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The Lust for Power

Mr Anderson

gun slinging sword master
If you believe I am not mature I apologize but my input is not needed we have a plan so lets us go find them *stilll straight faced and neutral*

ps that was awkward azuka *looks weirded out*


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Dylan smiled when he saw Sora, but it quickly faded away. "Where's Nero?" He said, slightly worried.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Dylan shook his head. "Why would they be there? The only thing of importance was Spellbinder..." He held up the bright gold sword. "There is nothing left to take."

Satsui no Hado

(back at the castle)
Asylum:So we managed so sneak in this far huh?
Nero:In the mess hall?
Asylum:Yeah...we have to continue though...
Nero:I know that...but where though?
Asylum:I'm not sure but-oh no,someones coming.Quickly,hide!!!*goes under the table and then Nero goes under the table aswell*
Asylum:Stay quiet...
*the door opens and Aeon enters*
Aeon:Hmm,I wonder if I left my monocle here...*starts to walk around*


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Dylan's eyes widened. "We have a problem. We gotta go. Now. And I mean right now." Spellbinder started glowing, the blue runes brightening. "There is evil inside the temple."

Satsui no Hado

Aeon:Maybe I left it here...*knocks the large table over*do you think I'm a moron?
Nero:Yeah actually...*fires his gun at Aeon but Aeon stopped the bullets before they hit him*
Aeon:I control time,maybe not so well.But its only a matter of time when Lord Loch teaches me how to control time perfectly...
Asylum:You can't teach a dead person...*blows Aeon with a wind spell which makes Aeon crash into a wall*
Aeon:You'll regret doing that...


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Dylan didn't wait for the others to listen. He took off running towards the temple. The glow from Spellbinder grew brighter the closer he got.

Satsui no Hado

*Aeon rapidly fires Warlock energy from his Clock sword while Asylum creates a barrier around him and Nero*
Aeon:That barrier will eventually break you know...
Nero:Not before I break your bones!*Nero smashes his Yamato arm into the ground and makes a giant hand rise below Aeon,the hand grabs Aeon and starts to smash against the wall*
Asylum:Alright then...*makes the barrier fade away*
*Aeon escapes the hands grip by teleporting out of it and teleports right beside Nero,then Aeon stabs Nero in the gut.
Asylum:Nero!*shoots Aeons hands with lightning and makes Aeon let go of the clock sword*
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