The ranting thinking thread

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maybe you're right after all IGN sucks
exactly but i just dont know why people always rely on others opinion you need your own opinion not someone elses your not IGN if you play it you could have a completley different opinion
WTF?! Dad you kicked my sister out for a reason! And now you're letting her move back in.... FOR A SECOND TIME!!! Just because her and her stupid boyfriend are geting kicked out of his parents house?! Does that tell you something dad! Not to mention she has lived in crack motel once before! Dad I understand that she's your daughter too, and yes I love her too. But I just don't trust her judgement after what happened in the past and this is just screaming " BAD IDEA!"
No, actually, they tend to think that they are right even when there is evidence to support the opposite. Incredibly annoying.

oh makes out "They tend to be egoistic idiots" :P
exactly but i just dont know why people always rely on others opinion you need your own opinion not someone elses your not IGN if you play it you could have a completley different opinion

Well game reviews are supposed to be done by "Pro journalists" or "Pro gamers" whatever they just give an idea on how the game plays and basically if a game is given the lowest possible rating it kinda gives us a bad impression
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Well this sucks. :( My favorite professor (and I'm totally her favorite student) has been in the hospital for awhile now. Last I heard was a few weeks ago and that she was slowly getting better. I hadn't heard anything since, but I just noticed that she isn't listed as my advisor for my communications minor anymore.

What....the hell? :'(
I'll rant a bit as well. These days have been totally marvelous. I can't even do the obvious mistake and ask "what next?" because it hits me anyway.
Someone keeps closing my internet window... it's not like i can download this stuff at home... internet does cost money and some of us can't afford it (you know who you are library person)

EDIT: and now i'm on my laptop i'll say this... What is the point of a FILESHARING site, if you can't File Share?
(Everytime i tried to write that on the library computer, the window kept closing... :mad: talk about invasion of privacy. )
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Holy balls. Am I really not allowed to listen to music while I work, even if it's fricking GAME music? You know, the kind that is old, 8-bit, and has no damn lyrics, just a catchy tune?
Oh wow, talk about service. I pre-ordered a game, i expect it on the day of release... but OH NO, HMV, has to be different... why does GAME have to be in financial trouble?!
^ Why I don't bother pre-ordering anything from Amazon anymore. Usually arrives a week late!
^ I had that experience with 'Catherine'. I just didn't expect for HMV to be that poor on sending out pre-orders. I don't think I'll bother in future,
Wow, my bf is a lot more touchier than me in some ways, he always wants to 'talk' about certain things. >.> yes I am coming to terms that I am a jealous person but don't isolate yourself, that's the worst thing you can do for me. Keeping each other happy isn't exactly working, so how about making ourselves happy first? But I bet if I were to tell you that you'd get mad at me anyways, so what's the point of even thinking such a thing? *shrugs*
Not again. My landlord said he was offended I didn't invite him in for coffee last time and every time he's here he keeps on saying he is disappointed he didn't catch me in my 'nightie'. OK. So, he's either having an extremely long term (kind of unfunny) joke, or he really is a huge lech. :blink:

Edit: Okay update, I think he just fancies me. He basically admitted it over coffee in a way that was about a subtle as a brick through my window. >_< I suppose it makes a change from having landlords that are in jail, or landlords that hate women. Sigh.

I now however want to crawl into a hole and never come out. How can I avoid this guy when he's my landlord, and he's always hanging about the property fixing things? As my landlord he could easily kick me out if this goes... wrong. It's already gone pretty wrong from my POV. Time to start secretly looking for a new place I suppose. -__-
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Again..... WTF?! I was having a good time bowling with you guys and all of a sudden, you two are arguing about something rediculous which could of been avoided if you guys actually communicated! Now I'm at home, tears threatening to fall out as I wonder if I did something wrong. Did I do something wrong? If I did, what did I do? What the hell happened? Damn it, now I need a cigarette.
Why are you judging me because I converted to the "Seven Laws of Noah" within Judaism?! You say I lack Biblical study?! Seriously?! While you were out being a whore where was I? Studying!
I dedicated years of my life to studying the Bible, Theology, and the like and you say I'm a un-learned heathen?! HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!! I've forgotten more about the Bible and Theology than you'll ever know you twit!!!! You stand on a Christian pulpit and preach, but YOU lack knowledge!! I'm HAPPY worshiping The LORD as one Almighty, powerful god instead of worshiping a Trinity composed god.
Its MY Faith and I will NOT be judged for worshiping my god. You say I can not be saved unless I believe in Jesus and get Baptized, FOOL!! The Jewish Bible (AKA The Old Testament) tells me in Hosea 14:2-3, and 1 Kings 8:46-50 that anyone whether they be Jewish or non-Jewish can ask The LORD for forgiveness and gain it by turning from their sins and doing what The LORD commands. My doesn't that put your Christology to shame?
But your too stuck up in your lofty position and your "fool's faith" to open your eyes and respect my beliefs and leave me in peace. While your stuffing Jesus down everyone's throat, I'm following my Noahide Laws peacefully and nobody is bothered or disturbed by my faith because I'm not scaring them with Hell, but rather minding my own business and everyone is blessed by me and I by them. You got a problem, than open up your Old testament, The LORD will answer your questions their.
"Hear, Israel, the LORD is our God, the LORD is one." Deuteronomy 6:4
This is MY God so PLEASE respect that!!

NOTE: For those of you who are Christian here, whether Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, or one of various Protestant styles of Christianity I mean no disrespect towards you. If you believe in Christianity I have no problem with you or your beliefs, I respect your beliefs. This rant is directed towards a cousin of my. (She'll never see this cuz she is not a DMC nerd like I am lol but man it felt good to let all that anger wooooo!!!)
What a birthday that was. (Yesterday).

The most awkward birthday ever, I think. First the lechy landlord worry the day before it, which left me really not in the mood to celebrate, even when we went out for a meal.

Then I got a present from my mum which is nice, but she still can't bring herself to speak to me after our little fall-out. My bf's family is nicer to me than mine are! Which is also a bit awkward, because he's not speaking to them. And my estranged real dad, who I asked to leave me alone and stop stalking me on FB and trying roundabout ways to get my address without my permission, still managed to send me a birthday card by addressing it to me in "artist's studio, Tintagel" (postie knows me so he figured this must be me). -__- Awkward doesn't really describe it, or how horrible it's been.

I know they probably mean well by it (well the family anyway, not the landlord), but it's just all depressing me.
cattlecattlecattlecattlecattlecattlecattlecattlecattlecattlecattlecattlecattlecattlecattle NOW!!!!
This summoning ritual is really hard....
Good grief you annoy me. Seriously, do you think you haven't been found out? That we're all so dumb as to not realise who you are? Your entire personality, which you tried to change in the first few weeks so you wouldn't be caught out, has been shining through as it was before just as brightly and just as smugly. Always have to have the last word, always being condescending to others, always pointing out the blindingly obvious. Grow a pair and own up to who you are - this ridiculous charade has long been exhausted.