The Legend

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Durante;200086 said:
I believe this has been mentioned many times aioshi. Please read all the threads and every post in devil may cry forum and you will come back to your senses. The twins are like Sparda split into two. One is dark and cold who stays honorable but still seeks dark powers just like Sparda when he served Mundus. And Dante a person with rebellious annoying character and a person who cares for the weak,just like Sparda when he rebelled against Mundus.

Most of discussions relate them to their human differences in idealogy. I am referring to the demonic personality. There is no demon with a katana but vergil which makes him a unique character and a demonic personality which is different from sparda and dante. Seeking power could very well be in same lines as with guns and swords as sparda. One theory is that he was made a boss in the game and was given moves with a katana.This amount of uniqueness in a character is wat led to the question. And with nero in lines of vergil, Could there be more info on the character?

I think manga are based on games after they were released and I dont think it is owned by capcom. I believe games need to be source as manga are based on info from games.
Screw it i don't care. Yamato belonged to Sparda... It was a gift from his father just like rebellion to Dante. You are making up facts out of air. I don't see what's wrong with Vergl and Dante having different moves,infact Capcom would have to be stupid to make two playable characters with the same moves. And Nero has the same moves because he has the same weapon. Moar info on Nero in DMC5 i suppose :3
*caves head in against a brick wall*

Vergil and Dante don't have the same fighting technique because Vergil 'is a warrior fallen from grace'

(profile on vergil on there are links to stuff about dark slayer etc)

a link where the 'warrior fallen from grace' thing comes from... just incase you needed proof

Sorry cv, i seem to have hijacked your thread...
Forget about Nero...
I've just been sitting on the 'can'. (not something you'll particularly wanna know), and sitting there, i had an 'epiphany'.

I was an art student at college about 5 years ago (DMC3 came out about the same time)... and i learnt something called 'the colour wheel'

Take Dante and Vergil's DT
And you end up with

Tah-da... It's Sparda's DT!!
Un mix the purple and you have Dante and Vergil

(Also, because Nero wears Red&Blue clothes could definitely hint at a reincarnation of Sparda)

(It made sense to me. Message me if you're confused)
Sparda™;200130 said:

It is stated in games and other media referring to Sparda disappearing before the twins' birthday (supposedly their 8th-9th). He had left to Eva the amulet and his swords - Rebellion and Yamato as a memento to his children.

I see.. So he didin't leave behind force edge? So when Arkham found the sword in Hell wasn't that the last place Sparda could have been? Or perhaps died there? :O
Force Edge is the 'key' to Sparda's power. When Arkham picked up FE He turned into a demon with 'unstable' power. Force Edge was locked away with the rest of Sparda's power.
I guess that makes sense. He probably used the twins swords. I remember from somewhere saying that he can acess his powers for a limited amount of time. And if he did leave all of his gear then it doesnt make sense unless he wanted to face death unarmed or travel somewhere on earth.
Durante;200200 said:
I guess that makes sense. He probably used the twins swords. I remember from somewhere saying that he can acess his powers for a limited amount of time. And if he did leave all of his gear then it doesnt make sense unless he wanted to face death unarmed or travel somewhere on earth.

Sparda defeated the Devil Emperor's armies before moving on to the King himself, Mundus. After defeating him, he took other measures to ensure they wouldn't come back. He sealed the passage which would allow the coming of the Devil King and his armies in the Human World, the Temen-ni-gru.

At some 2000 years ago, Sparda used a complex sequence of rituals to seal the Temen-ni-gru, which required the confiscation of the Seven Sins' names, the imprisonment of the tower's gatekeepers - Cerberus, Agni & Rudra, Beowulf, Nevan, Geryon, Doppelganger and Leviathan. He also poured a lion's share of his powers to his beloved sword, the Force Edge, his blood combined with the blood of a priestess in conjunction with the Amulet.

All these rituals kept the tower underground, until Arkham lured his own daughter, Mary/Lady and used Vergil and then Dante to accomplish the unlocking of Sparda's seals.

Because the Force Edge is the unawakened state of Sparda's sword, to fully awaken It, the wielder must have Sparda's blood in his veins and both parts of the amulet together.


Once that is accomplished, the Force Edge awakens in its true form, the Sparda sword we all know.


While in the Human World, Sparda used the Perfect Amulet to access his powers, but only for a short period of time, as a huge amount of his powers were sealed in his sword in Hell, which kept the most important portal to the demon world, sealed.

However, he had Rebellion and Yamato with him. Later, in the 20th century, he seemingly obtained Luce & Ombra.
thanks for going out of your way and explaining Sparda. But i already know that,what i meant then is where he departured after leaving Eva with all of his devil gear and going somewhere completely naked. Perhaps this question is out of reach due to insufficient details. But he must have been a complete jacka$$ to dissapear somewhere leaving his family behind.
Durante has a good point, which kind of coincides with my initial understanding of Dante being bitter toward Sparda. I mean the jack@$$ part for upping and leaving on a whim. No explanations, no forewarning, just POOF and Sparda's gone, and the boys are left with little Eva to fend for them all.
Not to mention the demon attack on Eva. Mundus must have been already around then and by the looks of it Sparda ran off somewhere before the tragedy happened traumatizing both of the twins. I wonder if in the end Sparda dumped them,Vergil seems to respect his father probably because he wants to be as powerful as him,while Dante despises his father until DMC1 plot. EDIT:@Vergilsb*itch it is highly unlikely since he didint have amulet or any devil arms when he left unless he found an alternative way
I expect There are hell gates scattered throughout the world of dmc i expect. They probably have different methods of activation.
If Sparda knew he was dying, perhaps he didn't want Eva or the Boys to see him suffer. Perhaps he didn't like the idea of the ones he love seeing him weak or suffering.
hmm thats possible. But why should he die? He wasnt human to begin with neither did he age. Either way he must have known that Mundus is ressurecting but didint try to protect his family. He is either dead (unlikely) or still wandering somewhere. As to going to hell and getting killed by Mundus and every demon down there doesnt make sense since he wasnt welcome there in the first place
Ooooh, *EDIT* VB *SORRY!*, I really like that theory! :D
So... what if Sparda didn't leave because he wanted to? What if Eva gave him the boot?
Eva: I don't like being stalked by demons. It's your fault. They're after you. Get out!
Sparda: Okay just let me get my stuff...
Eva: GET OUT! * kicks Sparda out*

LOL. Funnies aside, that could be possible, right? That is, of course, if Sparda lived and didn't die. Although I don't think Dante would have gotten all sentimental and sappy about 'forbidden love' (refer to the anime) if Sparda hadn't died and therefore left them exposed.
If your theory is true and Sparda resides in hell and if Capcom continues DMC2 storyline we should see Dante meet up with Sparda and Trish XD. Hey what if the guy on the motorcycle in DMC2 ending was Sparda? xd either way DMC2 storyline messed everything up for the first one,they shouldnt have rushed it
Heck,when you think about it any theory is about possible,it all comes to Capcom. Oh and it just hit me,why would Vergil try to fall in DMC3 ending perhaps his true intentions were to find his father all along? Saying ,,This was our fathers home'' doesnt really look like he wanted to die there. He could have wanted to find him in hell and Dante was in the way?
VD!! (isn't that an STI?)
I've always shared a theory that Eva was a mean lad for throwing cutlery and pots and pans.
Perhaps Eva feared for her sons lives...
As for DMC2, we just assumed it was Dante on the bike... it could've been Trish, who came back to see if Dante was okay.
DMC makes more questions than it answers.
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