Why can't you people see that Slacri is obviously just trying to rile you people up?
He knows it's just a game, he knows the child was demonic, he knows all these things you guys are trying to convince him, yet you guys still try and counter his arguements. Let the man be, let him dislike DmC and the story, let him make his anti-statements. To argue with him is just to humour him.
On topic, I am all in for abortion. Especially if the child turns out to be the spawn of evil. It wasn't even born and yet it tried to kill Dante. So there you have it.
It was trying to murder Dante because the arsehole kicked in the door to his Mum's home and started beating the spit out of them both. Hell in the Spawn's position I'd have ripped that jerk's head off myself. It's hardly grounds for claiming that the Spawn was "evil". Really, even as a mature adult, try telling me you wouldn't try to protect your own mother if some gremlin-faced prat started trying to carve her up with a zweihander.
What is the actual counter-argument here? You can't possibly morally justify killing a sentient creature against it's mother's will in these circumstances, unless it's the act of a morally reprehensible berk like Vergil. Even then the scene was clearly engineered to be "provocative" in the most lazy way possible (Sudden violence against women and children x2 C-c-combo!) in order to drum up some controversy to get the game more press. Let's not forget either that it precedes that really stupid scene where Dante spontaneously gains the power to shift to-and-from Limbo whenever he wants, but you're so busy being stunned by the abortion and the fact that A DEVIL CRIES IN A DEVIL MAY CRY GAME WHAT THE HELL that you barely notice.
Why couldn't the Spawn have survived? You could introduce it as a new recurring character with a revenge-obsession for Dante. You know, introduce new elements to the lore and ways to expand on the story? He could have ended up like this guy:

Oh wait, that would make the game like Berserk, which is awesome, and we can't very well have that, can we.