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The ranting thinking thread


SSStylish Swordsman
Maybe the girl was suffering from cosmetic version of the Dunning-Kruger effect?:p:lol:

Got to admit though, if she was telling the tuth, then yes, that would sometimes be preferable:/ There are problems with being attractive or slim.

Being called anorexic is one thing. Some people can't help being naturally slim even if they eat loads. It's not right to shame chubby or fat people, so why should slim people be made fun of too?

Nights out turn into avoiding the dance floor because some guys want to get too close, won't go away, constantly won't take a hint...that sort of thing. Being followed by weirdos in cars or vans who leer at you..honestly, that's just plain scary to boot.

Then there's the problem of, if you like a guy, do they like you for you or just how you look. At least if a person isn't so good looking, then it's a sure bet the guy likes them for their personality and what's inside them.

Or if you're applying for a job, do they hire you on your ability and communication skills or because of attractiveness.

The best one is this: attractive people= stupid.

I'd say either way, attractive or not, the world is difficult for everyone for different reasons. :/

Well put lol i love being a dancer it means i dont have to go through the whole ask a girl to dance risk game lol i hit the floor i start dancing(hiphop breakdancing mostly) and if someone wants to dance with me cool if not whole floor to myself:p now im engaged so i have a permenant dance partner lol


Devil hunter in training
Well put lol i love being a dancer it means i dont have to go through the whole ask a girl to dance risk game lol i hit the floor i start dancing(hiphop breakdancing mostly) and if someone wants to dance with me cool if not whole floor to myself:p now im engaged so i have a permenant dance partner lol
Sweet.^_^ I think it's cute if a guy asks to dance. That's polite.Sure, there's worry of rejection, but it's good to know that guys want to be polite and ask. Usually, unless the woman is a total cow, she'll either agree or decline politely.

Got to admit, I'm quite shy about asking a guy to dance, so I like it if guys approach me and ask first.:blush: But if a guy just comes up to me, says nothing and grabs me for a dance, honestly, I get a bit scared. Last time I told a guy not to do that, he called me a stuck up bitch.:/:blink: All I did was tell him his behaviour was worrying. Luckily, most guys aren't like that.^_^


SSStylish Swordsman
Sweet.^_^ I think it's cute if a guy asks to dance. That's polite.Sure, there's worry of rejection, but it's good to know that guys want to be polite and ask. Usually, unless the woman is a total cow, she'll either agree or decline politely.

Got to admit, I'm quite shy about asking a guy to dance, so I like it if guys approach me and ask first.:blush: But if a guy just comes up to me, says nothing and grabs me for a dance, honestly, I get a bit scared. Last time I told a guy not to do that, he called me a stuck up bitch.:/:blink: All I did was tell him his behaviour was worrying. Luckily, most guys aren't like that.^_^

LOL i appologise on behalf of my gender for his behaviour hoenstly most guys want girls to ask them way less chance of rejection that way lol and yah i feel guys should ask politely to dance it lets the female have some control which makes her feel more comfortable making it easier to connect lol i never used to dance with girls at the club 1. i have no idea who you are and honestly dont feel like being shot down by you for wanting to get to know you and 2. lol i love how i dance its hard to find a female who can keep up lol but now im engaged and i get to dance with my fiance and show off which is awsome


Devil hunter in training
LOL i appologise on behalf of my gender for his behaviour hoenstly most guys want girls to ask them way less chance of rejection that way lol and yah i feel guys should ask politely to dance it lets the female have some control which makes her feel more comfortable making it easier to connect lol i never used to dance with girls at the club 1. i have no idea who you are and honestly dont feel like being shot down by you for wanting to get to know you and 2. lol i love how i dance its hard to find a female who can keep up lol but now im engaged and i get to dance with my fiance and show off which is awsome
Oh, I wasn't asking for an apology, I was just saying how it can be a bit scary of uncomfortable when a guy is like that.:p

Yep, the fear of being rejected is a real one. I feel the same way. No one likes to be rejected, especially after building the courage to ask someone. I just hope that people who do the rejecting have the decency to do it in a polite way. I have seen some women be really rude. But as far as I could tell the guy had done nothing wrong.>_<

Lol, it's funny how both guys and girls want each other to be the ones to do the asking. It reminds me of middle school proms where the girls were one end of the room and guys at the other. Neither side were brave enough to ask the other for a dance or sit at the same tables for the dinner. :lol: I think it gets a bit better in high school though.


SSStylish Swordsman
Oh, I wasn't asking for an apology, I was just saying how it can be a bit scary of uncomfortable when a guy is like that.:p

Yep, the fear of being rejected is a real one. I feel the same way. No one likes to be rejected, especially after building the courage to ask someone. I just hope that people who do the rejecting have the decency to do it in a polite way. I have seen some women be really rude. But as far as I could tell the guy had done nothing wrong.>_<

Lol, it's funny how both guys and girls want each other to be the ones to do the asking. It reminds me of middle school proms where the girls were one end of the room and guys at the other. Neither side were brave enough to ask the other for a dance or sit at the same tables for the dinner. :lol: I think it gets a bit better in high school though.

LOL that whole middle school thing is universal and never ends thats why i just jump in the middle and dance :p and yah ive seen women just be rude and reject and juswt crush a guys ego for no reason lol and im like that was unecessary

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Oh...my.... soul....
Please, please, please, just don't remove Our Favourite Mistake, or Of Blood Ties and Demon Magnets, or Here We Go Again, or Satisfied, OH JUST PLEASE DON'T!
First Pillow Magic takes down Two Divided By One - the fanfic that actually inspired me to try my own hand at the fandom - now....now... WHERE THE FUDGE HAS FRAIL EQUILIBRIUM DISAPPEARED TO? Is it gone? Did she remove it? Did I forget to add it to my favourites list? WTF?! .....
oh no wait, there it is. Oh. Thank you thank you thank you. I was like two seconds away from an emotional breakdown.
Yeahhhhh....you know what, never mind. I'm taking FE off anyway. You can tell I haven't read it again since I first joined the fandom. I have this....thing...about getting the characters right. Especially Dante. If you can't do it, you suck. And I'm REAL sorry that I faved this and bloated this story before but, y'know what? Dante does NOT have a New York accent. 'American' accent does not automatically equate to 'New York' accent. C'mon man! I'm so disappointed right now.


the horror was for love
Sorry, Doc, but I don't think it's just dysthymia. Mild depression does not explain these mood swings. Violent rage to nearly sobbing over something not coming out right to super happy to such an extreme level of guilt I feel like I should never talk to people again because I f*ck up everything eventually. Yeah. That's not just depression. :/ I wish I knew what that was, though.


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
what the hell does it mean to be "edgy" or "doing way to much"? all i did was wear a tank and a leather jacket...I ALWAYS WEAR A TANK AND A LEATHER JACKET!!! and that punk is stupid and all that. like really? and then i come on here and get the same treatment. "that whole lifetyle isn't necessary" YOUR FACE ISN'T NECESSARY! you don't see me trashing on other people's culture and what not. do you? and the whole "smoking is stupid". I'M STRESSED BITCH! let me smoke. i have to put up with so much in one day i need sometime to relax. and i know this last part is gonna sound really immature but when i come on here and see things people say about dante, i take it personally, because i relate to that character a lot. and it sucks when people say "he dresses emo" or "his haircut looks gay" and such. thats how i look. like i said, it sounds stupid as **** but thats just how i feel. and yes. i have a pet gerbil. i happen think rodents are adorable. so the next time i see you shoot at one, i'll break you're index and thumb so you won't fire another bullet again.
whew that felt good.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
What the hell Daz?
When you pose a character naked, it helps (especially if it's a male model) to pose a certain part or else it looks weird (especially if that 'part' decides to merge with a leg).


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
whats up with putting mean labels on people? what gives you the right to call a girl a slut? if she likes sex then she likes sex. i bet it you wouldn't take kindly to being called a loser because you stayed back twice and live in your mom's basement. or if i said that you were a fag due to your preferences. people like what they like, people are who they are. and nobody has the right to disrespect another's lifestyle


Devil hunter in training
Sorry, Doc, but I don't think it's just dysthymia. Mild depression does not explain these mood swings. Violent rage to nearly sobbing over something not coming out right to super happy to such an extreme level of guilt I feel like I should never talk to people again because I f*ck up everything eventually. Yeah. That's not just depression. :/ I wish I knew what that was, though.
Don't give up. Just because one doctor won't take you seriously doesn't mean you don't need help. You know yourself best. Keep trying to explain to them what's wrong and maybe one doctor will understand.
I had the same problem where a doctor would not take me seriously. Turned out I had scarlet fever and could have died because he didn't listen to me.:mad:

whats up with putting mean labels on people? what gives you the right to call a girl a slut? if she likes sex then she likes sex. i bet it you wouldn't take kindly to being called a loser because you stayed back twice and live in your mom's basement. or if i said that you were a fag due to your preferences. people like what they like, people are who they are. and nobody has the right to disrespect another's lifestyle
I don't get it either. If the girl is a slut, then so is the guy. If guys didn't sleep with girls, there would be no one to call a slut.

I've heard guys complaining girls won't sleep with them, then a few comments later, suddenly all girls are whores just because they won't sleep with them.
Or if the guy has slept with a girl, she's a skank and they joke about needing an STI test. Well, if she was that bad, then why was the guy willing to sleep with her and risk catching an STI?:/
Failing that, girls are frigid prudes if they don't sleep with a guy. Either way you slice it, it's a losing situation.
No wonder girls are careful about who they are with because they're worried about being called names.

Sadly, people in this world can be pretty cruel and judgemental about all sorts of things. Most of it is either from ignorance, generalising or just plain spitefulness.
But, there are also a lot of kind and compassionate people, who, for me, make up for all the spitefulness and ignorace.^_^

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Sorry, Doc, but I don't think it's just dysthymia. Mild depression does not explain these mood swings. Violent rage to nearly sobbing over something not coming out right to super happy to such an extreme level of guilt I feel like I should never talk to people again because I f*ck up everything eventually. Yeah. That's not just depression. :/ I wish I knew what that was, though.

May be on the bipolar spectrum by the sounds of it. Do a bit more research on it and have some questions ready for your doctor when you go see him again. If he's adamant there's nothing else, go find another professional for a second opinion.
I'm (undiagnosed) bipolar - I'm either hyper and euphoric, or I feel like I want to stop existing because I feel so low. It's one or the other, the only in-between is an overall sense of disconnection (I put the numbness down to depression though). I don't know what 'normal' is meant to feel like anymore. I'm also really talkative...like... seriously you get me started and I can't stop myself. Autumn and her friend were subjected to my jabbering a couple years ago >_<:blush:
But depending on how severe or mild you have it, it's not a bad thing. You have periods or phases of going through it, right? That feeling when you can stay up all night, or have only the need for a couple of hours of sleep, just to write? And you're more productive and get more out of your writing in a week than you have for months? That's hypomania, which is like...a symptom or something associated with depression and bipolar. (Albeit I do prefer referencing these episodes as 'my muse is working again')
It can be medicated and managed, though. Fairly sure there's another member who has bipolar here too. ....Yeah, the cute guy. Forgot his name. Best way to get yourself sorted is to get the right diagnoses by a professional. Personally I don't want to go see my doctor (unless they lock me up for a few weeks in some island retreat for depressives) because if they do diagnose me with bipolar and manic depression, they're going to 'strongly recommend' I take whatever drugs they think is best to manage it. I can barely make myself drink aspirin for a headache. Just the concept of pills make me feel sick. And there's the very real chance that they'll pick up on my psychosis.
OMG just thinking of all the crap they'll want to prescribe me is making me sick.


i like turtles
Supporter 2014
grant morrison. you're an amazing writer and all but will you FOR ONCE respect set continuity? new 52 superman isn't a prequel to ALLSTAR SUPERMAN. i've gotten over the whole batman and son thing, but why on earth was damien even still a part of the new 52!?! it just confuses the heck out of me.


the horror was for love

Well, he wants me to go to a councilor to see what they think, so.... *gonna talk to the psychiatrist just to see what they think* I've done a little bit of research, and I found something that has all of my symptoms, but it kinda scares me what it tends to run hand in hand with....
o_o Dang. *didn't know* (Heh, nothing wrong with jabbering. :p) I know what you mean about the feeling of disconnection, though. I don't really have it in cycles. Whenever I hit any kind of emotional point, if it really registers for me, then it just hits really strong. I used to just get that way about anger (it was either anger or nothing), but lately it's just been everything. But I've noticed stress makes it worse (actually, it sent me into a full on panic attack for the first time the other day). My depression goes in cycles, though. Hmm...I've never felt like I could just have a couple hours of sleep, then do a bunch, but I do tend to stay up for a week, barely feeling tired until someone points out to me how long I've been up. ._. (And I do tend to write more in those times.)
I've never been comfortable with going to doctors, because I can't seem to open up to them, but I do think it's time to get some kind of diagnosis...at least so I can understand it. I feel the same way about pills. >_< *will only take things she knows she can't get addicted to or that are herbal* I got so sick from the anti-depressants I was put on last time (so I stopped taking them and got Stilts LOL :lol:), and I can just imagine what it'll be now. >_< Do you think you might go to a doctor, though? *curious*

Why do so many games have two disks now?! DX

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
grant morrison. you're an amazing writer and all but will you FOR ONCE respect set continuity? new 52 superman isn't a prequel to ALLSTAR SUPERMAN. i've gotten over the whole batman and son thing, but why on earth was damien even still a part of the new 52!?! it just confuses the heck out of me.

In a way it is as its similar to how Frank miller's year one is in the same contuinty as Frank miller's the dark knight returns so fans and Grant Morrison, his work on action comics does tie into ALLSTAR SUPERMAN.

Marvel and DC you pick your continuity.

Batman and GL were best sellers before Flashpoint so they largely stayed the same which gave the reboot a sloppy foundation to be built on.


Well-known Member
I hate it when i need to turn up the volume to hear them speak and when some music starts in the show, its all loud and with volume up wakes the entire neighborhood and yet when i need to hear characters speak , i need to raise the volume again. This sucks.

P.S....I know subtitles can help.:p

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Do you think you might go to a doctor, though? *curious*

If it depends on me, no, I probably won't. The anti-D's I was on earlier this year did nothing but mellow me down. Still had the same issues, just with a layer of fog over it so it didn't feel as bad. It didn't do much for my memory either, I tell you, I always used to be pretty forgetful but since going on those pills, it's just gone AWOL. I forgot to keep track of how many pills I had left, so I ran out, stressed myself out into anxiety attacks for a week because I kept forgetting to make an appointment with my doctor, eventually made an appointment - and then missed it because I forgot about it. So I figured, screw it, I'll go natural and herbal instead.
That, on top of my psychiatrist not returning my calls, even after seeing my GP twice for a consultation and mentioning this to her and having her make a note of it in the system for him to see, still nada. And when Jon called him up a couple of days ago, apparently I now have to go through my GP for a referral first to the crisis management team who will then get me in touch with the mental health teams. According to them, I have to follow this procedure as it's protocol and because I went off their system start of this year.

I mean. WAIT WHAT? I know my memory sucks balls but I'm fairly sure I was still seeing my psychotherapist and psychiatrist and my GP regularly the beginning of this year. They sent me on a program with my kid to re-establish our relationship. They were meant to get in touch with me once I finished the program, but they never did. If I hadn't dropped the pills myself, I'd still be on them. But I'm no longer on their system? So what, they're going to pump pills into me and then forget about me? The system is ****ed.

Which, as you'd imagine, does nothing for my faith in people. So....nope. Not going to the doctor unless I get tricked into it and dragged there by someone else. I felt like a guinea pig with all the kinds of drugs they gave me, 'oh this one doesn't seem to be working as well, let's try this one, it's new on the market' I mean WTF. :blink: It's more for Jon's peace of mind than my own, if I do eventually end up with the 'professionals' again. He's got no idea how to help me himself. I honestly couldn't be arsed myself. I've been putting up a fight to do this because I don't even want to think about the repercussions this may have on my work. Do NOT want to lose my job :(
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