The ranting thinking thread

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No, it is certainly not just one court case, it's not just murder trials, and it's certainly not just this. I've seen sickening problems with the court system in America, like the case of the boy who was been bullied and when no one helped him he recorded his bullies tormenting him and then they prosecuted him. That is disgusting, yeah, but don't think for a second that he is saying these things out of moral outrage, he's doing it to incite hate and to raise approval on himself.

Besides, he's not the only one saying it. Ferguson has said more than it's fair share on the matter, and so has the rest of the country, but somehow when this guy says it he's right. When the guy who is accused of purging says it it makes more of an impact? Is this right? Sorry, but when you are accused of atrocities I tent take your comments with extreme distrust and with the notion that you have ulterior motives because what you are accused of is far worse than what you are calling others on.
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The thing is,'s not just America that's f*cked. It's the whole world. :/ Everything's going to hell, at the moment, and no one's trying to fix it. Or, at least, the ones who can really make a difference aren't. The ones who can't do anything because they don't have money/power/status/etc. don't even have the chance to try. :/
It's not just one court case though.
I didn't say there was just one.
I just said him basing it off of one court case was stupid.

Everyday it seems that people are unrighteously killed and the killers are getting away with it in America.
Now you're just exaggerating.

It's gotten soft. People are now getting slaps to the wrist instead of taking responsibilities for their actions.
The amount of time you are sentenced to for most crimes has stayed the same, so I don't know what you mean by "It's gotten soft".
Now you're really exaggerating.
The entire world isn't gonna get boned just because of few shady court cases.

As Rebel said, I was referring to the fact that everywhere is having issues at the moment. Which means focusing on one nation's issues is silly because every time I see the news somewhere new is having a bunch of bad things happen and no one's bothering to try and do anything about it. Everyone's sitting around complaining about the issues when they should be taking a look at their leaders (and I don't just mean presidents, prime ministers, etc., I mean things like congresses and parliaments; groups of elected officials who should have a common interest in seeing their countries grow, but are only really interested in their pocket books and their egos and so refuse to work with anyone who doesn't have the exact same agenda as they do) and see what's wrong with them. We should be asking why these people in power--be they the government or the police--are getting away with how they treat the people they supposedly serve. Look at how Ebola and ISIS are being handled. Look at how the various governments react when one nation offers to help another nation who is being attacked; the attackers don't get called war mongers, the people trying to help do.

The Michael Brown case is a terrible one and it's a very confusing one, but, if anything, it's bringing to light just how deep some of these issues are. These issues are everywhere and so, instead of focusing on how much one nation is screwing up, we should be focusing on how to fix these issues everywhere before it gets to the point where it can't be fixed.
As Rebel said, I was referring to the fact that everywhere is having issues at the moment. Which means focusing on one nation's issues is silly because every time I see the news somewhere new is having a bunch of bad things happen and no one's bothering to try and do anything about it. Everyone's sitting around complaining about the issues when they should be taking a look at their leaders (and I don't just mean presidents, prime ministers, etc., I mean things like congresses and parliaments; groups of elected officials who should have a common interest in seeing their countries grow, but are only really interested in their pocket books and their egos and so refuse to work with anyone who doesn't have the exact same agenda as they do) and see what's wrong with them. We should be asking why these people in power--be they the government or the police--are getting away with how they treat the people they supposedly serve. Look at how Ebola and ISIS are being handled. Look at how the various governments react when one nation offers to help another nation who is being attacked; the attackers don't get called war mongers, the people trying to help do.

The Michael Brown case is a terrible one and it's a very confusing one, but, if anything, it's bringing to light just how deep some of these issues are. These issues are everywhere and so, instead of focusing on how much one nation is screwing up, we should be focusing on how to fix these issues everywhere before it gets to the point where it can't be fixed.
You have a point, those are indeed issues. And every country has it's fair share of issues that need to be fixed/kept in check.
But none of them are world or civilization ending.

We, the human race, have been through so much worse that what you just listed is almost mundane in comparison.

Take for example: The Black Death
It would almost routinely sweep through countries, kill thousands, and thus keep the economy in a perpetually bad state.
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You have a point, those are indeed issues. And every country has it's fair share of issues that need to be fixed/kept in check.
But none of them are world or civilization ending.

We, the human race, have been through so much worse that what you just listed is almost mundane in comparison.

See, I think the issue is that we, as a race, do find it so mundane that we do nothing about it. So, I guess we're just going to have to agree to disagree there. =)
For the record, the world has, since recorded history, and even before that, been going to hell, it's nothing new. There are no times when everything was hunky dory nor 'better times.' Human existence has been littered with atrocities and evil deeds. Not the point, though, the point is to never stop trying to make it better because the day we stop trying is the day we might as well call it quits on a global scale.

I'm exaggerating? I disagree but okay. Can I give you hundreds if not thousands of links to crimes that are and have happened and nothing was/is being done about it, on your profile because I have to share this thread. :lock:

What I mean by soft is that the justice system have many of their priorities mixed up (the elder man arrested for feeding the homeless in a good example). It used to be that if you did an eye-raising crime, there were consequences for your actions (you know the amoral ones: child abuse, rape, murder, stealing, drug peddling). Now, from my perspective, slaps on the wrists are being given, for repeat offenders at that (community service, fees, probation, parole, few hours in jail) and it seems like its perpetuating this mentality that "Oh, if I get caught then I'm off the hook; they'll let me off easy." I've been noticing this behavior escalating for a while now, besides this Ferguson scandal is all.
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Can I give you hundreds if not thousands of links to crimes that are and have happened and nothing was/is being done about it
Well, if your just talking about crime in general, then I would have to agree.

In any heavily populated nation, just because of how many people there are, there's bound to be at least a couple hundred people that get away scot-free.
Funny someone should mention the black death, aka bubonic plague, cause it recently started to make greater problems on Madagascar. Not to worry, it's easily treated with antibiotics. If the overuse of antibiotics the western world is known for hasn't changed something.

In other news... brain, you asshole, how could you abandon me yesterday? The day before we wrote so much and then you started again with "no, no, this ain't right" and "we need to start the story from a different point", and then you went completely useless by the evening. Brain, we need to get seriously working on this story, it's been years since I updated with anything on and I want to be something more than the master of short sillies.
Like I keep saying... both men and women have to use self-defense to fight for their rights -- even with their bare hands if necessary.

The facade of "civilized" society is crumbling before our very eyes. The savagery and brutality of the New World is upon us.

This is only the beginning.

The chaos and base instincts of our hidden nature will override everything else. Better move to Georgia, Texas, or Oregon while you can, folks.

But then again... what do I know, right? I'm just another fearmonger. I'm sure the government will have a safety net.... like it always does, won't it? :/
The facade of "civilized" society is crumbling before our very eyes. The savagery and brutality of the New World is upon us.
This is only the beginning.
Like I've said before, the human race has been through so much worse than anything that is going right now.

The chaos and base instincts of our hidden nature will override everything else.
Umm, the baser instincts of humans isn't "chaotic".
Our baser instincts are to group together, help each other, and our eating habits were that of scavengers.

If our "baser instincts" was just random fighting and chaos, then we would've never lasted in the wild, let alone long enough to have advanced as far we have.
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cool story bro

This is the part where you accuse me of "strawmanning" right?
1)A natural disaster could destroy a neighbor hood, maybe even a city. But it'd barely scratch human civilization as a whole.

2)We have had natural disasters ever since humans have existed, if they couldn't destroy us then, they most certainly can't do it now.(Considering the technology we have now.)

3)Yes, you are making a straw man. You have not addressed a single thing I said, and neither does that article you linked.
But if the article does somehow prove me wrong, then please, enlighten me.
Hmmm. All this talk. I could crack a joke but you probably won't get it.
Just saying, before education and schooling was introduced to civilise the human race, people used to put 3-5 year old kids into the work force already. Chimney-sweeps, for example. And yes a lot of them died because of the ash and soot they were exposed to, and a lot of them got stuck and were left to die.
We are more civilised than we were before, but we have a helluva long way yet to go.
So...has anyone ever met a Vegan who doesn't go out of their way to impose their view on others? One that doesn't look down their noses at us omnivores, while making us feel guilty for doing what comes natural (because contrary to popular belief, we do eat meat for a reason)?


Me, neither.

I mean, sh*'s not like I'm laughing about the fact that something died in order for me to live. I like animals, as much as people, sometimes more--but I also need to survive, and I'm pretty sure I can't live off of produce, alone...