuck on the bottom of a lake while they're barred from ever getting more. Why do they insist on latching viruses onto ME? I never go onto any dirty sites. I never go and click on bad links. I just go on ordinary boring sites with my nice antiviruses ALWAYS RUNNING, and yet every couple of months I get computer viruses. It's not like I buy anything online (other than pizza) so why am I being penalized because some jack*ss in his bedroom thinks he's soooooo smart he can f*ck up everyone elses lives? Stupid virus-makers. This should be a crime. -_-
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People who create compter viruses need to get stuck on the bottom of a lake. Or have their tech stuck on the bottom of a lake while they're barred from ever getting more. Why do they insist on latching viruses onto ME? I never go onto any dirty sites. I never go and click on bad links. I just go on ordinary boring sites with my nice antiviruses ALWAYS RUNNING, and yet every couple of months I get computer viruses. It's not like I buy anything online (other than pizza) so why am I being penalized because some jack*ss in his bedroom thinks he's soooooo smart he can f*ck up everyone elses lives? Stupid virus-makers. This should be a crime. -_-

I know how you feel. And that's my exact opinion.
Trouble is, viruses don't have to be on dirty sites. I got one from a gaming site. had to pay money to get it fixed.
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i've had it up to here with jon and i aint ****ing taking no more hes gonna come over on monday "wanna come to the park" how should i just forgive you like that you ****ing heartless twat