Well there are few games that even feature content like that to begin with, at least in the field of high profile games like DMC. I have played plenty of games where the story is much more of a focus and character do things that you would think would have a big effect on them and it ends up just being kind of meh, like it was not important. At times it can really crush the story momentum for me or just make me laugh out loud or infuriate me.I've always been saddened by how so many fans mistake Classic Vergil as an honourable man.
The whole point of the two brothers and their interplay is that they're a study in contrasts. Dante is brash and extroverted, Vergil is reserved and introverted. Dante uses guns and fights like a psychotic berserker, yet will always give his adversaries a chance at mercy before giving them the death blow (Griffin, Cerberus, Nevan, etc) whereas Vergil ostensibly abides by samurai law and despises all firearms, and yet defies Bushido by striking foes who are already down (Dante) or already injured (Beowulf).
It's a fallacy that fans often resort to when they're just disgusted with how poorly DmC handles the entire babycide scenario and don't know exactly how to articulate what exactly is so wrong about it.
I've made it pretty clear that I don't think it was necessarily a bad way of demonstrating Vergil's more despicable nature. In my favourite manga there's a point where the protagonist accidentally kills a little boy during an assassination.
The difference between Berserk and DmC is that the crime Guts has committed has a profound, soul crushing effect on him and those who are aware of it, which has echoes throughout the narrative from that point on. In DmC it's something to be blithely ignored and scooted on from, even bragged about after the fact.
I know, different mediums and everything, but off the top of your head, can you think of any video game narrative that has tried a move like this and treated it so incredibly badly?
The argument could be made that Vergil having little reaction to what he did could show that he has probably done other horrible things like that in the past to reach his goal, or that NT originally had more of story section fleshed out but cut it for time as is the usual case(of course we may never know), but that is besides the point. The actual point is that they chose to make Vergil that much of a dick and yes they missed an opportunity to have greater character development for whatever reason. I have seen a lot worse in higher caliber games with more prominent stories so I don't think it's an end all. But I really can see your point and can understand why you have a different opinion on the matter.
I would argue that Vergil not really caring at all shows character development and shows he is a ruthless dude and he even goes so far as to convince Dante to take the blame for it and taunt Mundus about it which is really awful and "dishonorable" but fits this new iteration as a cruel, master manipulator hiding behind nice words perfectly