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The ranting thinking thread


Oldschool DMC fan
Got my middle son's high school place awarded today.

It's not the school we wanted. In fact, it's the school we stated, very vocally (and in writing), that we definiely DO NOT want him to attend. It's an utterly unsuitable placement. His current school took 8 years to get him to where he is now - this new school is going to undo all that hard work. It's more suited to high-functioning kids with behavioural issues. Jake is low-functioning and does not have a behavioural disorder. He has learning disabilities. The school we wanted was ideal with lots of staff, tiny classes and plenty of extracurricular activities to help enrich our son's learning experience.

But thanks to the powers that be, the school that would have taken him were told to downsize and so everyone who applied outside of the primary school feeders was rejected. I know we're not the only hacked off parents today.

The biggest joke is the "appeal process". Precisely how can you appeal when there is no possibility of a place being magically made available? It's an exercise in futility.

The school has precisely ONE shot at doing an outstanding job with my son. And then I'm pulling the plug. I'll homeschool if I have to, but I'm not having him regress because they can't take care of him properly.

I have alternated between being incredibly angry and crying today. Today has sucked.
If I had kids I'd homeschool on principle. My sister has two and her kids' school seems to treat parents with contempt, and that's not even mentioning the odd stuff they want to teach kids these days.


the horror was for love
I hate how much my family is perfectly fine with wasting things. Like...glad they'll get us groceries, sure, but food we will never eat and have said repeatedly we'll never eat? What's the point in asking us for a very specific list of things we want if you never get what's on the list and always just get what you want? Why would you spend a lot of money on something you know we hate "as a surprise"?? Especially if you're aware one of us is allergic to said thing?? All that's going to happen is that either it's going to go bad and we'll have to throw it out OR it's just gonna sit in the cabinet until the next charity drive where we can discreetly give it away. Stop wasting stuff; other people could've made use of that. :/


Is not rat, is hamster
If I had kids I'd homeschool on principle. My sister has two and her kids' school seems to treat parents with contempt, and that's not even mentioning the odd stuff they want to teach kids these days.
Homeschooling, if I'm honest, has been the toughest part of lockdown - I simply don't know how to educate a special needs kids. I can at least blag it a bit with my other son, as he can understand what I'm saying and articulate himself. But if we need to get a private tutor, we will. And I've already decided that (because this school forces post-16 pupils into mainstream high school, which I am really not happy about) I'm going to get my son a passport and we'll just travel with him for his education.

What schools teach nowadays is weird...parents get less and less say in the subjects that used to be optional (such as religious, sexual and social education). I'm not okay with that because we're a Christian family and I don't want my children indoctrinated, quite frankly, into things we do not agree with or support. I am absolutely pro-education, but not at the expense of being able to disagree with things and engage in healthy discussion. I think it's essential for children to not be in a bubble of ignorance, but things are being taught in a way that precludes any sort of alternative way of looking at things.

The syllabus now seems to be we all have to jump on board whatever ideology train is currently on trend and woe be to you if you raise even the slightest question about any of it. From as young as 5 years old. Schools (by way of what the government push) are not interested in promoting critical thinking - they just want the next generation of pro-whatevers to be ready in the name of progress and tolerance.

Free speech is more impeded in this country than people realise. All you have to do these days is mention biological sex and you're cancelled.


Oldschool DMC fan
Homeschooling, if I'm honest, has been the toughest part of lockdown - I simply don't know how to educate a special needs kids. I can at least blag it a bit with my other son, as he can understand what I'm saying and articulate himself. But if we need to get a private tutor, we will. And I've already decided that (because this school forces post-16 pupils into mainstream high school, which I am really not happy about) I'm going to get my son a passport and we'll just travel with him for his education.

What schools teach nowadays is weird...parents get less and less say in the subjects that used to be optional (such as religious, sexual and social education). I'm not okay with that because we're a Christian family and I don't want my children indoctrinated, quite frankly, into things we do not agree with or support. I am absolutely pro-education, but not at the expense of being able to disagree with things and engage in healthy discussion. I think it's essential for children to not be in a bubble of ignorance, but things are being taught in a way that precludes any sort of alternative way of looking at things.

The syllabus now seems to be we all have to jump on board whatever ideology train is currently on trend and woe be to you if you raise even the slightest question about any of it. From as young as 5 years old. Schools (by way of what the government push) are not interested in promoting critical thinking - they just want the next generation of pro-whatevers to be ready in the name of progress and tolerance.

Free speech is more impeded in this country than people realise. All you have to do these days is mention biological sex and you're cancelled.
Agreed. I am completely against any ideology including the gender stuff being taught to kids. School is supposed to be a place for kids to learn how to think not what to think. In Germany they don't even allow homeschooling which is telling, and the people in the UK I know who homeschool say it's a pain due to government inspections and restrictions but at least we are still allowed to do it for now. They say it's never easy but worth it, and tbh the idea of teaching them personally is so much more valuable. I remember everything taught to me by my parents almost word for word (even the stresses in their voice in what they said) but most of the junk I picked up in school I've never used or had just faded from memory. (I learned to read at home for the most part). Maths was about the only thing I ever needed to use besides that, and my dad was the one who actually got me through my math GCSEs after hours because the teachers were naff, he had to do their jobs for them.

Critical thinking is so important. I have my gripes with my parents and I'm far from perfect, but they taught me how to use my brain. If they're not teaching that to new generations we're screwed.


ʙʟᴏᴏᴅ ғᴏʀ ғʀᴇᴇᴅᴏᴍ
Confirmed: this bitch has been contacting my mother-in-law about me.

I. Am. Furious.

It's a good sign, though. There were times when even mentioning her totally broke me and got me into a panic attack and flashbacks. Now I'm not broken, I'm not crying and feeling like she got me and she'll never let me go. I'm just angry.

I think it's time to reconsider making it a case. She's afraid of getting me against her in a courtroom, I know that. She's not the first one, lol.
So... One step closer to me or my family and I'm gonna wreck her. I've been tolerating this **** long enough, we've all been.


Well-known Member
Debunked another "Capcom wants RE6 to attract Call Of Duty fans" drivel.
First for this year.
The clickbait that never dies.

Haven't debunked anyone claiming "RE7 is only developed by 120 people" yet.


ʙʟᴏᴏᴅ ғᴏʀ ғʀᴇᴇᴅᴏᴍ
A friend was supporting me last night when I was considering filing a criminal report about a stalker. She was there giving me the sense of reality and drawing me an analysis about the elements that constitute stalking as a crime under Finnish criminal codex. I told her I am terribly afraid of losing the case, and she spend a good while telling me there's no chance I'd lose it, that my fear just supports the idea of this one being sentenced as guilty (one of the requirements for sentencing guilty of stalking is that the act is apt to cause fear and/or anxiety in the victim) and that people have got jail time for similar cases.

Now that same friend got really bad news. Let's just say that it's something pretty similar to the sudden death of one's loved one. I'm just empty and devoid of any words.

It's damn unfair of me not to say anything, but I sincerely can't figure out anything to say. Telling her I'm here if she wants to call me, and that I'm keeping my phone's volume up even during the night if she wants to talk, just seems not to be enough.

If she calls me, what should I say? "I'm sorry about your loss" is definitely not enough, and I'm not qualified to say anything more. It would be unfair towards her as well.


A powerful demon
Xen-Omni 2020
If I had kids I'd homeschool on principle. My sister has two and her kids' school seems to treat parents with contempt, and that's not even mentioning the odd stuff they want to teach kids these days.
Yes, if you do NOT ...under any circumstance want your kid to be indoctrinated with ideologies, then yank them out of the public school system.

This is not even a conspiracy theory. They're teaching kids in school it be transphobic, racists, and any other ideologies. In U.S. we're having a ideological war. A digital Civil War, if you want simple.

EDIT: I found the video I was looking for...
Agreed. I am completely against any ideology including the gender stuff being taught to kids. School is supposed to be a place for kids to learn how to think not what to think. In Germany they don't even allow homeschooling which is telling, and the people in the UK I know who homeschool say it's a pain due to government inspections and restrictions but at least we are still allowed to do it for now. They say it's never easy but worth it, and tbh the idea of teaching them personally is so much more valuable. I remember everything taught to me by my parents almost word for word (even the stresses in their voice in what they said) but most of the junk I picked up in school I've never used or had just faded from memory. (I learned to read at home for the most part). Maths was about the only thing I ever needed to use besides that, and my dad was the one who actually got me through my math GCSEs after hours because the teachers were naff, he had to do their jobs for them.

Critical thinking is so important. I have my gripes with my parents and I'm far from perfect, but they taught me how to use my brain. If they're not teaching that to new generations we're screwed.
Ah, so you do understand.
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ʙʟᴏᴏᴅ ғᴏʀ ғʀᴇᴇᴅᴏᴍ
Now that same friend got really bad news. Let's just say that it's something pretty similar to the sudden death of one's loved one. I'm just empty and devoid of any words.

She's fine. Thank God it was a false alarm.

Now she's convincing me to get to the police station to report about the stalker again. So I guess it's all back to normal :LOL:

Nevertheless, she was pretty damn startled, so I think I'm gonna ask if she wants me to bake something for her. Yes, while I'm a fine listener, I'm a terrible comforter, but at least I can be there and offer her some restaurant-level food for free :ROFL:

Not to brag too much, but no one's sad for a while after my salty pies, desserts, and the sourdough bread I learned to bake last summer.


Oldschool DMC fan
Yes, if you do NOT ...under any circumstance want your kid to be indoctrinated with ideologies, then yank them out of the public school system.

This is not even a conspiracy theory. They're teaching kids in school it be transphobic, racists, and any other ideologies. In U.S. we're having a ideological war. A digital Civil War, if you want simple.

EDIT: I found the video I was looking for...

Ah, so you do understand.
Oh I understand. More than most people are comfortable even discussing. Yes, this is a war. Worldwide. And the enemy has the extreme advantages of media control, governmental institutional control, Big Tech and big business on their side, not to mention the educational system under their thumb. The Long March Through the Institutions was more successful than they even realize.


ʙʟᴏᴏᴅ ғᴏʀ ғʀᴇᴇᴅᴏᴍ
The national Judicial Training Board changed their judicial trainee selection criteria once again, and without any transition time. Now, among other changes, the selection points granted for grades in one's legal degree won't be calculated using only those grades that have a direct link into legal education (i.e., grades for courses such as Law of Obligations or Criminal Law), but using the grades of all optional studies as well. The optional studies in our faculty can contain pretty much everything you wish. For me, it includes Climate Law, Mediation in Civil and Criminal Cases, French for Beginners etc., so it's not that far-fetched, but practically you can study e.g. astrophysics, biochemistry, or history of modern arts and include them in your optionals even if you're studying law. And, because of the change, as long as you're awarded with a grade from your optional courses, the grades now affect to your chances of being selected as a Judicial Trainee.

I'm very lucky in this, because my optional studies GPA is 5,0 (in a scale 1-5), but it just feels so unfair and like cheating at everyone else's cost. When I started my studies, my tactics were "get good grades from the legal courses and feel free to rush through everything else to just get them done in order to graduate in time, the grades don't matter with the optional courses". Now they actually matter, and I've got the best possible average because of mere luck. I never tried to get such good grades. There are a bunch of other students that did in the right way, prioritized their legal education grades and got through optional ones with GPA of 1 or 2, and now they're being punished for doing so.

I'm fine with changing the criteria but God dammit have you ever heard of TRANSITION PERIODS up there in the Ivory Tower?!
Doesn't feel right.
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Same as it ever was
The announcement for the Twisted Metal TV show doesn't even mention the contest, and also apparently has a single protagonist.

It should just be an anthology series that is formatted like the character stories in the games. Intro, a few matches, character backstory, few more matches, boss fight, wish with a twist. Not the in-name-only garbage they've announced.


A powerful demon
Xen-Omni 2020


Lover of beat'em ups!
**** the GOP, and **** the governor of Texas with a spiked, barbed wire dildo!

Selfish bastards are what they are. You are all idiots for slacking and wanting to party just because you're tired of wearing masks. Get the **** over yourself. Just because there's a vaccination doesn't mean you get to act like dicks and be reckless. Don't get complacent you dumb mother ****ers! Honestly, the state goes through with this, the government might as well go Escape from New York when their asses. No one gets in and no one gets out. Florida deserves the same too, cuz they're really guilty of the "I don't need to wear a mask. It's a hoax. Or it's my rights! (whiny naisley Southern voice)". If y'all want to die that badly, then just shoot yourselves, or do it in a way that's not going to spread the virus.


Lover of beat'em ups!
The announcement for the Twisted Metal TV show doesn't even mention the contest, and also apparently has a single protagonist.

It should just be an anthology series that is formatted like the character stories in the games. Intro, a few matches, character backstory, few more matches, boss fight, wish with a twist. Not the in-name-only garbage they've announced.
I suggest you watch Death Race (2008) if you have not already. Still the best Twisted Metal movie ever made.



A powerful demon
Xen-Omni 2020
I suggest you watch Death Race (2008) if you have not already. Still the best Twisted Metal movie ever made.

Yup, and the storyline is also similar to WWE, too. I forget the character's name, but his character is similar to Undertaker, where, he's the icon, while being the boogeyman of the arena. Undertaker has a WrestleMania streak, which was broken by Brock Lesnar.

My cousin likens it to Mortal Kombat, though, because the premise of the "arena" is to kill people like fatalities.


Well-known Member
Xen-Ace 2021
@BrawlMan First off, hitting the Like button on that mask thing.
Second, that decision sounds like a distraction from people still not having any power or potable water.


Lover of beat'em ups!
Second, that decision sounds like a distraction from people still not having any power or potable water.
You damn right it's a distraction. It did not take much for anyone to figure that out. It's what ****es me off so much, and the fact people are dumb enough to buy his bullshit or just want to believe to feel better about themselves, so things can go immediately "back to normal". I am sick of this, and Texas constant lone star attitude and Alpha Biatch, we don't need help from anyone attitude. Or the whole "the snow is fake or hoax" idiocy. It's why I will most likely never go to there and Florida even when this pandemic ends. I am just glad some good people over that actually bothered to turn some empty facilties that were not in use, and helped without food, water, power, or all of the above. Those people did the right thing and are heroes in my book.


Well-known Member
Xen-Ace 2021
I am sick of this, and Texas constant lone star attitude and Alpha Biatch, we don't need help from anyone attitude. Or the whole "the snow is fake or hoax" idiocy. It's why I will most likely never go to there and Florida even when this pandemic ends.
Well, Texas is being governed terribly, but at least they're not attempting a #Texit, complete with a readable bill that not even the state's power crisis made them think over.

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