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The Lust for Power

Mr Anderson

gun slinging sword master
*has one of those wierd moments like in the movie*
aerith zack is that really you

yea we heard you and yes you need a little more discipline but we do believe in you and i and im betting Angeal would agree with me buster sword was left in capable hands id be honored if you used it to defeat evil

we do belive in you cloud and you are doing great remeber we are always watching over you you have just as much courage as us but as i said its not your time go help your allies

thanks for everything guys we all miss you

your welcome now go

*flashes out is by zacks grave and buster sword*thanks zack so much *grabs the sword*im off *pushes button and bolts fenrir towards the gates as fast as it can go*


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Dylan walked towards the gates just as Cloud got there. Dylan let go of Azuka's hand and sighed. "Cloud, I'm sorry for what I said before. Your fight is your fight." He showed Cloud Spellbinder. "I got what I was looking for. Did you?"

Mr Anderson

gun slinging sword master
apology accepted nd im sorry i need a bit more discipline but yea i got it *pulls out buster sword with its slightly rusted edge and long hilt*


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Dylan looked at the sword. "That looks old. Does it hold a memory for you? That's the only reason I can think of that you'd have a sword like that."

Mr Anderson

gun slinging sword master
yes it does hold memory but also give me a minute *goes out of sight and uses a few elemental materia to make the sword good as new then walks back with it looking best as it ever was*this is for fighting purposes too


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Dylan nodded, impressed. "It's a great sword. Mine can cure my father of the curse that Kayne put on him. At least, it should be able to. It has the power to dispel most evil spells."

Mr Anderson

gun slinging sword master
i cant explainn this swords history only me and 2 other living people know it and it may not have special powers but its great and has done great things


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Dylan nodded. "This sword's never been used. It was made in case the throne was taken. And it's happened, so I took it. With a bit of help." He looked at Azuka, smiling.

Satsui no Hado

*Sora and Scarecrow find the others*
Sora:Hey everyone,this is our new friend.His name is Scarecrow.
Scarecrow:Its a pleasure to meet you all...


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Dylan bowed slightly. "I hope that you'll be helping us on our journey." He then looked at Asylum. "I got what I came for. Look at this." He showed Asylum Spellbinder. "It has the ability to destroy evil spells and energy."


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Dylan stepped back. "That can't be right... The Spellbinder cured me of that!" He kept his sword lowered so as not to look threatening. "That's not right..."

Satsui no Hado

*Scarecrow lowered his weapon*
Scarecrow:Calm yourself,the stench came from the warlock energy that used to be in you.Or atleast I'm guessing...


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Dylan took a deep breath, realizing he still had his hood on. "Alright, good... Good... Also..." He took his hood off slowly. "I'm not your average warrior, as you can plainly see."

Satsui no Hado

OOC:I forgot to put on Scarecrow's description.
Character Name:Scarecrow
Personality:Emotionless,shows no sympathy or remorse at all during fighting,always keeps his cool.
Appearance:Wears a straw hat,wears a long black coat with a few rips on the bottom of it,wears farming pants,wears large leather shoes with a buckle on both of them.
Weapon:A scythe with four blades filled with poison and the bottom of the scythe is an opening that can fire flames that can be activated by pressing the button on the Scythe's handle.
Biography:Hes one of the three legendary spirits that were created by Merlin.They were created to help spellcasters against the dragons during their war with each other.Scarecrow was the most loyal and intellegent out of the three spirits.The three spirits were sealed into three different magic coins.The coins were used to summon the spirits.Whoever summoned had complete control over them for 2 hours.After those hours,the spirits cannot be summoned for another hour

Satsui no Hado

(meanwhile in the dragon castle)
Nero:Shouldn't we have had the others come with us?
Asylum:That would have made it hard to sneak around...
Asylum:There are Keneka,Azuka,Dylan,Sora,Cloud and Scarecrow...that makes eight of us.Stealth wouldn't be easy...
Nero:I guess...but couldn't we have just split up?
Asylum:If we did that,there would have been a chance that we ran into a very powerful opponent alone...
Nero:How about if we split up in groups?
Asylum:Look,its too late now anyway.
Nero:Yeah,I guess...


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Dylan held Spellbinder out, the gold blade and blue runes glowing. "Sure, but be careful. It's the only one of it's kind."
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