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The ranting thinking thread


I belong to another forum dedicated to DBZ, well last night on that forum a member decided to start an argument by sending a personal message to 1 of my friends cussing me saying "F*ck me and my mom".What started this was I was conversing with my friend about that member and the way he acts on the forum, we weren't making fun of him at all, well he took it as an offense saying that we were making fun of him so that's when he started sending the stupid messages that ****ed me off.He only stopped with the messages after he had seen we were gonna report him to the staff.He tried sending me an apology message but I told him to f*ck off, I've had trouble with this certain member several times already and he always apologizes with the words"I was just joking".After he saw I wasn't accepting his apology he started playing the victim saying I was a horrible member and that he didn't do anything wrong whatsoever. I actually hate this member now and every time I see his name on the board it makes me sick to my stomach, I had decided to leave that forum because of him.My friends are sending me non-stop messages telling me to ignore him and please return to the forum.I don't know what to do.......


Devil hunter in training
My friends are sending me non-stop messages telling me to ignore him and please return to the forum.I don't know what to do.......
You've got friends on there who want you back, so just stick with them and ignore the idiot who's being rude. People like that aren't worth it. Just focus on chatting with your friends.^_^ Also if the forum you're on has a 'block' or 'ignore' option, do that to the rude person. It will make focusing on your friends easier if you don't have to see that person's posts and messges.


the horror was for love
"You're mad at me, aren't you?" No. I'm not mad. I'm f*cking furious. First, you tell me "get up early and call me around six. I'll wait for you and we'll walk after your x-rays" and now, not only did you not wait for me, but you're calling me a liar? F*ck. This. I've gotten six hours of sleep in the last three days and I don't appreciate having to stay up all night...only to have you go "oh, it's six thirty, I'm already on my walk and I don't have time to take you for your x-ray. It's not my fault. I told you to call early. Stop getting mad at me, I thought you didn't want to go." If there's one thing I hate, it's being called a liar. I know what you told me. I even had several discussions at length with mum about it. You know I like to go on walks in the morning and that I was ordered, by the doctor, to get that x-ray. I don't have a choice. I need to go. If anyone's backing out, it's you. Don't bs me just cuz you got caught.


Devil May Cry
man... change your title to.... RAGE ALL YOU WANT!!!!.. something like that.... you made it sound so peaceful


For Sanguinius!
Sigh I really don't get my grandma. She knows we are struggling to pay the bills and she keeps giving the money to her ungrateful grand-kids. They only come to see her when they need money and no other time. My mom dose almost everything and she gets crap let and right. And if my mom say anything right away grandma is crying saying she is sick and depressed just because she can't get her way. While all of grandma's other kids (my aunts and uncles) are not even bother to help. Only sending money and visiting once in a while just so when she passes they don't feel bad.

=_= sigh

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
man... change your title to.... RAGE ALL YOU WANT!!!!.. something like that.... you made it sound so peaceful

Pretty sure if you'd been around when I made this thread, you'd have seen it differently. Opinions. Meh. Whatever.

+Started on 10mg, took it before I went to bed at 9, woke up at 1am feeling like I was going to hurl. Still feel like I'm gonna hurl. Still gotta go to work today. FFFFFFFFFFuck it. I hate HATE HATE HATE HATE.
And it's Nano today!
Guess who's NOT doing Nano now? :mad: I'd rather be sleeping to avoid this ****ing side-effect than trying to write and feeling worse than ****.


Supporter 2014



Well-known Member
Seriously, If you are going to censor all violent scenes in Resident evil movie, you might not air the movie on your channel. I mean , the movie is about violent zombies and you want me to jus watch people talking? No thank you. I'd rather watch another channel. Took me 30 mins to realize you were going to censor all violence. Meh.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Ha ha, seriously, if anyone here is running the show on the Devil May Cry 1, 2, 3, & 4 fanpage on Facebook - I hope you get a major cramp up your behind. What a little twat. I can do without your drama, kid.
....why don't you go suck on Event Status's big toe? :troll:


The King Of Chinese Dragons
Supporter 2014
I think I hate society since it's capitalism started for hundreds of years ago. I want to do lots of stuff but ''money'' is in the way and ''people that are up to no good''. So I can't do **** where I am. Unless I had several lifes. That would have been nice. Oh well life is not like that. You have this life and for me I live it out to the fullest. Yep! I'm putting my soul into this precious particular life. Can't expect anything can't prevent everything. Just being happy everyday that is awesome. Still it's interesting to think about how much things that is possible with science and technology. Future science and technology is almost unlimited I say but things can go out of hand as well. Like it is already. Lots of it. One example is televisions, computers, smart phones and such things. I ask myself. Where is the charm now? When we sat together chatting and either knitting clothes or playing good card games. Analog games I mean now. Yeah I want to set examples like these. I bet I'm not the only one thinking that way because I don't like where this society is going. Trying to be optimistic and hoping of a better future and I still am but it seems like being optimistic is totally unrealistic nowadays. Even so I am still going to set examples. Smiling at people, doing old school things and preserve the good old charms and activities. Of course love as well. I think love is replaces with sex now to put it out hard. For me there's no sex without love. The end of story. What do you guys think?


Well-known Member
A letter to an old friend

Dear English,

It is i, your old friend, and i want to share with you some troubling news. You see there is something called anime, which is basically japanese cartoon, and i watch few. Ocasionally i revisit episodes on Youtube for whatever reason, and what do i find? Millions upon millions of English dubbed episodes. And these videos are choking out the subbed videos.
So could you do me a favor and drop dead? Because apparently these morons can't stop uploading videos with you in it.

Sincerely your friend,
Sob Eposd


Supporter 2014
I don't think you want to know what I thought about that post... sorry. I just happen to have my own definition of capitalism and why it's not that bad.


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
i really don't know. i have to graduate in a few months and i haven't even applied to any schools. i just don't feel like it. the world is on my ass for not wanting to go to college, school is too expensive (and i swear the next person who tells me to just get a scholarship is going to come home to a home full of fertilizer bombs :lol:). i hate the world i live in so i'm not that excited to "get out there an experience it". all i really want from life is my cat, my turtle, and to write all day long. thats all i care about. everything else is secondary. all i know of for now is that i'm alone and uninterested in pretty much anything. i'm not sure how far my passion will get me in life, and for the first time ever (seriously. EVER) i'm scared. so...what happens now?
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