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The Lust for Power


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
DanteDude99;247169 said:
ooc:aww wats the point of all that materia cloud gets in advent children if he doesnt use it

OOC: So we can stick together and NOT get confused.

IC: Dylan got up slowly and unsheathed his claws, clearly angry. "Whoever did this will DIE, or I'll die trying. And so help me if they lay a finger on my father again..." He looked at his hands. "There will be a blood-debt to pay."

Mr Anderson

gun slinging sword master
hey azuka i thought you were going to take out the dragon but you like fell into some kind of trance so i had to

Satsui no Hado

Asylum:Guys,its time we get going to the Land of Dragons.We have to find a quicker way...
Nero:How about Cloud and Azuka drive while me,you and Sora fly?
Nero:Cloud and Azuka could use Fenrir to drive to the Land of Dragons while Dylan could take you,me and Sora there by flying us there?
Asylum:Uh,how can he?
Nero:Well Dylan could grab you and me by the hands while Sora rides on his back.
Asylum:I don't know,that sound okay to you Dylan?

Mr Anderson

gun slinging sword master
how come when i suggested my motorcycle earlier no one agrreed ((not in a post but for arguments sake lets say i suggested my moto))


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Dylan nodded. "Yes, yes that would work. I will fly slightly slower, but I should be able to keep up, if not go slightly faster than your bike." He looked at the sky, deep in thought. "Father, we will rescue you. That's a heart-promise."

Mr Anderson

gun slinging sword master
oh whew thats good that means i can do this *grabs a remote and presses a button fenrir gets bigger* now it maxes at i dont know the highest i went was 800mph and it could go faster but ill keep it at 290


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Dylan shook his head. "We should go at the same speed so we don't get separated. Even 10 MPH could mean all the difference."

Mr Anderson

gun slinging sword master
huh okay 280 but you know that means it will take 2 more hours to reach the first and that could make all the difference


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Dylan looked down at the ground, deep in thought. "Alright, I have something to try, then. The last time I was clocked for my speed was ten years ago, when I was five. Maybe now that I'm older, I can go faster. We can always try. So, let's try 300, okay?"

Satsui no Hado

Asylum:I'm ready.
Nero:Same here.
Sora:Wait what about Keneka?
Nero:He'll be on the back with you Sora.
*Asylum grabs Dylan's arm,Nero grabs on to the other arm,Sora and Keneka are on Dylans back*
Asylum:Lets fly.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Dylan spreads his huge wings and takes off, then quickly catches up with Fenrir. "I guess I can go this fast...." He muttered to himself.

Satsui no Hado

Asylum:Flying is so excotic...
Nero:I used to envy dragons for having this pleasure.
(from afar in the land of the dragons castle)
Kayne:Asylum,I can feel his presence close by.Unacceptable,*faces to the air dragon troops*go and dispose of this pest.
One of the air dragons:Why should we?
Kayne:You'll do it for your king's sake.
*the air dragons looked at each other and then started to rush to the roof of the castle and then took off to attack Asylum*
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