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The Lust for Power


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Dylan sensed the other dragon's presence and sped up a little. "We're going to have company soon." He said to his passengers. "Get ready for a fight."

Mr Anderson

gun slinging sword master
*a mile ahead of dylan with dylan gaining on me*i see dragons and they are about to attack not again *puts on dragon armmor*

Satsui no Hado

Asylum:I don't see any dr-*a dragon tackles Dylan*
*Sora and Keneka start to slip*
Sora:Get that brute off of him!!!*strikes the Dragon in the head with Vanitas*
*Nero grabs the dragon with his yamato arm and then tosses it away*
Asylum:Nice job Nero.
Nero:Thanks,you okay Dylan?


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Dylan nodded. "I'm fine. My skin's tough enough to resist claws and teeth. But don't kill any of the dragons... They're being forced into this."

Satsui no Hado

Nero:By what?
Asylum:...Kayne I bet.
Sora:So Asylum,what history do you have with Kayne?
Asylum:*sign*Well it star-*dragon knocks Dylan out of the way, and more and more dragons fly toward Dylan at incredible speed*


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Dylan gritted his teeth. "Guys, hold on tight." He didn't give the guys time to answer. He did a loop and flew behind the dragons that had been moments ago heading right for him.

Mr Anderson

gun slinging sword master
*jumps into the air and starts fighting dragons but not killing any*hurry up ill take them you hurry to kayne ill meet back there *a dragon breathes fire engulfing me in flames*good thing i have that armor i would have been toast without it

theyll follow you and you cant dodge them all *fire ice lightning and other elements hurtle at me* *i dodge and block with my sword*


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Dylan nodded. "Come back in one piece, okay?" He shouted to his friend. Then he veered off and flew towards the City of Dragons.

Mr Anderson

gun slinging sword master
glad they bought that now to try not to die while keeping dragons from them it would be easy but im not allowed to kill any *a dragon tries to punch me with its huge fist* taste my god hand *punches with full power with god hand at its fist*


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Dylan flew to the city in less than two hours, but when they got there, he had to stop and look. An expression of pain covered his face as he looked upon the destruction of the city. The only thing that was left standing was the capital building, the Temple. "Father..." He muttered. "I'm coming."

Mr Anderson

gun slinging sword master
well after an hour or 2 i finally win all dragons are unconcious im in one piece with a few broken bits and deep gashes and now im tired *gets out 2 materia* now im off uses heir power to catch up to everyone in 3 minutes flat *says pleased with himself*maybe i should have used a curing materia first *gets out another materia and is healed*

Mr Anderson

gun slinging sword master
wat about me a minute ago my ribs were shattered and i was blleding in varios places ooooooohhhhh yeah i hope your okay dylan *realizing that his home was destroyed*


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Dylan sighed. "As long as father is alright, I can rest easy. His pain is unbearable... But as long as the pain exists, he exists." He looked at Asylum. "If it's not too much trouble... Can we save my father?"

Satsui no Hado

*The pink haired boy gets up and looks around*
Pink haired boy:That was mean of him....
Character Description:
Appearance: Pink hair,green sweater,blue pants,wears glasses,doesn't have shoes but does walk around with black socks.
Powers:Able to grow parasatic body parts thanks to his T-virus(Yes he has the T-virus from Resident Evil but he didn't go threw the same effects as others)
Personality:Shy,Sensetive,Only desires a caring family.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Dylan looked at Asylum again. "Asylum, you didn't answer my question. Would you mind if we detoured to save my father?"

Satsui no Hado

Asylum:I'm sorry Dylan,I was daydreaming of me and my father.This reminds me of my father's deed,except your father is the one being tortured while my father was the one doing the torturing.Yes,we will go and help your father.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Dylan nodded. "Thank you. You don't know what this means to me. I'd hug you, but that'd look weird." He looked at the temple, his eyes furious. "Let's go. I know the quickest way there." He spread his wings. "Come on."
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