The ranting thinking thread

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Hell, sometimes my ASD kid is the EASIEST to handle out of all three of mine..

HAHAHAHAHA....I'm just laughing 'cause it's true. My ASD baby has her moments but she's an absolute angel. These boys? I wanna strangle them. Or sell them. Or just pretend they're not mine when we're out in public. Or....etc etc.
Wish some reboot fans stopped being such hypocrits. They claim they are fan of dmc or Dante, on other hand they dont mind a inferior version of dmc gameplay and a attempt at replacing Dante with a reboot character.
What kind of Dante fan would want to see the character rebooted? Why not build on the character, and make it better, instead of saying "Nope, lets throw this guy into garbage and make a new one".

And when these people defend reboot, they say "It has potential", which is a overstatement. The reason reboot has potential is because it's based on dmc3/1/4 gameplay. Look at Enslaved or Heavenly sword that NT made by themself, does it have as potential as reboot does?
So its obvious to me why reboot is better than NT's past games, because it's a gameplay that was made by capcom. Made as in...they invented it. And inventing takes alot of work, more than reboot fans would give credit to it.
Take MGR for example, Hideki Kojima's team didn't know how to implement the gameplay. They were really stucked on, and thats when Hideki Kojima got PG involved.
It shows you that making a new gameplay, which will be foundation for a serie, is not a easy task.
reboot's gameplay is not new, and when people say "it has potential" its a overstatement of it's real potential.
I gurantee you, if NT was tasked to make a new gameplay that was remotely similar to dmc gameplay...there would been so many more issues than you currently see in DmC.
Finally we get to my point, if reboot has potential (as i pointed out, not alot)...then doesn't dmc (original serie) do? So why say "Reboot has potential lets go with reboot" when the original does too?
P.S capcom pitched in with the gameplay. It wasn't a one man doing the job, it was two.
Someone stole Marcus for their fic. -_- B*tch. *unwatches story and walks away*

Link me please!

+ He hijacked my account twice in one day. I'm beyond revenge. I'm just 'meh' about it now. The only way to get him to stop trolling me is to ignore it. No reaction = no amusement. Yeah, I can let it go. I'm not going to update my FB anymore so anything posted from here on can automatically be assumed to be my hubby.
Funny, the things you can accomplish when you already feel like crap.
I just got out of a little mini discussion about FF.

Guy A: Doesn't understand why I like FF12 more FF7. I tell him I like the idea of the gambit system. He explains to me that FF7 has a lot more to offer gameplay wise and is more in depth then FF12. So therefor it is better. He then continues to explain why in very long paragraphs which were very detailed and impressive to say the least. More then what I wanted to say that's for sure. About any game EVER!

And yet after all I can't help but feel that I still like FF12's gambit system more then FF7's.

Does that make me weird? I know he thinks I'm weird. I think I"m weird :blink:
I just got out of a little mini discussion about FF.

Guy A: Doesn't understand why I like FF12 more FF7. I tell him I like the idea of the gambit system. He explains to me that FF7 has a lot more to offer gameplay wise and is more in depth then FF12. So therefor it is better. He then continues to explain why in very long paragraphs which were very detailed and impressive to say the least. More then what I wanted to say that's for sure. About any game EVER!

And yet after all I can't help but feel that I still like FF12's gambit system more then FF7's.

Does that make me weird? I know he thinks I'm weird. I think I"m weird :blink:

That's just a matter of opinion, lol.

Anything can be right depending on the person's standards, and no, you're not weird, i'm weird. :w00t:
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Mini rant: Fed up with men trying to flirt with me when I'm minding my own business and clearly not interested. It's annoying and creepy.
Married men who flirt are the worst. I actually had one guy tell me his wife had ruined her body with pregnancy so he was looking for someone to see on the side. Completely disgusting. Not only is he beraying his wife but his child too. :mad: Men like that make me so angry. They don't deserve to be husbands, let alone fathers. If they didn't want their wife to be 'ruined' by pregnancy, then maybe he should have thought about that before getting her pregnant. I just don't understand men like this.They made their own problems by getting married and having children...well, unless it was an accidental pregnancy...but even so, they chose that life, they should deal with it.

If they really hate married life so much and feel so trapped by their wife and child, then it's better to get a clean divorce than have the wife find out about cheating with younger women, nevermind the effect it would have on the child.

Thank goodness these kind of guys are a small percentage.:/
Thank goodness these kind of guys are a small percentage.:/
Is it that much of a small percentage? Maybe it's just from personal experience but without getting into too much detail, let's just say that though I repect the men in my family, they do things that are just downright despicable. Makes me not even want to put up with a relationship. It's not just them either, I've had friends of the family brag about how much they love women no matter how old or young age raging from 17-87. And they were either seeing someone at the time or MARRIED.

I've never been in a relationship because in the back of my head I'll always keep thinking to myself "what if he likes someone else' or "what if I'm not good enough for him" "That girl looks way better then me. I wonder if he'll want her instead". Heck I already have a bit of low-self confidence as it is, why would I put myself through all that uneeded stress. I'm really at the point now that I'd rather stay single.
Is it that much of a small percentage? Maybe it's just from personal experience but without getting into too much detail, let's just say that though I repect the men in my family, they do things that are just downright despicable. Makes me not even want to put up with a relationship. It's not just them either, I've had friends of the family brag about how much they love women no matter how old or young age raging from 17-87. And they were either seeing someone at the time or MARRIED.

I've never been in a relationship because in the back of my head I'll always keep thinking to myself "what if he likes someone else' or "what if I'm not good enough for him" "That girl looks way better then me. I wonder if he'll want her instead". Heck I already have a bit of low-self confidence as it is, why would I put myself through all that uneeded stress. I'm really at the point now that I'd rather stay single.

I have to think it is a small percentage of men who are like this, otherwise I would go through life treating every man I meet with mistrust that he would either cheat, be a pervert or a creep.
It's the same as guys who have been burned by women. It would be bad to go through life thinking every woman is the same as the one he had a bad experience with.
Thinking like that about every man and woman because of a few bad experiences with a few creeps leaves people closed to making friendships or something deeper.

I have some great guy friends, they're kind and helpful and we have lots in common...sometimes I have the odd 1 or 2 who want more than friendship, but I set them straight. If he can't accept that, then I cut ties with him. I learned my lesson the hard way about cutting ties after a guy stalked me by e-mail and phone for nearly 1 year after I turned him down. But thing thing is, I can't go around thinking all guys are like that creep, or the weirdos who chat me up unwanted, because I might miss out on some great friendships. ^_^

Sure, I do worry about my married female friends with children considering I have been approached by men saying how pregnancy ruined their wives, but I've got to believe that my firiends' husbands are not like this. I don't know what my friends would do if they found out their husbands had an affair. I've got one friend who is insecure enough about her body post pregnancy without her husband seeing other women.:/

It really is a terrible shame that some men really ruin relationships for women before they are even old enough to have relationships with guys. Yes, guys can cheat, but so can women. I think, yes, be wary of cheaters and liars, look out for signs of cheating or lying, but don't automatically think every man met is a cheater or creep. They could be a really nice guy. ^_^ I'd rather keep an open mind to guys, even if there is the risk of being burned, than close myself off.
finding a job is like dating- you gonna see a lot more rejection than success.
I've been hearing that from my friends who recently graduated. They also tell me that it's not what you know these days but who. To me this does defeat the object of working for a degree if you can't get a job at the end of it.
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Is it that much of a small percentage? Maybe it's just from personal experience but without getting into too much detail, let's just say that though I repect the men in my family, they do things that are just downright despicable. Makes me not even want to put up with a relationship. It's not just them either, I've had friends of the family brag about how much they love women no matter how old or young age raging from 17-87. And they were either seeing someone at the time or MARRIED.

I've never been in a relationship because in the back of my head I'll always keep thinking to myself "what if he likes someone else' or "what if I'm not good enough for him" "That girl looks way better then me. I wonder if he'll want her instead". Heck I already have a bit of low-self confidence as it is, why would I put myself through all that uneeded stress. I'm really at the point now that I'd rather stay single.

Same with me :/ My grandad cheated on my gran, my other grandad divorced my gran because he fell for a lesbian and she'd been causing trouble ever since (even when he got engaged with another woman, she was still in the picture?). My father in-law cheated on my mum in-law (which is why things went down the drain for me and hubby like it did in the beginning) and all the women on my mum's side of the family have divorced at least once because of their hubby's cheating. And all the other men in my family who are still married and haven't cheated are complete and total assholes. Except for my cuz. <3 He's just...awesome.

But going on statistics, the two main reasons for divorce are 1- Money, and 2 - Cheating. I don't think I know anyone who hasn't cheated/been cheated on.
But going on statistics, the two main reasons for divorce are 1- Money, and 2 - Cheating. I don't think I know anyone who hasn't cheated/been cheated on.
I don't know why people cheat, especially in a marriage, but it's all too common these days. It's such a shame. I wish the people doing the cheating would think about their husband, wife or children before doing it because of the terrible impact it has, especially on the children.A quick fling isn't worth losing your family for. But I guess people don't see that at the time of cheating.:/

I have one set of friends going through a divorce right now. He can't deal with their son because of his autism. I know it must be hard to raise his son, but I'm pretty mad at my friend for walking out and leaving my other friend with all the work. I have no idea how this is going to effect their son.:/ The only good thing I guess was that he didn't cheat on his wife. But still, walking out on your own child who didn't ask to be born, let alone have autism, is pretty low in my opinion.
If you have children, you're responsible for them. I don't know why some parents think it's so easy to walk away from their own kids. It messes these children up for life.
See this?

This is a steel plank.

Plank, meet name. No I mean like make a very thorough effin acquaintance with my name.
I'd find it amusing how badly I can sometimes humiliate myself online without trying, if it didn't mean I was the butt of my own joke.

*siiiiigh* You haven't used that metaphor in years.
Which is a good thing.
I missed seeing you make an ass of yourself. need to shut up.
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Heard some girl wittering on to her friend on the bus yesterday:

"Ugh, you have no idea how stressful it is being pretty and slim. I wish I was chubbier and more plain-looking and then I wouldn't be hassled by men so much. Do you know what I mean?"

Her friend looked her up and down, rolled her eyes and then got off the bus. No one else could understand why I was laughing...
Heard some girl wittering on to her friend on the bus yesterday:

"Ugh, you have no idea how stressful it is being pretty and slim. I wish I was chubbier and more plain-looking and then I wouldn't be hassled by men so much. Do you know what I mean?"

Her friend looked her up and down, rolled her eyes and then got off the bus. No one else could understand why I was laughing...

Lmao i fiance wouldve lost her marbles on that girl
Heard some girl wittering on to her friend on the bus yesterday:

"Ugh, you have no idea how stressful it is being pretty and slim. I wish I was chubbier and more plain-looking and then I wouldn't be hassled by men so much. Do you know what I mean?"

Her friend looked her up and down, rolled her eyes and then got off the bus. No one else could understand why I was laughing...
Maybe the girl was suffering from cosmetic version of the Dunning-Kruger effect?:P:lol:

Got to admit though, if she was telling the tuth, then yes, that would sometimes be preferable:/ There are problems with being attractive or slim.

Being called anorexic is one thing. Some people can't help being naturally slim even if they eat loads. It's not right to shame chubby or fat people, so why should slim people be made fun of too?

Nights out turn into avoiding the dance floor because some guys want to get too close, won't go away, constantly won't take a hint...that sort of thing. Being followed by weirdos in cars or vans who leer at you..honestly, that's just plain scary to boot.

Then there's the problem of, if you like a guy, do they like you for you or just how you look. At least if a person isn't so good looking, then it's a sure bet the guy likes them for their personality and what's inside them.

Or if you're applying for a job, do they hire you on your ability and communication skills or because of attractiveness.

The best one is this: attractive people= stupid.

I'd say either way, attractive or not, the world is difficult for everyone for different reasons. :/
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